
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Am I Losing my Un-Royal Friend?

When I got into the house everything was silent except for a person sitting on the couch on her phone. AZURA! I was starting to wonder when she was going home. She has been here for like two days and we all already know her and Xnile aren't friends anymore if they ever were. " Azura, where is everyone?" She hissed at me. " Omg, I just missed an edit made by my friend on tik tok. You are so annoying, also I don't know, I have been here all day so I didn't pay attention." Of course. All she did all day is sit on the couch on snapchat and tiktok so how would she know about anything going on in the house. I went upstairs to my room to shower and change my clothes. After I was done I walked into Xnile's room where I found her sleeping. It was kinda early but who cared? I walked into Eliana's room to see her on her laptop on her rug floor next to her bed. " oh, hey Eliana, whatcha doin?" She smiled at me. " Just editing some old pictures I made on my tik tok account." I was mind blown. All people did today was be on tik tok making stupid edits. Like who even watches that? " Ā, watashi ga Xnile ga nete iru no o mitanode, Eldon wa aredy o sarimashita ka?" I gasped and collapsed my hands to my mouth. I had accidentally spoken in Japanese because I was so used to it at Rezuela's house. I had said, Oh, Did Eldon leave already because I saw Xnile sleeping? I was so embarrassed when Eliana looked at me like I was crazy. " Hai, kare wa shimashita", replied Eliana. I was shocked. I didn't think that Eliana spoke Japanese. We never spoke Japanese at the palace of Aomori Japan.The palace was called Lindolin Jishin Aomori. Yup I know it was a long name but back to Eliana. " You speak Japanese?" I was still shocked. " Yes I do,I can see you can too". " Yes". " Well also do you have any Idea where mom is?" " Īe, gomen'nasai o nēchan". I was so sick of speaking Japanese. She had said No, sorry sis. Ugh. I felt like Japanese was the hardest language and the most annoying. Why the heck did everyone always want to speak it all the time? UGH! " Okay, that's fine, and also maybe no more Japanese?" She laughed. " Sure Char." I walked out of her room and was left in the hallway again looking for mom. I wanted to ask her about Rezuela and the sleepover and ask her about my dad. Something I have been wanting to ask her for a while now. Just then from downstairs I heard a bing boosh, click. It was the palace gate. I walked down the stairs to see Xnile standing outside. She was just sleeping about 10 minutes ago. I walked out to see what she was doing late at night. I had gotten darker since I had just got home. 

Xnile stared up at the night sky. " Hey Xnile what are you doing out here this late?" She smiled when she saw me. " Oh, hey Mazori , I had just woken up and couldn't fall back asleep, I thought looking at the night sky might help me get to sleep." I had never seen her go out this late before so I was shocked. '' Is there something bothering you,like maybe with Eldon?" She stared at me blankly for a second. " Maybe." I smiled. This was so Xnile. " Well, do you want to tell me?" I was still smiling. I still can't believe the great day I had. " He left a while ago, I found myself sleeping in my bed. I just wonder if it is possible for him to pick me. Mom really doesn't seem to want him to though, I guess I just want to know why". My smile got brighter. I put my hand on her shoulder. " It's okay, you just gotta wait to see. Who knows maybe, I mean Azura isn't that nice and I am sure he likes you." She smiled back at me. She then took a seat on the pavement. She was still smiling at me. " Come, take a seat." I went and sat next to her. " So, what did you do today?" I smiled again. " I visited Hanamichi today, that's where I met my new friend Rezuela Kinochi." " Wow, maybe one day I can meet her, maybe we can be friends too." My smile dropped. I don't know why but I felt upset, jealous, and ANGRY. I didn't want Xnile to take my only REAL friend. I think she noticed my anger. " Mazori , what's wrong?" I just walked away from her, totally ignoring her. She seemed upset when I left but I was way too upset to pay attention.I went up to my room. I sat on my floor in thought. I couldn't have Xnile or Eliana taking away my best friend. I know that Rezuela said she wouldn't give me up for anyone but still. I heard a knock on the door. I just turned around. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to do anything but sit on my floor and sulk. I don't need anyone's sympathy. I was shocked when I heard the doorknob turn and A furious Eliana stomped inside my room. " What's the matter, why do you look so upset?" " WELL HOW ABOUT I ASK YOU THE SAME QUESTION, WHY ARE YOU MAD?!" Before I could even answer she started yelling at me again. " LET ME GUESS. YOU ARE TOO STINGY TO EVEN SHARE A FRIEND WITH XNILE, WHY? BECAUSE YOUR SELFISH!" " Now she feels bad. For no reason." After that she walks out. I was stunned. I could believe it. Not the fact that she yelled at me but the fact that I was so ungrateful and selfish. I had finally got everything I wanted. My moms love, my siblings love, A REAL FRIEND. Yet I was still so selfish I couldn't even share her. By her I mean Rezuela.

