
A Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, Not!

Mazori Maiyu is a princess full of wealth but she is not loved by her family, her sisters hate her and her mother sides with them, shes about to marry the one she loves but learns he also hates her, She been betrayed, by the only person she thought could understand her, She decided shes going to be the perfect daughter this family could ask for, shes makes it up to her sisters and becomes close with them and she becomes the perfect princess her mother could ask for, she completely changes herself, even going as far as to dye her hair for her mother, She decides to look at life the regular way, join a regular school and make regular friends, At first everyone thought this was a Typical Royal Romance Fantasy, but this is Not!

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Royal Introduction

There were 5 Princes. The oldest was Alexander. The 2nd oldest was Philip. The middle child was Albert, ( the genius ). The 2nd youngest was Charles. And the youngest was Eldon. Their mother the Queen had passed away a little after giving birth to Eldon due to a heart disease. Growing up the other brothers hated Eldon because they believed he was the reason their mother was gone. King James and Eldon were the only ones who knew that Queen Elizabeth was diagnosed with the disease right after giving birth to Albert, ( the one who hated him the most ). Albert loved his mother growing up and Queen Elizabeth didn't want to scare the boy or make him feel like this was his fault. Alexander was the only one who didn't bully Eldon or treat him horribly. Whenever Eldon tried to talk to Alexander he would say he didn't want to talk because he missed his mom that had been taken from him by Eldon. To be honest Alexander didn't talk to any of his brothers. All he would do all day was go outside for a walk under the cherry blossoms. None of his brothers really cared about Alexander and why he would not talk to them. One day Charles was walking down the castle hallway after his sword classes ended. He wanted some doughnuts but they were all out. He walked right up to his fathers room where he lay in bed resting." Yes my child" King James says as Charles walks into the door. " Hey dad, can you tell the chef to keep making more doughnuts'',Charles asked. " Later son", he tells Charles. "I need to talk to you". " Yes father, what can I help you with? " I want one of you boys to date Princess Charlotte. Charles' Eyes widened. He had always had a crush on Mazori but he knew that his brothers did too. '' Dad, how will we decide? " His father coughed, "maybe the oldest, Alexander ''. Charles felt himself rage with anger. '' THE FREAKING MORON DOESN'T EVEN TALK! At the time Alexander had also had a question for King James and was right at the door when Charles yelled this. Everything went silent for a moment until Charles yelled again, " WELL YEAH THAT'S WHAT I THINK. YOU DON'T TALK TO US BROTHERS AND I AM SURE YOU'RE THE WORST OLDER BROTHER IN THE WORLD. NOW YOU THINK I WILL LET YOU STEAL THE GIRL I LOVE"! Just as Charles was about to push Alexander out of his way The King spoke, " Wait Charles, Alexander I will let Mazori decide." Suddenly all the rage and anger Charles felt washed away." So if she picks me I can date her"? " Well Mazori will move in with us so she can spend time with you boys and at the end of the week she will have to pick one of you. Boys I need to hurry I hear she's outside.All of the boys got into their best suits ready to greet Mazori at the door. Today Eldon is the fastest and gets ready first. He opens the door for Mazori to see the prettiest red hair with blue green eyes staring back at him. " Wow Charlotte, Your pink dress is gorgeous". Mazori feels a little startled at this compliment. "Thank you," Mazori says quietly. Just then Albert came running and shoved Eldon onto the floor and asked Princess Mazori if she was okay. " Yes," she replies, shivering. She doesn't want to be pushed onto the floor as well. Albert offers Mazori a spot on the couch while Eldon sneaks out the room. Eldon is very sad because he too has a massive crush on Charlotte. She takes a spot on the couch next to Albert. " So Charlotte, do you know what you're going to wear to the ball tonight"? " I have a green dress". Later that day Mazori and the boys are getting ready for the ball in their rooms. Everyone seems to be ready except Charlotte. Charles offers to check on her. As Charles walks up the stairs he hears noise from Charlotte's room. " Mazori the ball started 5 minutes ago". "Are you okay in there"? Mazori opens the door. Charles is left speechless. " You look amazing". All he wants to do is to lean in and kiss her. "Is green your favorite color?" Charles asks. " Yes she says quietly." Charles reaches out a hand to her and she takes it. Everyone in the castle looks in awe as Charles and Mazori walk down the stairs hand in hand. Just then the slow dance starts and Charles asks Mazori for this dance. Then the two start slow dancing together. The rest of the brothers accept Eldon watch in rage and sadness. Eldon was outside picking flowers for Mazori. When he came back inside and saw Charles with Mazori he was devastated. He threw the flowers on the floor and stepped on them before running back into the flower garden. There he cried. Mazori had seen this and picked up the flowers from the floor and held them close to her heart. She wondered how on earth was she going to pick a boy if all of them liked her. Charles seemed to notice her worried because he asked her if everything was okay. " Yes I just need a break". Philip saw this as a chance to make a move on Mazori Once Mazori was up the stairs he made an excuse to go upstairs. Mazori was in her room thinking inside her head when Phillp knocked on the door. She opened it and Phillp barged in and took a seat on her sofa. This really scared Mazori and she screamed. Phillp's face turned to panic. All of the brothers came running to Mazori's room. While all of the brothers screamed at Philip, Charles grabbed Mazori into his arms. This made Charlotte's heart skip a beat. Did she like him? Later that night the royal family wanted to have a royal feast. Everyone was sent to their Rooms to get ready. Mazori had braided her hair and was dressed in blue. When she came down the stairs everyone clapped and this made Mazori want to run since she was shy but then Charles grabbed Charlotte's hand and kissed it before leading her to the table. Everyone was eating their food and laughing like a family when Eldon noticed Mazori hadn't touched her food. " Are you okay"? Eldon asked. Before Mazori could respond Charles snapped," FIND YOUR OWN GIRL"! Mazori's heart skipped another beat. She felt like she was also really falling for Charles but being the shy girl she was she wouldn't know how to express it. "Oookay brothers," Albert said. " Let's calm down for the princess". " I'm not hungry anymore," Charles whispered before heading up to his room. Suddenly Mazori felt bad. All Charles wanted was to love Mazori and Mazori knew she loved him too but she couldn't express it correctly. Mazori excused herself before heading to Charles' room. "CHARLES!" Mazori yelled from the door. "I am sorry" Charles opened the door. " For what", he asked. Suddenly she kissed him on the cheek and left him feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry for making you feel sad or left out". Suddenly Charles snapped back to reality. " So what, there are 5 of us". " You probably say that to all of us." " Like you really care". Then Charles slammed his door in her face. This left Mazori devastated. She ran away muttering to herself, " NO I DON'T." Alexander had seen this. He knew Charles hated him. He knew all of his younger brothers hated him but he wanted to try. He knocked on Charles's door. "GO AWAY MAZORI '', Charles yelled tears running down his face. Alexander walked into Charles' room where he lay on the floor crying. Before Charles could scream at Alexander for coming into his room Alexander spoke." I'm sorry little bro for making you all hate me". " I'm sorry for not being the brother you needed me to be" "Big brother", Charles said. " Big brother", Alexander repeated. " And Mazori really does like you". " You need to open up to her and really listen and understand her". Charles is left speechless for a moment before reality hits him. " Why do you care anyway? Charles askes. '' Because you are my little brother". '' Mazori doesn't love me, all she does is soak up all the attention us brothers give her." " All she is doing is toying with us". Alexander is really upset that his brother is not listening to him and understanding how Mazori really feels. Alexander has had enough of Charles' stupidity. " STOP STOP STOP, Mazori LOVES YOU SO DEAL WITH IT AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES!" Alexander screams. Charles is once again left speechless. " Listen", Charles replied, " I don't even know what you want me to do". " Make it up to her"?

