
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Royal Fight

As constructed by the king Charles walked over to the thorne and held hands with Charlotte, the whole kingdom clapped. The two smiled and looked at each other while holding hands. They were both happy. They both loved each other and even though they got in fights sometimes that was part of life. Then the king announced the wedding was to be held in three weeks. Everyone once again clapped at the king's statement. Mazori was ecstatic. She didn't think that the crowd or the brothers would be happy with her decision. But even the brothers clapped with a smile on their faces. After the ceremony it was time for Mazori to return to her own kingdom. Charles was sad to see her leave but got over it. Mazori was packing her stuff in the room when Charles knocked on her door. " COME IN"! Charle slowly opens the door. " How can I help you"?? Asked Charlotte. " Do you want to go to the store to pick out a dress for the wedding"? " How about tomorrow"? " I have a lot of aching to do and the move back to Lindolin will be long". Sure I will pick you up in the morning". How about 7:30 am"? " Sounds good to me". Mazori just got out of the shower. The day ended with a fancy dinner and a lot of packing. While everyone was sleeping Mazori 's family came to pick her up and take her back to Lindolin. Charles woke up without his fiance by his side. He was still sad but eventually got out of bed to get ready to have a long day of shopping. " Ugh I am so tired", moaned Charles. He got out of bed and brushed his teeth, washed his face, and showered. After he was fresh and clean he ate a croissant with a drizzle of poposmith A royal syrup. After breakfast he prepared the royal carriage for the Princess. Once he arrived he waited for her for about 20 minutes. " Where is she he whispered to himself." Another 10 minutes later She came out crying. " What's wrong?", he asked. She remained silent for a minute before saying that her sisters Elaina and Xnlie were mad at her. " Why is that?" he asked. " Um, when I first came here they begged me to come ''. " I said no because I wanted the experience for myself". " I was foolish and selfish and should have let them come but I didn't." " My older sister Elaina has had a crush on you since forever." "My little sister Xnille had a crush on Eldon". " They both hated me since I am marrying you and when Xnile heard about the flower situation at the ball." " Oh, I didn't know that". " What did you mean you wanted the full experience and didn't let them come". Well as you know I have red hair and blue-green eyes. They both have blonde hair and light blue eyes." " I was always jealous of them because whenever we were out everyone always adored them but treated me like an outsider." " I hated that''. " When I learned that you guys loved me I didn't want them to come and ruin everything". " Oh Mazori I would have loved you anyway". " Looks don't matter to me". Just then A pretty blonde girl came running to the carriage shouting "Mazori !" It was Elania. " Elania, oh goodness". Mazori got out of the carriage and confronted Elaina. And asked her why she was chasing the carriage. " BECAUSE HE IS MINE! YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM FROM ME!" " ELIANA HE IS MY FIANCE! I AM MARRYING HIM! STOP ACTING CRAZY!" " NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Eliana kept repeating no until she passed out onto the cement. Charles got out of the carriage yelling at Mazori . " Mazori what did you do, I know you don't like your sisters but this is too much. You could have killed her." " What no I didn't do this we were yelling at each other then she started saying no no no then she passed out. I didn't push her or anything." " STOP LYING TO MY FACE MAZORI YOU JUST TOLD ME IN THE CARRIAGE WHY YOU HATE YOUR SISTERS. NOW YOU DECIDE TO PUSH HER AND LIE TO ME WHILE HURTING YOU FAMILY. THIS IS NOT WHY I WANTED TO MARRY YOU!" Mazori is left stunned that Charles would believe that she would hurt Eliana. Yes it is true that she ever really liked Eliana but she would never hurt her. Well at least not physically. Charles picked up Eliana and carried her inside the palace and told Mazori that he didn't want to go to the store today and maybe tomorrow. Mazori was sad at this but she was even more mad because she swore she saw Eliana look up at her smiling a wicked evil smile. Mazori was left standing on the sidewalk looking up at the sky. Charles and Eliana were gone. It was clear Eliana had purposely ruined her trip with Charles. The only thing that Mazori didn't understand was why she wanted to ruin everything. She always had more than Mazori even if it was by 1. It was a hot summer day and it was 84 degrees outside. She decided to walk down to the beach.

