
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Azura the Royal Rat

I was hopeless. The only thing I hoped was that Charles came to his senses for tomorrow. I woke up to a banging on my door. Not the way I wanted to wake up. " WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT"! The door opened to my horror when I saw my mother walking through my door with the angriest face. " U-u mom" " Good morning". I was actually cursing myself out in my head. " You know Mazori , you embarrassed me so much I don't even want to be your mom". Then she walks out my door slamming it in my face. Gosh how many times am I going to get the door slammed in my face. Whatever. When Charles comes to pick me up I'm going to be in the best mood. No need to let stupid things bring me down. I got into my favorite blue dress. And waited outside for Charles to pick me up. I saw Charles' carriage coming up the street. I was ecstatic. Everything was good until I saw something that made my heart, tummy, and jaw drop. Eliana was in the carriage with Charles, arms wrapped around him. I was so confused. I was also angry. Why? Because Charles didn't care about what she was doing. I swear that even smirked when he saw me looking at him upset. As soon as the carriage fully pulls up in front of the palace Charles and Eliana kiss. Right smack on the lips. Eliana gets out of the carriage and pushes past me saying, " Even your so loved Charles prefers me to a rotten tomato. To be honest I didn't even pay her hurtful comment any attention. I stared at Charles as he kissed her again on the cheek before she was completely out of sight. '' CHARLES WHAT ON THE UNIVERSE WERE YOU THINKING." " I'M YOUR FREAKING FIANCE AND NOW YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME WITH MY VERY OWN SISTER. " Don't play me dumb Mazori . I know about all of your games. And don't say my very own sister. If she was your very own sister maybe you wouldn't push her onto the cement. " Okay two things, number one I didn't push her onto the cement, two even if I did that doesn't mean that it's okay for you to kiss my sister right in front of me." " Listen, even if you didn't push her, I just don't love you anymore." " But why? What Have I ever done to you". " I have only ever tried to be the perfect fiance for you but it was never enough". " Why?' " Mazori , I just spent some time with your sister and she is wonderful". " I just feel more of a connection with her." " Ya know what I mean." " Besides I have four other brothers that you can marry". " Well really three because I know that your sister Xnile wants him." Then Charles walked out on Mazori leaving her to silk on the Side of the road in her beautiful blue dress. She couldn't believe this. Eliana had ruined her whole life. Eliana had more than Mazori in EVERYTHING. Why did she need to take something yet so small and so precious to her. Mazori really hated Eliana now. She couldn't understand why Xnile, Mother, Charles and so many more people liked her so much. Sense I was a rotten tomato. She was A lying life runner evil terrible crazy sister. Ugh. Sorry that the name is so long but trust me there are so many more words that describe her. She's such a brat. Now I had to find out why Xnile hated me. I had to find out if she was blackmailed by That Evil Eliana. I was also mad at Charles. The person I had fallen in love with and wanted to be with for the rest of my life was not the person who would kiss Eliana right in front of me. I was starting to feel depressed. Like I shouldn't have been born in this world at all. Like I really am a ugly disappointment and no one in this entire world likes me. NO ONE. Not mom, Eliana, Xnile, Charles, and prob;y not even god if there is one. Oh I forgot to mention that I swore I felt the waves of my favorite place on my ankles when Charles walked away. I decided maybe one thing in this entire world loves me. THING. Like I said no person loves me but I think that there is one thing that does. Water. My favorite thing. To be honest I don't even think that my kitty Emma likes me. I decided to walk to the beach. I don't have the right clothes teh the water will give me anything I need. Like it's magical. Ahh. I feel the cool breeze press against my face. I love it. I am only about two feet deep into the ocean but I love it. After about another two minutes I hear a meow from behind me. I turn around to see Emma staring up at me with an adorable smile across her face. Emma is the cat Charles gave me 4 weeks ago. A little before we were engaged. I lean towards her with a smile across my face. I called her over. All I need right now is something to hug. Yes, no I do not mean the water. Emma has always been afraid of the water considering that she is a cat and that's normal but not today. She happily comes over to me. It's like the water is calling her too. The water is real. It's alive. It wants to help those of us who feel alone. And I am thankful for that. Very thankful. I sit there and hold Emma. " Ugh it seems like you're everywhere." "I turned around to see Eliana standing behind me. " Actually I always come here and it's your first time so stop acting like a spoiled brat." " Excuse me"? " Ya heard me Eliana ,STOP ACTING LIKE A SPOILED BRAT"! Eliana just stared at me with an annoyed expression on her face. on her face.

