
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Mary Kikakujou

Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

Samuel POV,

Samuel twirled around the card in his hand, if one observed closely they would notice that one of the five circles arranged like a pentagon was stamped in red, whistling slightly as he did, it was lunch break time so technically he was allowed to roam around for a bit right? He got up, placing the card back in his pocket. "Are there any others available at this time?" Samuel asked, walking over to the window to observe the students below.

Apart from their strange matriarchal system and weaponry allowance, this was pretty much a normal school. He could see students walking around talking to one another or sitting in shades, eating their lunches.

Tsukuyo turned her head in his direction, "You aren't just simply here to study are you?" She asked slightly disappointed, what was with boys and their brutish natures?

"I mean no harm so it's alright isn't it?" He replied with a question, giving her a thumbs up. All Samuel wanted were those stamps, nothing more, nothing less.

"Mary should be on school grounds, possibly in the cafeteria at this time. Western Style Fencing, is her main form of fighting with a thin rapier that lets her twist it in strange ways. It is mostly thrusts with few cuts and she aims for and pierces central nerves. I suggest taking the initiative if you are to ever fight her and getting close before she can move." Tsukuyo ended up giving quite the long explanation regarding Mary Kikakujou, one of the Supreme Five Swords.

Samuel listened intently, already having mentally noted that his new 'friend' had a habit of giving long winded explanations. "I see that you actually listen to people." Tsukuyo praised, nodding in a mixture of approval and appreciation, people mostly left when she was talking.....

"It's a good habit of mine." Samuel replied, smiling as he opened the window and, much to the surprise of his classmates.... jumped outside.... from the second floor. Tsukuyo sharply turned towards one of the other students, "Did he just jump out of the window?"

"...Yes..." The girl nodded slowly, though, this was a strangely common occurrence here for some reason. "Unruly lot." A girl huffed folding her arms under her chest, couldn't they just use the stairs, which were for the express purpose of going down or up?!


Samuel ran across the schoolyard at a normal pace, such that he didn't appear like a crazy madman that was running for no reason..... and somehow still managed to get several people to look in his direction.

"Is he chasing someone?"

Seemed to be the general topic of conversation after seeing the silver haired teenager pass them, truly a strange school.

In a matter of moments, Samuel arrived at what he presumed to be the school cafeteria, choosing to walk rather than run in. As for how he found this place? Well it did kind of stand out like a sore thumb with the large window panes instead of walls and the number of students around inside.

Only after arriving here did Samuel recall a very important detail,... how was he supposed to know which one was Mary Kikakujou?

"May I help you?" A girl with short blue hair blankly stared up at his face, which in turn, somewhat surprised the teenager. The rest of them were looking at him like he killed their parents or something.

"Can you tell me which one is Mary Kikakujou?" Samuel asked, or rather whispered, keeping his voice down just in case that would somehow end up 'offending' the people here.

A small distance away from Samuel, a young man with unruly black hair sat at a table with his legs folded, "Woah it's paisen." He muttered out with a small grin, leaning in on the table. If he wasn't behaving gay right now then that meant his 'senpai' hadn't been brought down by whoever was sent to deal with him.

"That's... Do you know him Nomura?" A girl with black hair in a bob cut asked curiously, looking over at him, her masked eye slightly glowed purple as she did. In all honesty, her hateful temperament towards men had dialled down considerably after she had fought the man sitting beside her and spent some time with him.

At the same time though, she sighed in slight disappointment, "Well he's going to be 'corrected' right now it seems." She continued, looking at the girls that seemed to be standing up from their tables in a graceful manner, making Nomura chuckle in a way that looked very annoying to her. "I wouldn't be so sure of that Onigawara."

Nomura had, in the morning, lightly punched Samuel as a joke but even through that, in that very moment he had noticed that even if he looked fairly defenceless, that wasn't the case at all. After all, it felt like he had punched a literal fucking iron wall.

