
A Thousand Worlds

A not so average life ends, and a second one begins. A chance to redeem? Nahhhhhh, a chance to live out dreams would be a more apt description! But as with all, a simple man living out his dreams isn't quite the best of the best, nor the most of entertaining. A chat group (a certainly peculiar one) has been thrown into the mix as well. ==== Find extra chapters at: p@treon.com/stoned_face

Dreizehnn · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

.....Holy Fuck

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Tokyo, Japan,

Yotsuya Residence,

Samuel POV,

Samuel tilted his head in slight confusion, Miko first ran away from him but was now frozen and trembling as she tried to turn around. Evidently, she was terrified of him but why? There was nothing that was scary about him, his hands which were somewhat unsightly were covered with gloves so that was out of the question.

Being his cousin, she would naturally be aware of his 'past' but still, wasn't this an overreaction? "Hm, maybe I've gotten too relaxed." Samuel rubbed his chin in thought, people don't really like criminals.

'While your guess is plausible, that's not the case.. She.... I think she can see me or rather... she can see my presence..' Echidna explained slowly, greatly intrigued but still calm. It was a matter of fact that any who were in her presence (More accurately, around her soul) would feel nausea, vomit and even die after extended periods of time. Samuel showed, or rather, had developed immunity to it and others in this world couldn't notice it because she had dialled it down by a fair bit but still let it flow somewhat freely.

Samuel's eyes widened in slight surprise, "That's...." It was something alright.. Did this world really have some semblance of supernatural aspects to it? Other than the.. well, inhuman feats of martial arts and physical strength they could pull off.

"Hmm? What's wrong, Miko-chan? Do you wanna hang out with aunt after all?" Mei was jovial, she loved her a lot too and of course! It made sense for her to stay behind..

"Y-Yeah.." Miko nodded slowly and clenching her fists, she made up her mind. There was no way she could let something like that run around unchecked!

In an incredible show of courage and willpower (considering she would be staring down the Witch of Greed), Miko turned around to face her aunt only to draw a sharp breath, clearly taken back, w-what?

She looked around in great confusion, w-where was that thing?

All Miko saw now was the very definition of a riajuu, silvery white hair that reached below his ears and sharp blue eyes that seemed to softly glow, to say that he was attractive would be an understatement but.... he looked familiar, especially that oddly simple way of dressing, blue jeans and a black shirt.

Shaking her head, Miko brought herself back to rational thought, where in the name of God almighty was that thing? She hadn't lost it yet, there was no way that was just a hallucination.

"Mornin." Samuel bowed with a small smile, admittedly, watching her look around in confusion and slight fear was a sight to behold.

'.....I've completely removed my presence... I apologise, this was an oversight on my part.' Echidna ignored his strange preferences, it was the truth that she had been a bit lax. Letting her aura flow somewhat freely like that was a rather idiotic move considering this world was foreign and her information was limited to only what Samuel knew.

Samuel shrugged it off, no harm no foul.

Mei looked between the two teenagers thoughtfully before giving a thumbs up, "I approve."

Miko sighed in defeat, she was used to the older woman's antics with the prolonged periods of time Mei spent over at her house.

Samuel also had a similar reaction, feeling that his mother was a bit of a handful sometimes.. well, not that he would ever complain.

"Mom, you're jumping to conclusions a bit too fast..." Samuel lightly patted Mei's shoulder.

"Really?" His mother was somewhat confused but forgot it the next instant, throwing open the doors before barging into the house like it was her own, "Touko! I've come to visit!"

Staying true to her character, Mei announced her arrival excitedly as she looked around in search of her sister. (A/N: Sister-in-Law but they don't mention it.)

"Is that Mei?" The woman in question, walked out of the living room in curiosity but was instantly enveloped in a tight hug.., "You... don't change huh." Touko slightly sweatdropped, tapping Mei's back in defeat... One would question how someone could be so cheery...

"Never." Mei denied with a wide smile, why would she change when she was perfectly content with everything?

"So umm, hi." Miko waved her hand at Samuel awkwardly, him calling her aunt mom had sealed the deal. This teenager, one that was a head taller than her, was the strange and peculiar cousin that distanced himself from everyone, always staying silent... In her defence, she had tried her best to befriend him considering their relatively similar ages but.. it ended in failure.

"Yo." Samuel waved back with a small smile, it would be a bit hurtful if she shunned him but understandable, "How've you been?"

