
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
109 Chs


Tokyo, Japan,

Aichi Academy,

Samuel POV,

Currently in the usually serene Aichi Academy (albeit not for the greatest of reasons), there appeared to be a small commotion.

The cause was nothing grand, it was simply the two teenagers walking down the clean tiled path to the main school building, a notable height difference as well as a difference in 'air' was present as well creating a contrasting yet strangely likeable sight.

Samuel was simply calm, not even bothering with the contempt filled gazing directed towards them at the moment while Nomura was simply smirking at the attention, perhaps as an attempt to show that he didn't quite give a shit about their hate.

"You sure you're gonna be alright here young master?" Nomura smiled teasingly, it wasn't his fault, he hadn't seen a single goddamn actual 'man' in this whole school. All of them looked and acted gay, and even if he had no particular thoughts on it, it was slightly irksome that they had just settled for that lifestyle.

Samuel showed a somewhat annoyed smile, "I'd rather you stop that." It wasn't nice to be reminded of it and he already had come up with a way to support himself, he just had to put it in motion once he got home.

Nomura threw up his hands in surrender, "Sir yes sir." before laughing at the silver haired teenager's displeasure, these rich people were really something.

"That aside, I'm inclined to warn ya. You see those weapons? They do actually end up usin' 'em and without provocation." Nomura turned somewhat serious, it had been the same way on his first day. A blade had greeted him when he opened the door to his classroom after all... that encounter ended quite strangely though....

A chill ran down his back noticing the contempt filled gaze of a certain girl with short black hair, him kissing her was a complete accident!

".....It's kinda annoying to see those guys though." Samuel dropped the pretence, pointing at the 'boys' to the side.

"Survival of the fittest?"

"You think they could have accomplished this in an equal situation?" Samuel shot back, he refused to accept that males could be so unsightly.


"There you have it then." Samuel sighed in disappointment, this school was shit. He was going to hunt down those stamps today and be done with it

"Fuah, I get ya, I do but what else are they gonna do man? Not like they came here out of their own will." Nomura sighed, shrugging as he nodded his head in agreement, still though, they had been sent here as a method of 'reforming' them.... "On that note, how's someone like you in here?" This place was a sort of reformation centre with all the bullshit, what could a rich dude possibly want from here?

Samuel smiled, closing his eyes, "Stuff happens." He didn't give away much for now, not like he could say, 'I'm here to test how competent the ruling body here is.'

"Fine, be like that." Nomura smiled lightly punching him, maybe he was going too fast but could you really blame him? No one and absolutely no one at all here actually acted like a dude.

Samuel simply shrugged, he would probably ask him if he wanted to hang out after the day was done with, "So where's the third year classrooms?"



Nomura grinned, oh he wasn't letting this one go at all. He was in his first year and the guy he was with was in the third.... he had had enough for now though, "Just up those stairs." He pointed at the stairs leading upwards before walking off in another direction, raising his hand as he did, "See ya later..... good luck."

Samuel nodded to himself, before sharply turning his head in another direction, they had entered the main building just a moment ago and he had noticed someone watching him, well nearly everyone passing him by was stealing occasional glances but that wasn't the point, it was a different type of gaze.

Shrugging it off, the silver haired teenager started walking again..... he was sure the person would reveal themselves soon enough.


A few moments later,

"Umm..... what is this supposed to be?" Samuel slightly tilted his head, smiling in confusion, he'd just been walking down the hallway when everyone just suddenly moved into their classrooms, leaving only him and the one other person there.

The doors were slammed shut and he was positive they were locked too.

And so, having no other choice, Samuel turned to finally face the other person there. It was a girl of short stature, white hair tied in ponytails and pale skin wearing a dress similar to a shrine maiden's.

"A kid?"

"I'm disappointed."

"I see." Samuel rubbed his chin in thought, the girl looked to be no older than 13, what in the name of hell was she doing here? Also.... she had a sword on her, was it right to presume that she was going to attack him.