" What"? " You are looking at me like I killed a puppy". She looked up at Emma who I was still holding and pet her on the head. Emma did a pure twirl and Eliana laughed. " Do you like animals''? I asked. " Yeah but mom won't let me have one because she says that they can hurt my perfect skin. I just listened to her response in awe. She has never been this nice or understanding to me before. "Eliana". " Yeah". " Why did you lie to Charles and say I pushed you ''. Eliana stared at me for a while before answering. " Because I wanted to have Charles for myself and I am sorry". " Also I had another question, Why did you and Xnile always hate me.?" " Mom always taught me to not like you because you wanted my spotlight because you are prettier than me with your pretty Red hair and blue eyes' '. " Also because I wanted Charles but he wanted you". '' Oh". " Wait, you and mom think that I am pretty ." " She was always embarrassed to even let her guests see me". " No, she hates you because you're too pretty". " She wants me and Xnile to have all of the attention so she hides you because if she doesn't you will get all of the attention." " Do you know why Xnile hates me". " Gosh you're so dumb". After she says this she chuckles. I was confused. " Xnile doesn't hate you, you idiot." " I just stopped her from liking you.'" " But she said that I am an ugly disappointment". " Well I'm pretty sure mom told her to say that". " Really"? " Yeah". " Is my beauty the only reason mom hates me"? " Well for that ya have to ask mom Char". CHAR. I really liked that nickname. "ELIANA COME HERE PLEASE MY SWEET DAUGHTER". Mazori GET YOUR NASTY BUTT OVER HERE TOO". Eliana and Mazori walked home in silence. When they got home their mother was all over her. " Girls, where were you"? " Don't you know that Xnile's best friend is coming over and I need you guys to serve her". " Well really you Mazori , you dirty street rat.'" " Now girls get dressed". " Oh by the way Mazori her name is Azura". Wow I can't believe how nice Eliana really is. As soon as Azura got here all she would do is boss me around. And get this. MOM LIKED IT AND ENCOURAGED HER TO! " Mazori , get your rotten tomato street rat over here." Yup she copped the mean names mom and the.

old Eliana gave me. " I need you to help me fix my hair. I have a date with Eldon." " OMG", does Xnile know". " You don't ask questions but yes. He is going on a date with both of us and will pick one of us tomorrow." " But that is not the point you tomato with your ugly hair". " Now help me fix my hair". I helped that spoiled brat Azura do a cute Topsy Tail with her hair so that she could leave me alone. Guess what she asked me to do next. " Mazori , I need you to do my makeup". WHAT THE FREAK. Do her makeup. THE FREAKING GIRL WAS ONLY 13. Oh yeah I forgot ages. So Xnile and Azura were 13. Eldon was 14. Charles was 17. I was 15. Eliana was 16. That's not all the ages but the most important. 

I can't believe that Azura was bossing me around like a street rat. " Azura I can't do that." " MISS LUBIALONE I AM SORRY TO DISTURB YOU BUT MY SERVANT IS NOT DOING HER JOB"! I was so pissed with Azura right then and there. " Mazori Maiyu WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO MY POOR AZURA YOU DISGUSTION STREET RAT OF A SERVANT"? " I'm sorry mother and and Azura, I will now do your makeup". Mom looked at me with an unpleasant face before walking out. " Get to it Mazori ''. Azura was really pretty with her cinnamon brown hair and gold eyes and I didn't want her to make a fool out of herself in front of Eldon with way too much makeup on so I just did a little blush and gave her some compliments and I was done. OH MY GOSH, I forgot to mention I know that it's some weird ages to be married and date but that's how the royal life works. It's weird, I know. I was so done with Azura and I wondered where Xnile was. Weren't the two supposed to be best friends. Azura was way too busy bossing me around to even play with her best friend. I also hadn't realized how late it had gotten. It was already 10:14 pm. I went to check on Xnile.