
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Deal With Him

Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

Samuel POV,

In a normal classroom.... nevermind, this classroom was anything but normal. The only thing actually 'normal' about it were the chairs, tables and the teacher near the board explaining things regarding the subject she taught.

The girls were paying attention to her and so were the 'boys' or so one would think at first glance. Subtly and at a level where it was barely noticeable, nearly all attention was currently directed towards the silver haired teenager sitting near the back and the girl directly to his right.

Firstly, a new student had arrived in their class out of nowhere. A new male student, if that wasn't strange enough then their teacher not even bothering to ask him to introduce himself certainly was. There was also the fact that Tsukuyo Inaba, one of the Supreme Five Swords, was silently sitting next to him.

"You think he did something to her?"


Samuel naturally heard everything that was being 'whispered' by his 'classmates', only he didn't quite care about it. If all went as planned then this would be his first and only day at this academy as a whole,..... he was wrong.

"He doesn't look like he'd do something like that though."

"All of them are like that."

Samuel's lips slightly twitched, were they doing it on purpose or something?

"Should we try to save her?"


Samuel was speechless, were they planning on attacking him or something?

He glanced over at Tsukuyo who had a hand on the hilt of her katana, the blade slightly raised upwards as she slightly tilted her head to the side.

"I'm disappointed, the students of our prestigious academy talking behind someone's back." Tsukuyo voiced her thoughts, making sure that everyone heard them. Naturally she wouldn't normally interfere in such matters because it wasn't her place to do so but here, it was her 'friend' they were talking about after all.

.... Defending each other was something friends did right?

She tilted her head in Samuel's direction, a somewhat smug air about her as the whispering immediately died down. The teacher didn't have enough authority to reprimand her for her actions so she simply resumed her teaching, "Can anyone translate this?"


Class continued normally, this time however with no whispering regarding Samuel, the silver haired teenager didn't quite pay any attention, choosing to stare at the teacher absent mindedly... Why? Well call it complacent but he had Echidna by his side, something like studying was something she would be glad to do in his stead.

'Using me so shamelessly.'

Samuel ignored the witch's remark, a few minutes passed with the only thing audible being the teacher's voice up until the bell finally rang announcing the end of their session and the start of the lunch break.

Samuel stretched his arms, he didn't have to change classrooms for different subjects as that wasn't how schools worked here.

Tsukuyo, seeing her opportunity, coughed slightly to get his attention towards her, "For your own safety, I suggest learning at least some type of martial arts." She was somewhat earnest in her advice, he would definitely be attacked here and from what she had seen earlier, the way he carried himself suggested that he didn't have any experience in the field.

There was no caution or guard in his form, he walked loosely, like the average man.

Samuel looked at her for a few moments before chuckling, "I see, thanks for the advice." It wasn't her fault she thought he had no practice..... if he was cautious all the time, no would attack him after all.

"If you want I can even tea-" Tsukuyo immediately closed her mouth, noticing the black haired girl that had walked up to Samuel's table, somewhat haughtily, with a contempt filled gaze.

"Who are you?"

"Samuel Hayes. A pleasure." Samuel smiled, introducing himself rather politely as he held out his hand.

The girl was somewhat taken aback by his response, not expecting him to be so 'civil'... Now that she looked closely, wasn't he quite handsome so far as looks were concerned?

"Suzuki Ito..."

"Nice to meet you." Samuel continued, still with a smile, what was he expected to do? Was he supposed to attack her or something?

"What is Inaba-san doing with you?" She asked, losing her previous surprise, if it was something evil she'd put him down herself!

"I mean, she's my only friend here." Samuel responded honestly... still somewhat using wordplay to influence Tsukuyo who was visibly pleased with being called a friend seeing as a small smile formed on her face..... Old habits die hard...

"She's your friend?"


"Nothing else?"


"Is that so?"


"I-I see." Suzuki backed down, turning around and leaving with a 'hmph', his looks coupled with the way he talked enabled him to effectively avoid a situation where violence would be unavoidable.

Seeing the girl walk away, Samuel's smile became more relaxed, "That was certainly...something." He remarked, sighing, he was certain that had it been a more average looking person they would have been attacked without even getting to explain themselves.

Tsukuyo was simply silent for a few moments, the others from the Supreme Five Swords would most definitely be able to see that he didn't require any correction right? She had conflicted feelings about them trying to do something to her only friend though.