"Satori-san said she would be the one to handle you but her methods are disappointing. She does strange things, a very strange person. I've judged that the others would not be able to handle you as they are so I will be the one to take you on. I suggest not holding back lest you be seriously har-....Can you pay attention please?" She almost facepalmed noticing the person who she was to fight, simply walked over to a door and knocked on it as she explained.

"Samuel Hayes." It was common etiquette to exchange names first,.... He didn't want to fight a child so Samuel tried to get out of it in other ways.

"....That was rude of me, my apologies. Tsukuyo Inaba." The girl or rather, Tsukuyo introduced herself, slightly bowing her head as she did, fighting back the urge to express her disappointment at her own lack of manners.

Her strange demeanour though, already stood out like a sore thumb leading Samuel to conclude that she was one of those people that made little to no friends at all, furthermore the fact that her eyes had been closed from the start would also make people distance themselves. Long winded explanations, constant expression of disappointment, an air of arrogance..... yeah.

"Is there some way to resolve this without a fight?" Samuel asked, he wasn't one to turn down such a thing but the opponent was a child..... As strange as he was, he did have some shred of human decency.

"I do not understand why but if you choose to be like that then..." Tsukuyo pointed at the 'boys' watching from the classroom windows with the hilt of her katana, it was like some sort of long enforced rule. Who was she to change or deny it? Though she didn't necessarily mind it disappearing altogether.

"Can't we all just be friends and get along?" Samuel asked, intentionally poking at what he presumed to be her weakness.

'....' Echidna silently pondered over the situation, before returning to scouring Samuel's memories, her contractor was a strange one.

Tsukuyo went silent hearing his words, "...Friends?" She asked after a bit of hesitation... admittedly she had none at the moment, yes at the moment, it wasn't like she had never had friends... no, that wasn't the case at all..... Animals were man's best friends right? ....Yes, yes, she had had friends before.

The grasp on her katana tightened before loosening up, "You're quite skilled at making allies it seems."

"...." Samuel was simply silent in response prompting the white haired girl to wonder if she had done something wrong.

"I see you don't want to be my friend then." Samuel slightly smiled, teasing the girl whose eyes instantly opened wide as she tilted her head. Her eyes were completely empty, red and there was no pupil..... Now he understood why she had no real person to call a friend... That gaze would be pretty unsettling to the average person, or teenager in this case.

".....I never...denied." Tsukuyo clenched her fist, it was difficult to admit such a thing.

Her actions made Samuel slightly laugh which in turn annoyed Tsukuyo, "Are you making fun of me?"

"No, not at all." Samuel chuckled, holding out his hand, not quite caring that the person in question was a girl, who says guys can't have female friends?

Tsukuyo silently pondered over the situation before slowly reaching out her hand and grasping his, her red pupil less eyes widened for a moment before quickly regaining her calm and shaking it lightly.... his hands were pretty cold... almost like she was touching some kind of metal.

"Then we're friends now." Samuel smiled at the girl's actions, there was just this thing about awkward people that made them attractive.

"Yes.....friends...." Tsukuyo nodded her head, holding her katana near her chest with a hand as she backed away looking down, slightly moved..... This would be her first actual human 'friend' here....

Looking at her, Samuel couldn't help but want to pat her head.... though he refrained from doing so considering the murderous gazes of the female students..


"So..... why are you sitting next to me?" Samuel asked, scratching his cheek somewhat awkwardly, this was the third year classroom....no?

"Friends ... are to accompany each other? Quite disappointing that you do not know that." Tsukuyo tilted her head, staring at him with her eyes open.... a slightly smug air about her. (A/N: Gakkari desu lmao)

"You know what? Alright..." Samuel sighed resting his head in a hand, this world had some really peculiar people...

He looked at the rest of the class, men dressed like girls with makeup, and girls with weapons..... At least he got some friends though...

In another part of the school, a rather tall girl with long pitch black hair pulled back her fist before smashing it into a stone statue blowing it apart with a rather strange expression, "I'll be coming for you soon."


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I'm back yay....

250 powerstones and you get a chapter.

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Any suggestions for the story?

You think Tsukuyo could have fought Samuel?

She can preform three slashes with her sword in one second btw.

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