
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

My Sister, A Royal Boy Thief!

I found her alright. She looked sad like she didn't even want Azura here in the first place. I felt bad for her. I never knew what she was going through, or even if she was going through it. I was just always stuck in my head and how bad my life was so I didn't even pay attention. "Hey Xnile whatcha doing". She stared at me for a few seconds before bursting out in tears. " Xnile what happened". I went over to her and hugged her. " I am not even Azura's friend and she's trying to take Eldon from me. Also if she was my friend she wouldn't do this to me and she always treated me like her servant and mom doesn't care. AND MORE!" She continues sobbing in my shirt until Eliana walks into the room. " Oh my gosh Xnile what's wrong, Xnile? ". Xnile is so upset that when she tries to talk to Eliana she just sobs some more. Her crying gets so loud that eventually mom comes in. " WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS"! Mom shouts so loud that Azura comes in and tries to be Xnile's friend. " Oh dear Xnile let me help you get cleaned up then maybe you can tell me what's bothering you". She says in her sweetest fakest tone. I swear I saw Azura make a disgusted face at Xnile when she tried to help her up so I made a move. I swat Azura's hand away from Xnile and yelled at her. " AZURA STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH XNILE! SHE DOESN'T"T EVEN WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND SHE TOLD ME, AND I KNOW YOU DON"T WANT TO BE HERS EITHER!" Azura is left speechless. I felt like I did the right thing when Azura tilted her head a little to the left and smirked,then I saw it. MY BIGGEST NIGHTMARE. I totally forgot that mom was still in the room. " Mazori Maiyu HOW DARE YOU YELL AT OUR GUEST YOU ROTTEN STREET RAT OF A TOMATO! SERVANT AS PUNISHMENT YOU WILL SPEND THE REST OF THE NIGHT SLEEPING OR WALKING OUTSIDE! DO YOU HEAR ME!?" I am left speechless. How could my own mother kick me out of the palace for yelling at someone. If someone yelled at me she would probably give them a Grammy award. I nod, grab a jacket for a blanket and walk out. I was so upset at the trouble I was in for sticking up for my sister. I wonder why mom had to be like this. There is a thing such as discipline but what she was showing me was not discipline. IT WAS ABUSE. I went down the boardwalk, " Mazori ." I turned around to see Xnile huffing behind me. " Thank you for standing up for me." I smiled. "Of course." Wow you really are pretty. Way prettier than me." I was shocked. " ME, pretty?" " Yeah, you're really pretty with your awesome scarlet red hair." That made me happy. I never thought anyone could see me as pretty. Me and Xnile spent the rest of the night talking about normal things. The fact that we didn't get along didn't even come up. I felt like I had A friend and a real sister for once. " Xnile, do you know why mom is like this?" I guess all the happiness that we had was drained when she didn't answer for about 7 minutes. " Yes". She finally answered. " Does it have to do with me?" I asked. " Yes". She replied again. " What is it?' she sighed. " It was your father. Me and Eliana have the same dad. Your dad is different. He was a cheater. He also stole from mom. But the thing is that he was very handsome and looked just like you. Here look at this picture. I stole it a year ago." " Wow, my dad really did look like me. Red hair, Blue eyes, tan skin. Same nose, EVERYTHING!" She nodded. " That's why mom hated you, she saw your dad whenever she looked at you and treated you like a servant she felt she was getting revenge." I was shocked. I never knew this. I never knew I had a dad ALIVE, and one that looked just like me. " Did you ever hate me"? She answered hesitantly, " No, I just didn't want to like you. I am sorry. Now I see just how much fun you could be." I smiled again. We continued talking the night away. We didn't realize how long we were talking till we saw the sunlight start to come up. " Wait a minute, didn't you miss your date when you came to me late at night? "" Yup but it's okay, Azura was going to win him anyways, It's fine." "Who was going to win me"? We both turned around to see ELDON behind us. Xnile took my hand and pinched me so hard that I yelled, " Ouch"! He saw this and laughed. " It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." Xnile was blushing so hard that I thought her face would bust. He laughed again and said " Just in case I'm Eldon." " I, I , I k,k,know", Xnile stuttered. " I am sorry for missing the event last night." " Oh your mom canceled it for today, that's why I came and found you". " What about Azura, did you find her?" " Oh yeah no I forgot, but I am glad I came and found you, you're very pretty." I swear he blushed too. SO CUTE. My little sister might finally get the guy she always wanted. Then I remembered, " Hey um Eldon did you hear our convo"? " Maybe", he laughed. " And Xnile I never said Azura would win." Xnile pinched me harder. She was blushing harder too. " Here you look tired and exhausted." Eldon picked up Xnile and started carrying her home. Xnile looked so happy. I was happy for her. I may not have gotten Charles like I wanted but that's okay. I now have Xnile and Eliana. I just hoped nothing would change the night I was gone, with Eliana. " Mazori , are you coming?" I realized while Eldon was carrying Xnile home I was still sitting on the sand at the beach. " Oh yes, sorry about that." I laughed. I followed them the whole way back home. Eldon was a pretty nice guy and only one year younger than me. When we got home Azura came fuming when she saw that Xnile was still in Eldon's arms. " XNILE WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE RUBBING MY SHOES. THEY ARE TOO DIRTY. LIKE YOU. AND ALSO YOU WEIGH TOO MUCH TO BE CARRIED YOU DIRTY BABY. HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A SHOWER!" Eliana came running and you won't believe what she did next. She SLAPPED Azura right across the face and said, " DON"T YOU DARE TALK TO MY SISTER LIKE THAT. YOU DON"T LIVE HERE AND SHE DOES NOT HAVE TO CLEAN YOUR SHOES! SHE IS A PRINCESS AND YOU ARE A GUEST!" Azura started crying and dramatically fell into Eldon's arms, accidentally making him drop Xnile. He immediately pushed her away and helped Xnile up. " Are you okay?" ' Yeah". " I sure hope you're not Azura because if you are, I definitely won't pick you." We all laughed leaving him confused and when he asked what's so funny we practically said at the same time, " SHE IS AZURA ''! Azura looked so embarrassed that she looked like a tomato now! She did what she always did when she was embarrassed and upset, " MISS LUBIALONE"! And then mom came hurtling down the steps asking Azura what she needed. I was so frustrated that when she responded I didn't even fully hear because I was thinking so many thoughts in my head. '' Eliana go to your room, Mazori go to your room as well." " Me and Eliana exchanged glances. We knew what this meant. Mom and Azura weren't happy with Eldon's pick of girl. We walked up the steps to see mom walk over to talk to Eldon, then Xnile. The last thing I saw was Xnile burst into tears and run away outside and Azura smirk. I feel it was directly at me. Eldon looked furious which was hard to see sense he always looked so calm and pleasant. '' LISTEN TO ME ELDON. YOU WILL NOT DATE XNILE! YOU WILL DATE AZURA!" I saw Eldon run outside after Xnile and I also thought I heard him say, " Watch me". When I got to my room all I could hear was Azura's screaming and crying.