Samuel, not really having much else to do, suddenly remembered that he was yet to roll the gacha he got as a reward from the missions he had carried out in the world of Re: Zero. Samuel took out his phone, scrolled down and sighing at the emptiness of the group chat, he rolled it three times before putting the phone back.

'I may have a fix for that emptiness.'

Why do it here? Well there was a chance he would end up forgetting again and Tsukuyo was well, blind, he saw those eyes, pitiful as it was the girl probably couldn't see anything at all. Anyone else that might look at it would probably write it off as some kind of game rather than think of all the outrageous things in there as real.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you manage without sight?" Samuel asked looking at her curiously, well he could go by instinct and ignore the need for sight but it wasn't exactly one of those strictly 'need' based things. There was much to 'see' in the world after all.

Tsukuyo tilted her head at the rather strange question, but then again, people barely conversed with her anyway. She pointed at her ears, "I may not see but my hearing is far greater than what you would consider 'normal', I function perfectly fine." Friends were nice..... wasn't he kind of expressing worry for her?

"If you're fine then it's all good." Samuel nodded, folding his arms, it wasn't quite his place to help at the moment, he wasn't quite ready to risk revealing the presence of magic.

'There's no magical energy here. No magic is possible.... I do see these strange unsightly things however.'

Samuel nodded with closed eyes, it was slightly reassuring that there would be no magic related shenanigans at least here.

"So, Tsukuyo, any chance you might stamp this?" Samuel asked 'nicely', placing the black card he had received from the headmistress on the table...

"I-If you are willing to do one thing then yes." Tsukuyo somewhat stuttered in her wording, Samuel had been raised here but the way these people refused to use first names didn't quite stick with him... so like any person who came from the same country as him, he rejected respecting the cultural difference and was on a first name basis with literally everyone.... decided by himself.

The tips of the girl's ears were red, it was somewhat embarrassing to be called like that so early but..... she had seen people who were friends mostly refer to each other like that, "Shoot." Samuel paid more attention to her now, hopefully it wouldn't be something outrageous.

"Can you learn to defend yourself?"

Samuel sighed,.... the request was kind of cute but..... she really was saying it to the wrong person.

"I've trained plenty, you know. You don't have to wo-"

A metal blade shimmered from the sunlight, appearing next to Samuel's neck the next instant, "You just died th-....?!"

Samuel slightly smiled, seeing awkward people confident was also fairly nice.

Tsukuyo's eyes opened in surprise, she had intended to warn him with that but..... this wasn't expected at all.

The metal blade was stopped in place with the back of his free hand while the other was only slightly touching her near the kidney area, held out straight.

"I said so didn't I?" Samuel slightly smiled once again resting his head in his hand, it wasn't a matter of being shown up.

"I've misjudged you, my apologies." Tsukuyo sheathed her katana, bowing her head in slight apology, she was a bad friend, underestimating her companion like that, now she could only apologise and hope he would accept her apology.

"Eh, it's alright. Happens often." Samuel dismissed her thoughts with a wave of his hand, he walked around like that so people would in fact, underestimate him.

"Is this what friendship is?" Tsukuyo asked curiously, closing her eyes again. If so, it was certainly nice.


Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

??? POV,

A certain distance off from the main school campus, a beautiful girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail to the side and round blue eyes could be seen on the roof of a nearby building. She seemed to be closely observing someone in the school to the point where she had binoculars just to make sure she had an absolute view on said person.

"Yes... yes, I've found him.... Yes, I'll check as well." The girl sighed letting her hair loose such that it hung just below her shoulders, she slightly made up her hair, braiding it, parting it and the likes before straightening her 'uniform'.

A sailor uniform with a light blue skirt and a white shirt with blue collars, a small tie tied around them.


Share thoughts please.

Fuck nerfs lmao.

Kinda hypocritical of me to say this but, so I did the gacha with an 80% chance of rolling jackshit. Three times, one time lands on dud, second time lands on dud, third time lands on fucking Laevatein: Sun-Like Sword that Becomes a Calamity. The NP from Type-Moon, the one that can slaughter gods and signals the fucking apocalypse. Burns hotter than the the hottest of stars type of shit and can essentially destroy a fucking complex multiverse with all seals removed....... what do yous think? Add or just redo the gacha? Considering this was the most outrageous thing on there.

Oh and, it's a subtle detail but did anyone notice that when Samuel meets new people he tends to use what he judges to be their weak points even during normal convos when he wants somethin'?

Who's the stranger?

250 powerstones and you get a chapter.

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Join server or.....hmmm, join server or you furry.
