
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


She had also taken out her braids from yesterday which made her even more cute. Her hair was so long. Sheesh. " How does it feel to be 6?" I asked. " GREAT!" She yelled. So cute. Rezuela then walked up to us and smiled. " Hello, you must be Cora, happy birthday. I got you something." She then handed Cora a yellow card and some yellow toys which included or, Stuffed animals, popits, slime, and nee-dow. She screamed. " THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE THIS!" We celebrated for a little but then it was time to go to class. Cora gave me a little hug then ran off to her first class. I bet they still did math with candy. SO CUTE. Me and Rezuela walked to our first class too. We had different classes. She had Charles and I had Kyle and Akarui. I was still ignoring him though. I didn't want to talk yet. I need a little time before I can open up again. He pushed me down now it will be awhile before I will push back up. I saw him in the hall but I walked away. He tried to grab my hand but of course I pushed it away. I wasn't strong. He held on tight. " Mazori , please, I'm sorry, let me explain." I said no but ended up having an attack. I fell on the floor but before. Akarui could help when I saw a familiar figure. He pushed the helpless Akarui away. Everything was blurry so it was hard to see but I saw a face look up at me. Kyle. He looked worried. Oh my gosh. I realized I was starting to have trouble breathing. He looked so worried he actually looked a little cute. He wasn't like the cold person he was yesterday. "Are you okay?" He asked. I couldn't talk. I then started taking deep breaths to calm myself. He put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. A heart melting smile. " Ye, Yes." He then picked me up to take me to the nurse. I can't remember anything after that. 

*Kyle Pov*

 Kyle's side of the story:

After I dropped the girl who I still haven't learned her name off at the nurse I didn't see her for a week. She stayed home. I saw this little girl with long black hair down to her waist crying and asking for someone named Mazori . She was cute and I think she was in kindergarten or first grade. Her pretty hazel was occupied by dark fumes of ugly brown. She looked depressed. And she was always on her ipad trying to text someone. 

The next day I saw her running to the door with the biggest smile on her face to hug someone. She yelled, " Mazori !" That's when I realized who she was running to. The pretty girl from last week. The one whom I took to the nurse. They hugged then I saw a guy way much better looking than me walk up to her. He had black hair and really dark brown eyes. He took her hand and I think he was apologizing for something but she shook her hand free and walked over to me. I felt my whole face go red the moment she even got close to me. She took my hand and said thank you. The same guy tried to approach her again. I think she had enough. Her blue eyes turned a dark evil sliver. " Listen Akarui." She glanced at me. She then started speaking in another Language. I guess it wasn't something for me to hear because she spoke it in Japanese and since I'm from America not Japan I can't speak Japanese. She then took a pen out of her bag and grabbed my hand. She wrote a number which was probably hers. " Call me." With that she took the little girl's hand and walked off. The little girl came back to me." "Hi, i'm "Cora, she said, you're the one who abandoned me so don't act innocent, I forgot the rest sorry, she is sure cool isn't she, you should date her, she needs a new boyfriend, she dumped her last one, don't worry it wasn't Akarui, they are just friends. Or were. Her ex is scary, watch out. He is the one with dark blue eyes and white hair. He can literally destroy you. BYE!" The guy who everyone called Akarui kicked a locker besides me. " I know by the way you look at her you like her but that's too bad. She's mine. So stay away." He then grabbed my hand and banged it into the locker. A guy with white hair suddenly came and saved me from Akarui. He was taken to the office for bullying me. Me and the white haired guy named Charles exchanged phone numbers and became good friends. I texted both Mazori and Chales that weekend. He was a real guy. So was Mazori …I mean she was a girl but ya know what I mean. She was so pretty. I didn't fully understand what they were saying but she looked so brave when her eyes turned silver and she put her hands together. Me and Charles met up at school the next monday. We were talking when Mazori and Cora started walking my way. I waved them over. She stopped walking. Her beautiful blue eyes turned a messy sliver again then she dropped Cora's hand and walked away. I suddenly realized why. I got a good Look at Charles' face then the disappointed looking Cora. I was friends with her ex.

*Back To Main Pov*

I was devastated. I couldn't believe everyone I became friends with someone who betrayed me. I don't understand why he would go and become friends with Charles. I knew he knew. Cora told him yesterday to stay away. He didn't listen. I went outside before school started. I needed Rezuela more than anything right now but she was on vacation. I was alone. Cora had just left school early for a dentist appointment and I had no one. I stood near the cherry blossoms as they fell from the tree. They would all be gone soon. It was fall. They blew in the wind. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Kyle. I smiled my saddest smile. There were still tears lurking in my eye. I pushed my hair back as my smile faded. I was still upset. I just wanted to know why.