
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A New Un-Royal Friend

She turned around from her phone to face me. She definitely looked new. " Hi, come sit next to me". She smiled. She sounded really nice. I went to sit next to her on the bench she was sitting on. " What's your name"? She asked me. " Mazori Maiyu Lubialone, you?" " Rezuela Kinochi", "Are you from around here?" "No, I'm from a different part of Japan." " What part?" " Hokkaido". " Oh, I have been there lots of times". Rezuela smiled again. We were in Aomori, Japan so that was about a 10 hour drive. Just then she said, " I just moved here, Maybe you can give me a tour"? " YESSSSSSS!" I screamed. I was having the best day with my new friend. " Do you know what school you're joining"? " Yes, It's called Roiyarusukūru." " I screamed again, " THANK YOU GOD!" Things were finally turning good for me. My new best friend is going to my school. I never had any friends because last year Xnile and Eliana were the popular kids and were mean to me. I was an outcast because of them. Things would be different this year. They didn't hate me and would be my friends as well. Just then Rezuela's mom called her. " Rezuela honey, it's time to come home". " Okay mom but I made a new friend named Mazori ." " Is it okay if she stays for dinner" ? " Oh wow that's great honey but she has to ask her parents but if they say yes, SURE THING!" " Can we walk to her house to see if it's okay first. "" Of course My Rezu". I was so happy. Me and Rezuela walked to my house after saying bye to Hanamichi Path. We talked and laughed and when we reached the palace her daw dropped. " WAIT DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE ACTUALLY PRINCESS Mazori LUBIALONE"? " Um yeah, I told you my name earlier." " OKAY BUT LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE THE NAME Mazori WITH RED HAIR AND BLUE EYES '' I laughed. "Well will you join me or will you stay here so you don't pass out." " JOIN OF COURSE"! She ran ahead of me to get to the gate first. " Wait up"! I called. I was having so much fun with Rezuela. When we got into the house mom was nowhere to be seen. I heard Eliana talking to someone on her laptop upstairs and a movie playing loudly from downstairs and I saw that brat Azura posting selfies of herself on tiktok. " Azura, where's mom?" " She rolled her eyes at me. " Check the backyard". She looked at me confused. " Who's the girl?' " Oh this is my new friend". " Hi my name is Rezuela, I am guessing your name is Azura". " Yeah". " kay, later nerds, I am about to go live stream so please leave". Me and Rezuela went to the backyard to see mom drinking a cup of tea while reading a book in her favorite chair. " Mom?' Mom turned around. I thought she was going to yell at me like she always did but it turned out she was playing her nice mom thing in front of Rezuela. Part of me was annoyed but the other part really wanted mom to not be pretending to love me so I played along. " Yes my dearest daughter, Oh is this a new friend you have?" " Yes" ' Hello Miss Lubialone". '" My name is Rezuela and I just moved here from Hokkaido. I will be joining Roiyarusukūru. School with Mazori ." She bowed as she said this. I could tell mom liked her. " That's very nice, dear." " Mom, actually we wanted to know if I could stay at her house for dinner and come back around 8:00?" " Of Course it is a boring warm summer Saturday'". I laughed. " Sure is". '" Okay mom, enjoy the book, We are leaving now." " Bye girls, have fun." Me and Rezuela started walking to her house. " Oh Rezuela, I forgot to ask, how old are you?" " 15," " Wow, so am I." " Luck is on my side today." We both laughed. We talked the rest of the way. When we arrived at her house a pretty young lady came out and hugged me. " Oh hello Mazori , You are so beautiful and I love your red hair." I was so jealous that Rezuela had a loving mom who I could see cared for just about everyone and was never mad. My mom was a self absorbed jerk and this lady was an angel. "Hello, nice to meet you too, what would you like me to call you." " Oh, just call me Ms.Kinochi.' ' Well it is nice to meet you Ms.Kinochi. " Come on in". I could see that Rezuela looked happy to see me and her mom getting along. As soon as I got in I saw a pretty little girl with short black hair and looked a lot like Rezuela. Just minus the glasses. She walked up to me I she seemed super friendly too.