" Mazori AND ELIANA, PLEASE COME DOWN!" Mom finally called us down to talk. Me and Eliana both came out of our rooms at the exact same time, close enough to exchange glances even though we were silent the whole time. When we got down the stairs we saw Xnile on the floor in tears. Mom was hollering at her. When mom saw us she told us each to sit down. " Girls, we need each of you to have a prince. Eliana, we both know you have Charles. Mazori .. Um I don't know, can you pick Philp, or maybe Alexander, or maybe Albert. " Actually mom, I don't want Charles anymore." " WHAT!" " Well then you need to pick a new boy too". "No mom, what I am trying to say is I don't like any of the boys." " Yeah me me neither, I mean I used to like Charles but I don't anymore". You will not believe who walked into the room next. CHARLES! I hated my life so much at this point. " Charles dear, come take a seat on this couch." Mom acted like he was supposed to be here, but who knows maybe he was. Charles stared at me from across the room, I could tell he heard me when I said I used to love him but don't anymore. After staring at me for another 2 minutes while mom tried to calm down Xnile he turned to stare at the floor. Eldon actually looked scary as mom talked to Xnile. He was breathing really hard. His face was a boiling red. He stood in a position that looked like he was ready to punch mom. It was pretty hard to see him like this. When Charles saw him I could tell he was worried about his brother as well. After a long attempt mom couldn't get Xnile to stop crying so she took her upstairs and told us to stay seated and NO TALKING. After about 20 minutes in total silence mom came down with Xnile dressed in a pretty black dress. She wasn't crying but didn't look happy. I also saw Eldon have a huge wave of blush. " Thank you kids for your patience, I have decided to give Eldon a week to pick either Xnile or Azura. He can't pick now, In a week" . I swore I heard her mumble under her breath, " he better pick Azura cause I'm giving him a week." Mom was really a self absorbed jerk, and probably the worst mother ever. She came and sat Xnile down next to me on the couch and said she is not done with the meeting. Thank god she didn't say family because I would throw up in disgust. " So Eliana I don't care if you don't pick Charles but I need you to pick one of the boys to date. Mazori you too. Eliana, who will it be?" She stared at Charles then at me. She thought for a moment. " Albert." We all gasped in shock. That was a random answer. ' Okay". " Mazori , You?" I was panicking. I didn't want to marry anyone. I wasn't ready to give my life up for mom. Charles stared at me with puppy dog eyes. " Uh, uh uh, uh, uh". " Mazori LUBIALONE! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS. HURRY UP AND ANSWER!" " Alexander" I saw Charles smile a soft, sad smile at me. " Okay, Charles sorry but there's no need for you to be here anymore, but please do tell king James to call me and schedule a conv someday soon. Thanks. Shut the door on your way out." Charles left. I could tell he looked sad that I didn't pick him but how could I? He yelled at me, treated me horrible, and blamed me for things I would never do. THE WORST WAS THAT HE KISSED ELIANA IN FRONT OF ME, AND ENJOYED IT. Was it worth it Charles? Azura came and looked a little bored. She was looking out the window totally ignoring us."Azura dear, come come." Azura looked at mom like she wanted to throw up. " Sorry Miss Lubialone, but I don't need an obsessive old fan lady drooling over my new outfit and nails, maybe if you get checked out at the nurse I will consider." Me, Eldon, Xnile, and Eliana burst out laughing. If mom was a kind nice lady who respected people I would smack Azura across the face but as I said earlier, Mom is a self absorbed jerk who deserved to be told off. Mom looked so upset. " Now Azura, let's not talk to people like that." "Okay"? Mom loved Azura's beautiful face with golden eyes and brown hair too much to be mad at her. I had enough. I wanted to get outside before it got dark. " Mom, can I go outside now?" She rolled her eyes. " Whatever." Eliana went up to her room to play on her laptop and Eldon and Xnile went down into the basement to watch a movie. Guess where I am. Trick question. OUTSIDE! I decided to walk under the path called Hanamichi. It means Flower Road in Japanese. I walk happily. It is so beautiful. I see a girl that looks my age. She wears glasses and he's braided black hair and bangs. She also has gold eyes that don't look gold in the view. She looks nice. I walked up to her. I wonder if she really is nice. I also wonder about her name. Where I live there are not many schools because the school I go to goes from kindergarten to college. Weird right? I know. I am still on summer break though. My school name is Roiyarusukūru. " Hi", I called.