She had a lot of fun in the water since water was always one of her favorite things. She loved playing and swimming in it. When Mazori was lonely while her sisters were getting all kinds of attention the water was where she went. All of her makeup was wiped off while swimming. She didn't mind because she was in her happy place. She didn't enjoy the water for long when she saw someone special walking down the boardwalk. It was Xnile. " Xnile what are you doing here?" ": I thought you hated me". " Well you got that one right". I never really understood Xnile. She was always quiet, never really rude to me but always looked at me with a weird expression. " Xnile what do you want from me"? " Why did you push Eliana onto the cement"? " Mother is very angry, you know, because some of her new rich friends wanted to meet her and me. Now mom is going to have to tell her that our ugly sister pushed her onto the cement. Do you know how embarrassing that is"? 

"Listen here I did not push that lying snake onto the cement. She just fell." " Hmm, lying snake doesn't seem to be proper royalty language. "You really are such a disappointment to this family." Xnile began to walk away. " Wait Xnile why do you hate me so much"? " What have I ever done to you"? Xnile stared at her for a moment before walking away saying, " You are an ugly disappointment". Mazori was disappointed in the fact that she couldn't once more get an answer from Xnile. She hadn't done anything to her family. They just hated her because of her looks. She needed to find out a hundred percent why they hated her. It couldn't just be her looks could it? After walking around the beach in thought for the next 4 hours she decided to walk back home. It was getting dark anyway. Her mother was just like her sisters. She hated and criticized her. On the way back she could help think about what her mom would say if she asked her why she hated her. When she got home she changed into some cleaner attire. She walked up to her mothers room knowing what she was going to do. She was going to ask her mom why she hated her. What her sisters hated her. Why did almost everyone hate her? She knew there was something that her family was hiding from her and she needed to find out what it was. As soon as she approached her moms room she saw Xnile and Eliana walking down the hall. Xnile was helping Eliana who was struggling to walk. She knew that Eliana was faking it. They were both faking it. They were always faking so that everyone would like them and hate me. I don't know why Xnile hated me. She is my younger sister so she didn't have the experiences that I and Eliana had.You see me and Eliana had a rough past before Xnile was born. I don't know if Eliana said something to her or if she blackmailed her but whatever it is it's not fair. I or anyone deserves to be treated this way by their family. I decided to ask Xnile once more before asking my mother. After Eliana and Xnile cleared the hallway Mazori followed them to Xnile's room. She thought that maybe she could get a conversation from them about her but it was all normal. They just seemed to be having fun like normal siblings. They had a pillow fight then they talked about the past school year.Oh I forgot to mention that we are in the summer. We have another month break from school. I'm lost in thought until I hear my name and I realize where I am. " Mazori ''? I look up to see an angry Eliana and a confused Xnie. n'' Mazori why are you outside my room"? Oh god what am I going to say to Xnile. " I-um had a question for you, and um only you", I said, glancing at Eliana. " Shut up ugly tomato". '' Xnile doesn't want to answer any of your stupid questions". '' Fine Eliana, then I have a question for you". " Ugh, what do you want you ugly tomato"? " Why did you lie to Charles, Xnile, and mother and say that I pushed you onto the cement"? " Because I need to do what I need to do to get Charles." " Neither does mom want you to marry Charles so I am working on making him hate you". After she said that she turned around and whispered something in Xniles ear. " WHAT THE HECK DID YOU WHISPER TO HER"? I screamed. Eliana and Xnile shared a look from each other before walking back in her room and slamming the door in my face. I heard Xnile yell, Stay away from my room, Mazori .'"