"Hi, my name is Itsuki, your name is Mazori right?" " Yup." " Well it is really nice to meet you." " I hope in time when you feel comfortable we can be friends." " Yes, I would love that". I was so happy. This whole Kinochi family seemed like saints. " Hello, Itsuki, did you do anything fun today?" " No, I just stayed home, what did you do?" " I visited Hanamichi." " That's where I met Mazori here." " That's great, I hope you will stay for dinner. We are having Kimchi, Rice, and Sushi." " Yum, and actually I am staying for dinner." " WOOHOO"! I loved Itsuki, she was so sweet and Rezuela was so understanding and Ms.Kinochi was so welcoming. This was probably the kindest family in Amori, Japan. Maybe even the WORLD. " By the way, I LOVE Kimchi, it's my favorite." ' " SUBARASHI" That means great in Japanese. I only spoke Japanese a little but I could understand it kinda well. " Arigatō" . That's Thank you in Japanese. Rezuela took my hand and we ran up to her room laughing. " Do you know that you are my first friend in Aomori, Japan. I just moved here and I already made a best friend for life." " Aww thanks Rezuela, but I am sure you will make many more friends when school starts again." " Oh, yeah school starts in about two weeks now right?" " Yup". I am sure there will be even more drama in my then. I didn't say it out loud because Rezuela is very kind, social and fun. She will probably be one of the popular kids and I don't want to ruin it for her. I am a weirdo and she deserves it. " Also Mazori , You are my best friend and there is no way that I will ever give you up for the popularity of another friend." You're my first and best friend." I loved her. We hugged. I looked at the clock. 6:42. " Wow I can't believe how late it is getting, you have to leave by 8:00 right?" " Yeah, I hope I make dinner." " Don't worry about that, we usually eat around 7:00, it's probably the last thing you will do but any day you can always stay for a sleepover. Mom and Itsuki love you so who will have a problem with it." I laughed. " Sometimes I think your family are saints, Rezuela." She laughed. " Who knows maybe". We both cracked each other up until I heard a knock at the door. " COME IN", yelled Rezuela. Itsuki walked in. " Mother wants you to come down for dinner, I really hope you like it Mazori ." She walked out. " Come one Mazori ", Rezuela grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. " Isoide shārotto, anata wa eien ni kakatte iru!" Wow, she really preferred to speak Japanese to me than english. She said, Hurry up Mazori , you're taking forever. " Okay-Okay wait up." She laughed. When we made it to the kitchen Ms.Kinochi was waiting for us, the table almost done being set. " Girls, are you enjoying yourselves"? " YES!" We both said it at the same time. " Okay that's great to hear, take a seat at the table, it's time for some yummy dinner." Ms. Kinochi turned to look at a mini clock in her hand. She gasped. " Wow, it is already 7:32pm". "We better start dinner soon because you are going to leave soon." She walked over to the table where Rezulea, Itsuki, and me were sitting. She handed out the food and took a seat herself. We all began eating. " Wow, this is delicious Ms.Kinochi, um Dōmo arigatō.'" That means, Thank you so much. " You are very welcome dear, Dōitashimashite". That means you're welcome. " So, mom maybe one day Mazori can spend the night, if it is okay with her mom, I know when we went to her house she only asked to stay till 8:00 and it is 7:48 so it's too late but still?" Ms. Kinochi laughed. " Maybe dear but like you said, it is too late for today Rezu". I laughed. " Rezu, that's a cute nickname." Rezuela playfully bumped into me while saying, " Mazor!" We both laughed while Itsuki stared at us blankly. " You guys are fighting, what's so funny." " ugh Itsuki, we are not fighting, we are playing, I know it looks like fighting but to a robot. " Very funny", Itsuki seemed to get over the joke pretty fast. Time went by while having dinner with the Kinochi family that I didn't notice the clock until it struck 8:19pm. " OMG, I have to go, mom will be so upset." " It is okay dear, um Rezuela, will you walk Mazori home?" " Oh sure I will walk Char ome." She laughed. " Thank you Rezu for agreeing to walk me home." We both laughed and put on our shoes to head out. It wasn't that dark, it was summer and the days were longer. Me and Rezuela set out. " That was really fun, thank you for inviting me to stay over for dinner." " Dōitashimashite''. I laughed. Rezula stopped to cradle on the floor. " Rezuela what are you doing"? Her gold eyes flashed purple. 

" Look at how beautiful the rain is today, here come take a look." I cradled next to her. All I could say is that it was very pretty. " Okay this was fun but now it is time to go, mom will be more upset the later I am." I started walking and Rezuela followed. We walked to the palace in silence. All we could hear was the rain pouring down on our umbrellas. When we got to the palace we said goodbye. "Sayōnara." ",Sayōnara.": She started walking back to her house.