I just sat there and cried. I couldn't believe myself. What could I do? Eliana was mad at me. Xnile felt bad and was also upset. Even mom didn't act like a real parent. Everything was messed up. I needed to apologize. I knew better than to mess with Eliana when she was upset though. I also didn't know where Xnile was and I could possibly get punched if I passed Eliana in this state. I decided I needed to make it up to Xnile weather I got a black eye or not. I wiped my face and opened the big black door next to my cream walls. I stared out into the empty hallway. No one was there. I could have heard a pin drop from the basement. ON THE THIRD FLOOR! That's how quiet it was. When a mad Eliana left everything went quiet. I couldn't even hear Azura making tiktok's or posting selfies in the living room. I couldn't hear snoring from mom's room. It was just a deadly silence. It kind of even freaked me out. I cut off my light switch and slowly closed my door. I was out. Alone. In an empty hallway. This reminded me of watching scary movies. When I would sit on the floor drooling while mom hooked up Eliana and Xnile with all sorts of candy and popcorn on the couch. Yeah. Times back then were not the best. Don't even get me started again on how terrible school was. I slowly tiptoed down the hallway making sure not to make a sound. That could be bad. I don't even know how. All I know is that I kinda want the deadly silence to continue. I don't want to hear noises. AT ALL! When I got to the stairs I stared down. I

t was completely dark down there. I couldn't see anything. I was starting to think this was a prank being played by Eliana for vengeance. But the dark stairwell felt so sinister I questioned reality. Was I awake? Was this just a scary dream? I have no idea anymore. I don't think I fell asleep when Elianaa left. Who knows maybe Eliana coming into my room was a dream too. Maybe. I wobble. It feels so scary standing on top of a pitch black stairwell. Soon, my fear turns into curiosity. I want to know what's down that dark stairwell. What waits for me under all of the darkness. Part of me hopes it is a prank and weirdly part of me hopes it's not. I turn my head and stare at the light from the hallway. I take a deep breath and step down the dark cracky steps. CREAK! CREAK! I cover my ears with my hand to not hear the creaking from the stairs. I feel breath. On the back of my neck. I don't feel good. I don't feel alone. I'm scared. I nearly jump out of my skin when I feel a cold hand on my shoulder. Instead I fall down the stairs landing with a thud on the dark downstairs floor. I yelp in pain. " Ow, I think I broke my spine." I finally open my eyes and stare up to see someone holding out a hand for me. I want to throw up, scream, cry, disappear, DIE! When I see who it is. Charles. Just great. I swat his hand away and stand. " What the heck are you doing here? And where is everyone else?" I almost forgot that just a little bit ago I said that I don't want to make or hear any noise. He stares at me like I'm crazy. He grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs. " You shouldn't be down here" he says, throwing me back into the safety of my room. I land on the floor with a thud. I stare back at him with fear in my eyes. " What do you mean?" He stares at me with worry clear on his face. He shushes me and silently closes my door. " ya, herd me", he whispers. " you shouldn't be down there." I was confused and I also felt awkward with my ex fiance breathing down my neck. " Why?" I mumble. He stares at me with a shocked expression, like I should have known. He mutters something hurtful under his breath before he sighs and tells me. " There is a deadly black widow, one bite from this thing can KILL you. If I didn't see you snooping around on the steps you could have been seriously hurt or even dead. They want everyone in the castle to stay in their rooms and not to leave. They are outside and the black widow is downstairs. They want all lights out to not attract the widow. Xnile is in her room, and so is Eliana. Chill." I am stunned. I absolutely HATE bugs. I am as a matter of fact terrified of bugs. Especially spiders. I shiver. He can tell by the way he stares at me. I swear he blushes but I don't say anything. He gave me up for my sister so that's it. We. Are. Done. Then I see it. The black and red terrifying spider. The Black Widow. I yelp and fall back into something warm. I almost died when I realized what it was. Charles. I almost blushed but instead I said sorry for bumping into him and pushed away. I could tell he was blushing too but when he saw what was behind me he froze. He immediately got in front of me and blew the spider away. It went flying under my bed and he picked me up and carried me downstairs. I wanted to cry. I knew that I couldn't resist but it felt wrong. He is not taken by any girl exedra but he was my ex fiance and did things to me that I will never forget or forgive. I came to my senses. He will not treat me in any kind of way and think that it is over… just like that. " No, I don't need your help." I say. I walk down to my mother's room and she takes care of the situation. The spider is killed and taken out of my room. Cahrles leaves. I talk to Xnile and Eliana and they forgive me. Everything is back to normal. 

I spent the rest of summer break with Xnile, Eliana, and Rezuela. Thank Goodness yesterday Azura finally went home and I didn't have to hear her tik tok streams in the living room at 8 or her call me a tomato. She was gone. For good. Two days ago me and Rezuel even had a sleepover. YAY! Everything doesn't seem so bad anymore. Tomorrow I start school again. I am really excited to start with Rezuela. I just hope she doesn't get too popular. Especially since she is really pretty. Me and her have plans to meet at Hanamichi Path. That is where we first met. I get ready and then start walking down the same path we met. I see her. She is not on the chair we first met at. She is standing over a high cliff staring into space. She has her braided hair. Just like last time. There are a lot of leaves and it is breezy. It has gotten way colder over the past weeks. I walked up to her. " Hey, Rezuela, What are you doing over here?" She doesn't look me in the eye. She looks almost mad … but differently more hurt. " Rezuela?" When she looks at me her golden eyes stab my heart. Like there's something I should know. Something I should be comforting her on. I put my hand on her shoulder as she looked away. " Rezuela, you can talk to me. What's wrong?" " We, We, We." She stutters. She takes a deep breath. " We are moving back to Hokkaido, so I won't be joining you at school for the first time tomorrow."