
A war to begin

I'm underestimated girl who doesn't know what, how or where to obtain something huge for my life... who knows what tomorrow might become...

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The search

As we arrived at school i was relieved. Our school had items that they forbid such as tinned food, noodles, cans, strong perfumes and not forgetting the phones or any gadget excluding a laptop only.

As many as we were the team from the bus, they had to to search us even though it was dark.I had a headache which I tried to explain to the teachers so that they will search me first and i will sleep.

As hard as it was to convince them it took them 5 searches to believe me

Mrs Sellsman/ come here Tinker let me search you.

"Thank you ma'am"

Without even going further on searching, Mrs Sellsman found a Samsung Galaxy S10 in my bag. I was shocked that I only muttered the word "what" and i couldn't say anything.In my whole life i haver never owned even a Samsung Galaxy S8 but I had a small Nokia that was made before 2005.

Mrs sellsman hides the phone and whispered im my ears that, "why did u bring your phone... that is against the rules

Ma'am I di...

Mrs sellsman/will talk later in private now you can go and I hope you don't have something illegal again.

"I promise ma'am I'm clean

Some people were staring like they knew what was happening. I couldn't even walk properly with the questions on my mind but have no answers.

I couldn't sleep till 2am because of the situation that had happened during the search

The Following morning

Students were chattering, teachers were still in their staffroom as they were waiting for the opening assembly.

At assembly point i was shocked hearing Timothy talking to Tyler and Elisa that they were waiting for me to be called by our principal . They didn't notice that I was behind them and their whispers were too loud.

This assembly shocked me because everyone seems to enjoy with the smiles on their face and they were not even talking at assembly like they usually do. Everyone were too quiet for my liking and it made me more nervous.

Headmistress: Ok students, you may go to your respective classes...Hope you will behave this year.

Students: Argh ...

Form four and six students who were at the back started to shout that, "you left something"!.

As someone who didn't know what they were saying I just went to my class and started reading my novel. I select a desk from the backseat because I wanted to change.

Tayana:Boys since when do we have this kind of girl at back seat

Timothy: I was also shocked.

Tim: With all due respect can you move from my seat as you can see all of my crew they are seating on their seats.

"but you can seat wherever you want when the term starts"

Tim: (imitating me in his hoarse voice) Can u move now because I'm no longer asking but telling you.

(with low voice) I'm not gonna move you can sit at the second row because they is a vacant seat

Elisa: Don't tell me that you are going to be my desky because that is not gonna happen. I'm going to seat at the second row. You can seat here Tim.

Tim: Don't worry Tim is the one who's gonna leave....

The room was filled with silence in less than seconds

Mrs Sellsman:I can see that some people are pretending to be quiet. I saw you all but I'm not here for that. Tinker follow me in my office.

Elisa: yoh I smell trouble.

Everyone looked at me following the teacher and some were feeling pity though I did not it was real or they were faking it, the world 🌍 is full of professional pretenders anyways.

Mrs Sellsman: Without wasting time can you tell me the story of the phone

"Ma'am to be honest I don't know anything..You can call my aunty about it and ask her if I had ever have that type of phone she will tell you that she can't even afford it.

Mrs Sellsman: This generation have their ways of getting something they cannot afford, for examples the blessers or selling drugs.How can I trust you.

"ma'am, I have never had anything like that in my mind so how can I be stupid and do it.You also know ma'am that I once participate in the campaign of helping the children who are doing illegal stuffs.

Mrs Sellsman: That doesn't mean you are not guilty as well

"but ma...

Mrs Sellsman: Did i say you can talk now. You know that I'm going to....