Miko's eyes widened in slight surprise, was this really her silent cousin? "Fine... how about you?" She asked pulling on her shirt a bit, avoiding his gaze. Understandably, the teenager was fairly nervous at the moment.

"I've been alright, prison really did make the world a bit gray though." Samuel nodded animatedly, it was important to get along with her... He was also extremely curious about just why and how she noticed the Witch of Greed that inhabited him.

"Um,.." Miko nodded, "I.. heard." She looked a bit lost, "Ah, it's not like I'll shun you for it." She waved her hands in a bit of a panic, all things aside, he was her cousin and it was important that she not avoid him...though, the matter didn't become public at all so it wouldn't be like people would avoid him for it.

Rich people can snuff out those kinds of things... It was actually confusing that he went to prison in the first place.

"Haha, it's alright. I wouldn't blame you if you did, though, it's been quite a while. Last time I saw you, you were scared of your own shadow." Samuel slightly chuckled, the girl was afraid of literally everything.

Miko averted her gaze in slight embarrassment, "H-How do you remember that?" She wasn't afraid to admit that when she first started seeing those 'things', she was jumping at the slightest of noises.. but that was a really long time ago though!

Samuel rubbed his chin in thought, "How indeed." There was no need to tell her he remembered just about everything.

Miko looked at her cousin in curiosity, both of them standing in the doorway as their mothers conversed with one another, she hadn't seen him in quite a while and undeniably, he had changed a lot. From the way he talked to his overall demeanour... was this what they called long lasting effects of puberty?

Before the conversation could proceed much however, a large arm with dirty golden fur moved over Samuel's face making cold sweat run down her forehead as her body froze up. Raising her gaze, she saw an ugly and terrifying humanoid creature hanging from the ceiling, looking at Samuel with it's head slightly tilted.. as if it was curious about the new arrival.

Thinking quickly, or perhaps not at all, Miko grabbed Samuel's arm and pulled him towards herself in an attempt to distance him from the creature. However, she failed as Samuel didn't even budge at first, only after the second tug did Samuel let himself be pulled along.

'She... sees them.' Echidna's eyes shone in excitement as she shifted about in her position.

Miko Yotsuya, was a special person, born with the spirit sight, she possessed the ability to see what most others couldn't. More bluntly put, she could see ghosts with such clarity that their forms and shapes were crystal clear to her.. as such, far more terrifying than they needed to be.

"What's up?" Samuel asked curiously, not quite bothered by the pull.

"Ah..ha..ha...Y-You're quite well built.." Miko stuttered awkwardly, there was no way she could tell him a ghost had it's hand over his face! What she said then was true too though, human skin was usually soft to the touch.. his was cold and tough.

"Well I do workout." Samuel nodded sagely, appearing oblivious to the girl. Echidna was simply a soul, if she could see or 'know' that the witch was with him then she could clearly see a lot more too.

"O-Oh, that must be it." Miko's golden eyes slightly trembled, at the same time, she was somewhat mesmerised seeing him up so close... Tall..and good looking..

'My dear contractor, I believe I've withheld this information for a bit too long. If you'll allow me, I'll share my ability to see spirits and somewhat modify your sight... You'll find it fairly beneficial in the long run.... I promise there are no side effects.' Echidna spoke unusually seriously, she didn't want to tell him as not to hinder his personal life but now that she knew these spiritual creatures (which she had earlier deemed to be non-hostile and on a separate plain of existence) could actually be seen by others, it was more than just necessary.

If they could interact with physical objects then, that had a range of applications that could prove to be severely detrimental and harmful, even weaponizing them wasn't a stretch... for Echidna at least.

As such, Samuel just had to know these things existed.

Samuel looked towards Miko who's gaze was now fixed above them and quickly connected the dots, there was something here.... Something he couldn't see... that honestly irked him.

Echidna had earlier shown the ability to modify him anyway (Improving his adaptation to new levels and powers).

Samuel gave a barely noticeable nod and then, "....Holy fuck."

"Language!" Mei lightly smacked his shoulder under Touko's curious gaze.


Share thoughts please.

Echidna coming in clutch with her prowess, though, as you might expect. She has her own agendas with nearly everything she does.

Samuel can now see the shit that crawls around though no worries, it's like a switchable thing for him. Kind of like a spirit sight you could say, or even eagle vision if you want, it basically shows him stuff that stands out, isn't supposed to be there, isn't visible to the layman, stuff like that ig.