
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


I was stunned. " Okay then, If that's how it is." With that I turned around and started walking. I felt sick to my stomach. Then I felt dizzy. I knew how that was gonna go. I fell down but I didn't fall asleep as I was trying my best not to. I just felt so tired. Everything was spinning and my eyes were having a hard time staying open and my whole body got sore. I was unexpectedly having trouble breathing. Then I realized something that made my whole body shake in parts it wasn't already. I was still right in front of Akarui. I started gasping for air when Akarui bent down looking terrified. Then I saw Rezuela running, then everything went dark. The last thing I saw was Rezuela yelling and hitting away someone. Akarui. I woke up in the hospital. Mom wasn't even there. My nurse whose name was Ms.Kinno ( Ken-oo) greeted me, " Hello, welcome back Mazori ." she said, " Hello", I layed back down. I was still tired. She told me to get as much rest as possible and then I could head back to school. She was really nice and also told me that I had an extreme asthma attack. I looked at her confused. " I have asthma?" " Yes, sorry if I didn't make that clear earlier" Suddenly I didn't want to sleep. I got out of bed and went back to school. For like the third time. When I got back to school Akarui actually ignored me. I then started ignoring him. He tried to apologize and explain over the next weeks but I totally ignored him. I didn't want to hear it. I even snapped at Rezuela once when she told me I should at least try and talk to him. " I AM DONE WITH HIM AND WON''T HAVE ANY TROUBLE BEING DONE WITH YOU TOO! FORGET HIM! HE'S DONE! DO YOU WANT TO BE DONE TOO?" I immediately regretted that. She wouldn't talk to me for days until I came to her house with her favorite chocolate and an apology card. A couple days later we had a transfer student from America. He had brown hair and blue eyes. His name was Kyle. He was told to sit in the middle row which was right behind me. I waved as he walked back with a smile but he just gave me the cold shoulder and whispered something in my ear. In terrible Japanese. "Wat Wat umm Kara hana reta." He was trying to say, Stay away from me, ya hear me. It was pronounced like (Watashi kara hanarete.) I was about to snap but before I could everything went dark.The last thing I remember was my head hitting the floor and the sirens of the ambulance. 

*Kyle Pov*

I couldn't believe this. It was my first day of school and I had to sit in class with everyone staring saying I killed the pretty girl. Yes okay fine, she was pretty but I don't need any distractions. I don't need any girl here liking me or me liking her. I know all she did was wave but that can turn into far more things in the future. Of all the girls and boys staring at me with side eyes there was one girl that caught my attention. She had black braids and wore glasses. I think I heard someone call her Rela, Rita, Rezuel, oh I know, I think her name was Rezuela. She looked…angry. Like there was something she needed to tell me. After about 20 minutes the teacher got a call to send Rezuela to the hospital. After that I knew that she had something to do with the pretty girl one way or another. But I did know that I felt a little bit of guilt deep deep down. Maybe I should make it up to the pretty girl. Or maybe I shouldn't.

*Back to main Pov*

I sat in the hospital with Rezuela by my side. I was totally fine. just hit my head. I just stupidly passed out from stress. AGAIN! " Rezuela, did I scare the new kid, Kyle?" " No, THE GUY DIDN'T"T EVEN CARE THAT HE DID THIS TO YOU, LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE!" I actually have noticed that over the past few days the kind sweet care-free Rezuela has been becoming more mean and protective of me. " Rezuela, I am fine, I only have a little asthma and pass out sometimes. But that's all. I am not some fragile doll that if she falls she will break and die. I guess I just want you to understand and not be like this. It is okay if i have a reaction, life is stressful sometimes, you just need to understand me." Rezuela begins to cry on my lap. " I am so sorry Mazori , I didn't mean to make it worse. Please forgive me." Of course I did. I went back to school and I was called down to the principal. I was scared. When I got there the principal told me that I have an option to be a friend to a first grader with ADHD and asthma. I immediately agreed. I went down to see her and she was so cute.She had the warmest Hazel eyes and black long hair. I wanted to melt. She didn't have a phone so I got her email from her mom and put it in my phone. Now I can text her ipad whenever. Or maybe it will be her doing that. After school me and Rezuela were walking home and I told her everything. She almost melted too. " That's so cute Mazori . I want to meet her." We stopped at the store to buy her a gift. I got her a yellow sunflower and yellow bow. I think she will like it. After that me and Rezuela parted ways. I was so excited for school the next day. As soon as I got home my phone wouldn't stop the beeping until like 9 o'clock at night. She was the cutest thing in the world. I pretty much forgot all about the Kyle thing at school. The next day I forgot something. I needed to get her a cupcake. I texted her and asked her what type of cake she likes. It was Vanilla. She said so because it was yellow. I know that's not true but she's only six so I made sure to get yellow frosting. When I got to school Cora came jumping up to me to show me her dress. I then put the yellow bow on her and gave her the flower. She was adorable.