Charles decides to buy her a pretty white kitten. The next day when everyone was having breakfast except for Mazori he walked up to her room with the kitten and knocked on her door. " Who is it?"she asked. Charles worried that if she told her it was him she wouldn't open the door but he also didn't want to lie to her. Charles sighed ready for what was about to happen. " Charles" He was expecting her to tell him to go away but instead she slowly opened the door with her head held low. Mazori looked like she was about to cry when Charles hugged her. She hugged him back. "I'm so sorry about yesterday" Before Mazori could answer he kissed her. At first she was shocked but then she kissed him back. They stood there kissing for a long time till they both snapped back to reality. Mazori was really embarrassed because she didn't really know what to say after that. "Um yes", says Mazori. That caught Charles' attention. " Yes what"? " Is there something you wanted to say to me when you came up here"? " Oh I wanted to call you down for breakfast and to give you this". " I'll pass on the breakfast but what's that"? " It's a gift as an apology for my behavior yesterday, " Charles replies. " Oh um thank you, do you want me to open it now"? " Um sure". Mazori and Charles sit on the floor while Mazori opens the big blue box the white kitten is in. Mazori opened the box and gasped in awe. " Oh my goodness Charles, did you really just get me a cat"? " Thank you so much". "Your welcome", Charles replied. " But um hey, can we talk?" Charles asked. " Yeah sure", said Charlotte. Mazori was scared. She want Charles to abandon her because of what happened last night and what happened a couple minutes ago. " I am ready sorry for what happened last night…. But I really do like you and I hope you feel the same. "Of course I do", said Charlotte. They walked down the stairs happily. The week went by fast as the couple walked hand in hand all day. After the week the ceremony was held. All the brothers stood in their best suits. The royal band played the best high pumped music. The princess stood on the throne ready to pick her fiance. Finally the question was asked. " Dear Princess Charlotte, are you ready to pick your fiance"? " Yes" " Okay then", said king James, " Who is your fiance". Mazori was nervous. This was an easy question for her but she was still worried that maybe Charles had changed his the most important. Also he was the kindest and let people walk over him Bubbles and air ran down over Mazori for her choice.