
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I Dyed my Hair for my Mother

 She almost cries as she says it. At the same time I feel my whale world come shattering down. Part of me says that it was all too good to be true while the other part says that it is just normal because nothing good can ever happen to me. Tears sting my eyes. " I asked my mom to stay but we can't. She won't even tell me why." Tears sting her eyes too. " I am so sorry Mazori ." She is sorry because she knows that besides her I have no friends. She knows I have no one to rely on but her. I sit and cry on the rocky floor of the cliff. I don't care that I look a mess as tears and wind hit my face. She patted my back. " I really am sorry Mazori , I don't wanna move. I wanna stay with you but I can't. I really do." We walked to her house because she has to be home by a certain time today. We walk in dead silence. When we get home her mother Ms. Kinochi comes running out screaming at the top of her lungs. " OH MY GOD! I GOT A JOB THAT PAYS SO WELL THAT REZUELA YOU ME AND ITSUKI CAN STAY IN AOMORI JAPAN! WE DON'T HAVE TO MOVE!" We all start jumping up and down. " I am so happy. I still feel a little down for no reason but am happy because Rezuela can stay. We all did a group hug. I was so happy. After we were done partying it was 9:54 pm so I had to get home. It was about a 13 minute walk so Ms.Kinochi offered to give me a drive. Mom would probably be mad because I had school tomorrow. When I got home I crashed before my mom even came to my room to say anything.

The next day I am in my best mood. Not even mom's yelling can get me down. " OH MY GOD Mazori ! YOU LOOK LIKE A BEAST! WHY CAN"T YOU DRESS LIKE YOU SISTERS AND HOW ABOUT WE CONSIDER DYING YOUR HAIR BLONDE OR BROWN. YOUR HAIR MAKES ME WANT TO THROW UP! " I am stunned. That actually sounds like a good idea. " Wait mom, if I wanted to dye my hair would you let me?" She stared at me in shock. I never really liked my red hair that much anyways. I also woke up an hour early so we have enough time to go right now. Eliana and Xnile were still sleeping and wouldn't wake up for another hour and school started at three. " I, um if you would like. I mean you do look like a tomato and it would be better if you could have a new hair color." I almost hugged mom. When we made it to the hairdresser in 10 minutes I asked for brown hair. When I saw it I stared in the mirror with shock while mom screamed. I couldn't believe it. I looked so different. People would look at me with shocked expressions. Well those who even knew me. I kinda actually liked it. I didn't like red hair. Mom didn't think of my dad when she looked at me either. I was.. Well pretty. I still had my blue eyes though. I don't have anything against my eyes so it is fine. " Oh my god Mazori , you look so pretty. Can we change your name too?" " NO MOM YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY NAME! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NAMED ME ANYWAYS! Besides, I like my name. I just didn't like my hair color." When we get home Xnile and Eliana stare at me in shock. I tell them everything and smile. They both say that they like me with brown hair. When I get to school Rezuela looks terrified. '' Oh my gosh Mazori , I love your hair but why did you dye it? Wait Are you even Mazori ?" I laugh, " Of course I am Mazori silly." " Thanks, I like my new hair too." Oh I don't know if I mentioned but Charles, Alexander, Albert, Eldon, and Philip all go to the same school. I just hope they didn't say anything about it. When we walk into class I see a few boys who used to pick on me blush and stare. The rest of class is fun and entertaining as the boys all Stares talk and blush. I love it. I don't feel ugly anymore. When class is over like 10 guys ask me my name and when I say Mazori they all tell me that that's cute or hot. During the free period which is after lunch I see the one person I don't want to see. Charles. He stares at me with Rezuela by my side. " Mazori , Is that you? Also what did you do to your red hair?" I laugh awkwardly. " I dyed it brown." Over the past weeks I basically told Rezuela my life story so she already knows all about Charles. She puts a hand on my back as he continues to stare at me like I dyed it blue and am wearing purple lenses. I awkwardly laughed again and then his eyes fell on Rezuela. " You already made a new friend?" I was shocked at his question. Did he forget all about what happened 4 weeks ago? " No, This is my best friend Rezuela. We met at Hanamichi Path 2 weeks ago.'We had all sorts of parties, dinners and sleepovers." " Oh wow that's great for you, also the brown hair looks good on you." At that he walks away. Rezuela stares at me for a while. Oh I forgot to mention that the first day of school started on a thursday. Which was today. " Hey, um Mazori ? I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go to Hanamichi Path this weekend?" That sounded good to me. " Sure! As long as it is fine with my mom." We walk to our next class chatting. When we get there I notice a cute guy that sits next to me. He saw me staring. We connected eyes. He has black hair and dark brown eyes that can possibly look gold in the sunlight. Instead of waving or smiling he just puts a book in front his face about fractions. He looks like the bad boy type. Aka the type not to get involved with. Since he didn't want to be friendly I just ignored him for the rest of class. At the end of class when I pack up to leave he stops me. " Hey sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I just don't act that well with people. Especially girls." "It's fine. My name is Mazori . What's yours?" " Akarui". 

( A-Cur- Ooo.) 

I smile. ``It was nice meeting you Akarui. Bye." He waves a silent hand and we both walk to our next class, which is different. My next class is with Rezuela and Charles. When I get near Charles comes fuming. " What were you doing with that guy? He looks like he came from a gang off the streets.``I turns out I dropped my pencil on the floor and Akarui had found it and brought it back so he heard when Charles said that about him. He just silently hands me the pencil and walks away with his head down. Next to the pencil is a small paper. Charles saw it and snatched it. I try to get it back but he yells and swats away. Akarui sees this and punches Charles in the face; he takes the note but before he can get away Charles jumps on him and they break out into a fight, right. In. Front. Of. Me. I try to calm them down but end up getting pushed down on my back. It hurts. A lot. I yelp in pain. A teacher comes and pulls Charles off of Akarui and takes him to the principal. Akarui picks me up and carries me to the nurse, leaving the paper behind and going to the principal as well. I got a concussion from also hitting my head and ended up bruising my back. Don't get me wrong it hurts but I'm not like some fraggle doll. After a while in the nurse's office I feel a little better to go to class. In the next class I have a furious Charles, a confused Rezuela, and a worried Akarui. I feel dizzy the rest of class so when I fall half asleep the teacher calls the nurse again. I don't like it because I just want to sleep. I don't want all of this attention on me. Also while I was in the nurse I saw the note. I was Akarui's number. When the teacher finished her call with the nurse she came to me and whispered in my ear: " Dear, go to the nurse. You are going home. I will get Rezuela to bring your stuff." I got up and walked out to the nurse. As I walked out I felt all eyes on me. I hated it. Especially since the class was silent as the teacher walked over to talk to Rezuela. I was so scared because Charles sat next to her and Akarui was in front of her so I know they both heard. Before I made it out the door I could see Akarui and Charles share another angry look. When I got home I slept for 4 hours to recover. When I woke up everything wasn't blurry or moving. Except the clock on my wall. I couldn't stop thinking of Akarui, that evening. It made me blush. I didn't have feelings for Charles anymore. And he also acted crazy today. No. He acted… JEALOUS! But why? Why was he acting jealous of Akarui? He cheated and broke my heart. So I let him be and got over him. I was moving on like a mature 15 year old and here he was acting like a 8 year old who lost his favorite toy. For god sake he needed to grow up. He was freaking 17. I looked around my room and on the floor near my bed I saw the same small crumpled white paper. I grabbed it and my phone off of my dresser. Then I put on a gray sweater. I put in Akarui's number. I also looked over my other numbers and deleted Charles' number.