Back with Samuel, "I would but.... you seem to have some problems." The girl answered politely bowing before leaving rather quickly, she wanted nothing to do with this. He didn't even look like he was a bad person..

"Yeah... I do." Samuel sighed, turning around to face the students that had pulled out their batons for absolutely no reason.

"Can we solve this without violence?" Samuel asked, smiling as he scratched his cheek with the other hand raised in surrender, there was nothing to hold him back here... Rin wasn't here and neither was anyone else who he wouldn't want to fight in front of....

....He didn't want to harm them too much.

"You've run free long enough, it's time for correction." A girl with grey hair pointed her baton at his face, what the hell were those in his class doing letting him be?

Samuel's smile widened, "You know I'm allowed to defend myself right?" He told them directly, the other male students couldn't do so and that had probably made these girls complacent. Delinquents losing to girls with weapons? Bah, he called bullshit on that. It was common knowledge that they weren't allowed to retaliate.

"Ha, go ahead if you wish to get expelled." The girl showed a mocking smile, the only boys who got sent here were those that had nowhere else to go.

Samuel chuckled in response, "Well then I guess I'm getting expelled." He wasn't going to be taking anything sitting down.

They would be made aware of gender equality worked in reality.

The girl swung her baton to the right, aiming directly at his face only for Samuel to swat it away with a hand before tilting his body to the right and kicking her in the stomach, sending her crashing into a nearby table. "Violence isn't good." Samuel gave her a close eyed smile, his leg still held out.

The cafeteria immediately went silent, this had never happened before...

The girl that had been kicked had the air knocked out of her lungs and was coughing wildly, gasping for air.

"She needs a doctor." Samuel nodded standing up straight, a hand in his pocket. This was their handicap against him... No he wasn't looking down on them, he was treating them as equals! Yes, this is what gender equality looked like.

"Well I'll be damned." Nomura whistled in amazement, holding out a hand in front of Rin who was about to stand up, "You stand no chance."

"Guards!" Someone shouted making Samuel sigh and shake his head, what the hell? Weren't they going to try and correct him or something?.... He wanted to burn this place down.

The tapping of heels could soon be heard clearly, natural considering that the only other sound in the cafeteria at the moment was the coughing of the girl being taken away.

A girl taller than her peers by a head walked forward, pulling out a rapier as she approached Samuel, "Calling the guards is useless. This man is allowed to defend himself." She declared, her blonde hair swaying about as she raised her head slightly, such that she had to look down on Samuel.

"Mary Kikakujou, name yourself." Her voice was certainly haughty, understandable considering her standing in the school..... and yes, she already knew his name. It was duel etiquette.

"Samuel Hayes, a pleasure." Samuel smiled, closing his eyes, this turned out to be fruitious, his targe-*ehem* the person he was looking for just walked up to him. Observing her closely, she was rather beautiful, fair skin, and wavy blonde hair.

"You know pointing a weapon at someone is tantamount to declaring that you mean harm?" Samuel asked, if she was going to attack him, then what he was going to do next was self defence.

"I will apologise to Satori-san." Mary muttered out, pointing her rapier straight at him, Samuel was supposed to be Satori's to deal with but after this violent exhibit, she couldn't just let him walk away.

"En Garde?"



Declaring the start, she lunged at him.

At this time, a certain girl with blonde hair and blue eyes was observing them fight from a corner of the cafeteria, sitting calmly as she sipped on her tea, having snuck in earlier with great ease.


Share thoughts please.

Extra chapter put up alongside this, should be up exactly 1 minute after this. If it isn't, that means WN timer is fucked....again. In that case, I'll just post it when I wake up.

Some of yous misunderstood somethin' last chapter. I did three pulls cause he did three missions not cause he didn't roll squat the first two times.

Who's the stranger that's observing him?

250 powerstones and you get a chapter.

How'd you like the chapter?

Any suggestions for the story?

Join server or.....hmmm, join server or you furry.
