
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


 I could get his mad face out of my mind. I also couldn't get the image of Akarui's cute face carrying me to the nurse. I know I was crushing but there's no way in the universe a guy like him would like me. He was just being nice. I almost tapered up at the thought. I knew they were all out of school unless he had detention. I texted him: Hey.This is Mazori . Are you home? Can we talk? If you can meet me at Hanamichi path. Bye. I got up and walked out to Hanamichi Path. I didn't fully know if I was expecting him to come but either way I needed some fresh air. About 4 minutes later a saw and red faced figure. It was Akarui. I patted the seat next to me on the bench. He sat. " Seems you didn't get detention?" I asked playfully. He didn't answer. He stared angrily and confused at the ground. " Do you not want to talk?" " I just don't get you. Why are you not mad at me?" " Huh?" I asked. " It was my fault. I bumped into you which caused you to fall backwards and hit your head. I'm the reason you had to go home. Also I was the one who was terribly rude when we first met. You were the only kind one. So like I said. How come you're not angry with me?" I never thought of that. " Oh, well… I don't like to hold grudges. I just want to be happy. Even if I was mad at you about 10 minutes later I would have forgiven you anyways." I saw a slight blush in his eyes. I did a happy song in my head: La la (I'M) La la (SO) La la (HAPPY!) There might be a slight chance he likes me. Not for looks, money or power but for my kind personality. " I really like you for that. That's really cool. Also I think you're really pretty." He blushed as he said it. He smiled when he saw my face. It was as red as a tomato. " Hey um do you want to go for a walk under the trees?" " Sure!" WE walked under the trees and I couldn't help notice how cute he looked. It was sunny and his eyes really looked gold. Some of his hair covered his eye and I wanted to melt. He plucked at a red flower hanging from a tree. " As red as a rose. A beautiful red for someone truly beautiful." I blushed so hard I looked like Xnile when Eldon called her pretty. I suddenly felt bad for us to be friends but I never told him my biggest secret. I mean Rezuela knew. My biggest secret is that I'm not really this pretty. I dyed my hair from red to brown. I really looked like a rotten tomato, not a beautiful goddess. " Thanks!" I said as he handed me the flower. He didn't look like teh mean bad boy who he looked like in school. " So, are you new? I mean I didn't see you last year." " Yeah. I just moved here from Guam." " Oh, so you're not japanese?" " No, I just happened to be blessed with a Japanese name and I also speak it." " Wow. Are you at least a little bit japanese?'" " Well I'm 48%" " So not really." " Yeah not really." It got silent as we walked. " Mazori ?" I looked up at him. He stared at me for a second before pushing a stand of my hair behind my eyes. I felt my face so red. He saw it too. After he let go I felt dizzy. I started feeling like the world was going in circles. I fell. In front of Akarui. Yup. I fell on the grass then everything went black. Before everything went black I felt like how I felt when I was in the nurses. I woke up a while later. I wasn't at home. I was in the hospital. The real hospital. I could tell it was later because when I woke up everything was dark. I couldn't see the sun… only the moon. Shining bright. I reached for my phone when I heard a noise behind me.I was scared until I saw Akarui. I smiled. " AKARUI!" I got up to go to him when I realized something. I was stuck. Well not really but I had a hard time getting up. I almost fell until he helped me up. Could see he's been crying. I reached for his face and put my hand on it. " What's wrong?" " It's just I have done so much for you. If I wasn't in your life you wouldn't be here. And now you look so helpless trying to at least stand." He sobbed on me some more. I wiped his face and smiled. He hugged me. He was about to open his mouth but then he closed it and looked away. I knew there was something he wanted to say. " Was there something you wanted to say?" " No." At that he looked me in the eye and I swear his eyes went down a little under my nose but then he turned away. He walked out. Why did he leave? He didn't come back all that night. I ended up going back to sleep and waking up that morning. The nurse came in and was doing tests on me when mom came in. She was looking at me with narrow eyes but didn't say anything. The nurse continued with her tests. After a while she said; " Wow, It seems you have a serious concussion and a couple of bruises on your back. How did this happen?:"