
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Martial Artist vs Fencer

Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

Samuel POV,

Currently the cafeteria was completely silent, not one person dared to comment or even discuss staring at the two teenagers looking at each other.

News of what was happening had already travelled though and a number of students could be seen gathered outside the cafeteria, trying to watch what was happening.

Things like this rarely happened after all. Some new male student had essentially knocked out one of the female students and was facing one of the Five Supreme Swords. The respect and esteem those five had here was immaculate and on top of that, the students were mostly here to see a beat down. Their confidence in the fencer was absolute.

Samuel slightly laughed, scratching his cheek as he stepped to the side dodging the rapier, "You gotta be faster than that."

Mary diverted her blade mid thrust, "Taisez-vous!" Slashing to the right... only for it to be practically useless. Samuel had bent his knees so much that one would question how he was supporting himself, essentially avoiding her slash.

The fencer too however was considerably skilled, once more changing course and swinging downwards with a wide smile, "Je te tiens!" She declared slightly victoriously only to be met with the ground, disorienting herself after having hit the ground full force.

Samuel had simply tilted his body to the right completely avoiding her slash, again.

"Come on now." Samuel smiled standing straight again, a hand still in his pocket, had he overestimated her? "Don't be too full of yourself." Mary remarked, slightly scowling as she pulled back her hand, slightly holding the other to the side out. It appeared that her opponent was no normal brute, had he tried to deflect her hits she could have swerved the blade in a manner that damage would still be dealt but he chose to not even make contact which in turn made it impossible to utilise the flexibility of her weapon.

Taking a step forward, she thrust her blade forward once, twice, thrice and so on. At speeds where the blade seemed to leave behind afterimages as she continuously thrusted it at her opponent, it was clear that she wasn't even concerned about his safety.

"Well damn." Samuel slightly deflected her blade using the hand that was out and used the opportunity created to step back, if she was performing continuous thrusts then all he had to do was take one step back to render them useless.

Mary grinned in victory, leaning down as she pulled her sword back, "You fell for it." This time she thrusted her blade upwards, aiming straight for his face causing Samuel to once again, use his free hand to deflect the blade slightly only for it to bend like a spring going around his hand and hit his neck... or so it would if Samuel remained unmoving after that, he slightly bent his knees and punched her in the stomach.

"Ugh." The force behind the hit dragged several feet backwards, "Well that would've actually hit me." Samuel remarked in slight surprise, the fact that it would do zero damage aside, her skill with the sword was something worthy of praise.

"A Kyokushin Practitioner?" Mary asked, holding a hand over the area that had been punched, it felt as if a hole had been blown through there and it was actually difficult for her to stand normally. What in the name of God was this man?

"I know a bit of it." Samuel smiled waving his hand dismissively, all he did 'know' about it was from the dumbass that had attacked him a few days ago.

Before the fight between the two could proceed however, a girl wearing a frilly purple dress and her blonde hair tied made into two drills that reached just below her waist cracked a black whip before attacking Samuel with it, "Nee-sama, I'll help you!"

"Chouka no!" However, Mary's warning was too late.

Samuel grabbed the whip as soon as it came near him before pulling on it roughly, ripping it from her hands. "I'd say listen to your elders but, thank you kiddo." Samuel gave her a thumbs up whirling around the whip, it was clear that the damage from his hands was far too great.

He chuckled whirling around the weapon before disappearing from his opponent's sight, appearing behind her a few moments later. "How did you even?"

"Eh it happens, you have such a person among you don't you?" Samuel rubbed his chin as he nodded in appreciation of his handiwork.

"What th-....?!" Before Mary could complete her sentence, she lost her balance and fell to the side.

"How dare you!" She shouted at him in anger making the silver haired teenager raise his hands in surrender, "Alright, that's on me."

He admitted crouching down next to her.

The other students were yet to process what they had just witnessed right then.

"Holy.... that's daring." Nomura remarked, staring at the tied up girl,..... yeah, he kind of may have tied up the blonde by wrapping the whip around her and then tying it. Only it left her in a rather compromising position, 'her well endowed figure was now more apparent than before' would be one way to put it.

"E-Everyone leave right this instant! O-Ou je vous punirai!!" Mary shouted out, or pretty much shrieked, completely red in embarrassment.

They didn't quite understand and yet they did, everyone rushed out of the cafeteria not wanting to risk her wrath. She was spiteful and petty sometimes, and everyone there was more than aware of it.

Though, as they say, curiosity killed the cat.

The students did leave, yes they left.

Now they were just peeking at them from outside.

"Laissez-moi! N-Ne me touche pas." A few tears formed on the corners of her eyes making Samuel scratch the back of his head in slight confusion, firstly, what was she even saying? He didn't speak or know french.

Secondly, why was she so afraid?

"Relax, I'm not doing anything. Really." Samuel slightly laughed sweat dropping, did they think he was some kind of sexual predator or something?


"Yes." Samuel sighed, did he look like he wanted to do something?

"Y-You're not even gonna touch me a bit?" She asked, her voice was mostly fearful but the other part made Samuel look down on her as a person, "No."

"Tu dis que tu es un homme?" Mary mumbled averting her gaze, still red from the neck up.

"Excuse me?" Samuel's gaze turned sharper, he felt like she said something really offensive right now.

"What do you want?" She asked sheepishly, having lost the confidence from before after being tied up and 'thrown' to the ground.

Samuel showed her the card, "Just a stamp." He said pointing at it with a small grin, this should work right?

"Non." Mary immediately denied his request.



Samuel stared at her blankly, he would just have to convince her then.

He reached for her face slowly, "W-What are you.... Ow!"

Samuel started pulling on her cheek.

"Ow! Stop."


A few minutes later, a triumphant Samuel could be seen walking back to his classroom and a sobbing Mary could be seen in the cafeteria, shouting about how she had been wronged which he just ignored.... It was his prize as the victor of their bout!

"Just what have you done?" Tsukuyo asked, appearing next to him, she could hear the girl's wailing from here.

Samuel simply showed her the card, "Just got her consensual stamp."

"Is that so?" Tsukuyo narrowed her gaze, doubtful of his words. Would a stamp really warrant that much?

"I just fought and defeated her. You can ask her yourself." Samuel simply brushed off her doubts, there was no reason to lie to her considering that was really all he had done.... well apart from pulling on the girl's ears and cheeks.

His gaze fell on a man acting like a girl and finally, after having kept his dissatisfaction to him all day, he took a deep breath.

"Yo paisen, that was a real sh-" Nomura was cut off by Samuel.

"Can you pro-"

"Y'all wusses call yourselves men?! You're a shame to mankind as a whole!"

"How disappointing."

His unknown observer quickly noted down the strange outburst.


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