
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

My Condition: Vasovagal Syncope.

I open my mouth to speak but suddenly I can't. I grab my phone and text my mom. She tells the nurse everything that happened at school while looking at the confused nurse. Mom asks the nurse to speak with me privately first. " So who was the guy who brought you home passed out?" I text her: Akarui. " Please don't tell me you fell in love with him or that he fell in love with you." I texted: No, I don't think so. " Thank goodness. Nurse you can come back in!" I was stunned. I lied. I knew that I had a tiny crush on him. Wait what if HE is gay. He doesn't like ME. He already has a girlfriend. He already has a boyfriend. What if he only saw me as a friend. I knew I was thinking the worst but still. I also have another problem on my hands. I had to feel Rezuela in on what happened. I grabbed my phone while mom talked to the nurse. I texted Rezuela telling her everything and since it's friday I might miss school. I'm not sure. Suddenly I felt a weird feeling wash over me. About Akarui. I was angry. I never thought I could be upset with him but I am. Yesterday he just walked out on the person he hurt. Hurting them more. Why? And then he just never visited me again. I needed to stay away from him. That was how I got hurt the first time. Like I said yesterday. He is the bad boy type Aka that type not to get involved with. After texting with Rezuela, Mom and the nurse told me I was free to go to school and that I would just be about thirty minutes late. I went home, got dressed and went to school. There I met up with Rezuela. It was already a free period. We hugged and down the hall I saw the shadow of Akarui. I grabbed Rezuela's hand and started running towards him to confront him when someone stopped me. I looked up. It was Charles. "Um, excuse me." I muttered. He just stared at me with those sea blue deep scary eyes. I wanted to cry. I think Rezuela had enough because she went on and pushed Charles yelling, " GO AWAY! WE DON'T' NEED YOU HERE! YOU'RE NOT SCARING US ANYMORE!" At that she shoved past him, her hand in mine. He gave me one last look but this time It didn't make me fear him. It made me feel bad for him. When we caught up to Akarui He pushed me away. " Get away from me!" At that moment I felt everything go blurry. Then It went dark. I woke up in the hospital. AGAIN! This time Rezuela was by my side. As soon as I woke up she hugged me. " Omg Mazori . Are you okay? As soon as Akarui said those mean things to you, you passed out." " How did I get here?" I asked. She looked at the floor for a while before not answering my question. " You don't want to know." " It wasn't Akarui. Was it?'" " No." " Then who was it? I want to know?" " Charles." She continued to look at the floor. I wanted to throw up. I don't like him. To me he was now nothing but a train of anger and disgust. " Eww, oh no, did anybody see?" " Yeah I saw Akarui watching in the corner with silence." Why? " Did he look mad, confused,sad, anything?" " He was expressionless, like a robot." Just after that I heard yelling coming from the hall. " WELL WHAT CAN YOU DO!? SHE HAS BEEN TO THE HOSPITAL TWICE AND THE NURSE TWICE! FIX OR TREAT HER! MAKE HER BETTER!" It was mom and my nurse. Rezuela offered to check on them but I said no because I know how scary mom could be when mad. After a while mom came in with the nurse. They told me that I had a condition called vasovagal syncope. It happens when I feel pressure or is feeling a very strong emotions like happiness., excitement, anger, sadness, and confusion. " Can it be cured?" I asked. " No, it will just cause you to pass out a lot but can be very dangerous depending where you are.. Rezuela you should stay by her side as much as possible. Things like crossing the street can be extremely dangerous for people with your condition." I will let your school know so that they will be on the lookout. Also you should get used to the hospital. You might be here a lot. I looked down at my knees under the blanket. Whatever. " Okay, am I allowed to go home?" " Of course, you're allowed to go to school now too. You only slept for about an hour. Your whole school already knows dear. You and Rezuela can walk. Don't feel too much pressure. Bye!" Me and Rezuela left. Mom stayed back to talk with the doctor for a while. In every class I was now assigned to sit with Rezuela. Everyone stared at me. I felt hot and dizzy. I prayed I wouldn't pass out. Rezuela seemed to notice because she asked me if I was okay. I said yes. I wasn't. Everything went dark and about 45 minutes later I woke up in the nurses. I felt so embarrassed when I went back to class. Other times it wouldn't just be the nurse. Depending on how long I slept. I still felt dizzy so I went for a walk to clear my mind. When I got back it was our 2nd free period. I went alone to find Akarui. I wanted to talk to him alone. When I saw him he was standing near the gray locker wall. " Akarui, why have you been blowing me off?" He just looked at the ground. " Because I can't be around you, and also please stop texting me."