

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · TV
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10 Chs

The Great Gatsby

It seemed his mother didn't tell Jack about finding Andrew at that private party. Pam asked him outside, a question to which the boy only responded by lying, she only said that he left for a moment and then he got lost in the corridors. The blonde woman did not believe him at all, she knew he was a good liar, not because she caught him lying, but because of the times her husband asked him to lie, it was so easy for her to remember and interpret lies. that; she almost takes them for truth

In any case, although together with her husband they were emotionally absent parents; her for having an eternal adolescent attitude and Jack for not caring enough. Pam felt compelled to punish him, though that decision had more to do with the way her mother in Nebraska scolded her about kids needing limits, that was a few months ago, on a family trip Jack didn't go on. wanted to go

Andrew remembers a lot about the trip, but most of all he remembers his mother's younger sister, a restless and tomboyish 10-year-old blonde who shot him when he was trying to ride a cow from his maternal grandparents' farm, she did not become his favorite member from that family, even less when he started calling him a dwarf comparing him to his 7-year-old brother. Anyway, the cow pie, as his grandfather called the story, was largely Jackie's fault, at 2 years old he told him he wouldn't be able to ride one, that was all the motivation Andy needed.

In the end; she had to take 3 baths, burn those clothes and couldn't eat at the table with the rest of the family. The trip was not to her liking, at the end of it she obtained great memories: a set of burned clothes, a nickname that; the sparsely spoken Jackie invented, a vacation phobia and 10-year-old blonde nemesis. Needless to say, he didn't want to revisit that side of the family, on his father's side at least he knew that his grandfather adored him, although he was annoying when he called him little Noah or Noah Jr.

-You'll have to watch Lin, it doesn't matter that Rosa is watching them, you'll have to be with her at all times- Lin was Jackie's other recorded name, it was one that was rarely used, only in private because her father He didn't want his daughter to be mistaken for an Asian, Andrew didn't know why, but he felt that what his father had said was wrong.

- Drawing! -She got distracted remembering both the previous family trip and Jackie's other affectionate name- Are you paying attention? – Asked the former model and current mother.


-What did I say?

- Do not hug Rosita in public.

- No! I mean; never do that, but no.

- Do not thank the waiters when they bring the food.

- It wasn't that either, but you know why you shouldn't do it, right?

- It gives them a false sense of validity, which they don't deserve or they would be rich like us.

-That's my boy- she said, squeezing his cheeks, "what were we talking about?" she asked, putting her fingers to her chin. She was going to rest her arm on the table where she was still having breakfast, but she quickly recorded the etiquette classes that she learned the hard way with her modeling agency.

- You said that Rosita deserved a raise because she was awake for the entire trip- She lied quickly, winking quickly at the babysitter/maid, an action she surreptitiously repeated as she wiped Jackie's oatmeal-covered chin.

-Oh that's right- he turned to the employee- Darling, you've worked hard, I don't know what would happen if I didn't have you.

- Your children would die of starvation- He whispered between his teeth, so that it was almost inaudible, Andrew could only understand what he said because he has always had a more developed ear than other people, which is not very beneficial when there was a baby in home.

- What did you say?

-It's a pleasure to work with you ma'am- Rosa said with a fake smile, one that her mother didn't catch because she lived in a world full of them, she was a model who was swallowed by false kindness as a method of survival, still, he's not an innocent person, Andrew knew that.

- Oh I know, going from drinking rainwater to having plumbing must have been a dream for you- Now the boy was sure that it was not something good to say, when Rosita picked him up from kindergarten and heard comments from the mothers who were accompanied by other nannies; like beaner, wetback, taco or María, that last nickname really bothered her, I explain that not all Latina women were called that and that those women used it as an insult. It would be more practical for the family driver to pick him up, but Jack didn't want his children to have such close contact with an employee with whom they were not required to interact. Still, it didn't make sense for him to have to pick him up from kindergarten, just a week ago he turned 5.

- Anyway, I feel like there's something I should tell you Drew- Pam really liked calling him that nickname.

-You'll punish him- Jackie said before Rosa quickly scooped her oatmeal.

-Oh you're right, thanks Jacqueline- I blow a kiss to the almost 3-year-old girl- you'll take care of your sister, Rosa leave them in the hotel nursery and you can take the day- she said as she picked up a bag and opened the door- I'll be at the spa.

-Dwarf- he growled as soon as Pam scratched the door.

- Ugly! – Shouted the girl

-Okay, calm down, I'll go prepare your things so that the caregivers can take care of them- she pointed out after cleaning Jackie's mouth again- Oh and Andy changes Jackie's clothes- he smiled at the boy with complicity before getting up to go prepare do.

Andrew, just gave a long smile to the baby who tried to walk away in her walker, but was soon stopped.

The babysitter along with the 2 children went down to the nursery that was located on the lobby floor, Jackie moved restlessly in her stroller all the way, she did not like the outfit she was wearing at all. As they passed, they saw Mr. Gatsby, others being surrounded by a group of women, some of them had seen them the night before at the party and he saw them when they just arrived at the hotel, he remembered that they were married, he also noticed that the youngest looked like girls rich, gold bracelets and jeweled necklaces gave them away.

-Mr Gatsby, what will you do later? – Asked one of the blonde girls.

-I'll have some business meetings and then maybe I'll go skiing on the slope farthest from the hotel- he said with a smile that showed his shiny teeth.

- The peak that is 8 km away?! It's only for professionals! - Exclaimed one of the ladies who, like the young women, sought Gatsby's attention.

- Sure, I enjoy the risk and being away from others will allow me to concentrate, although sometimes it's lonely- He said the last comment with feigned sadness.

- Oh Mr Gatsby, Mr Gatsby, my friends and I can accompany you, I have won many races- The fact that I did not know that ski competitions were held between tournaments and were not simple races would reveal to any practitioner of the sport that she didn't know anything, Jay Gatsby has never skied in his life, so he played along.

-That's incredible, who knows, you could end up teaching me something- he replied to the fussy brunette who had offered to accompany him, given the fact that the invitation had been accepted, the girls and their three friends let out squeals, and tried to take him from their arms. to get him away from the rest of the female competition- But wait I can't go with you yet- He protested softly, then he saw a young Latina woman with 2 children, one of them was in a stroller and was wearing horrible toad pajamas in a lime

He did recognize the other child, it was the scammer who had stolen 1,000 dollars, he made eye contact and the brat took out the wad of 100 bills to start fanning himself with him. That impudence reminded him a lot of himself when he was young, although of course he had that impudence when he was 16 years old- Ladies, I would love to go with you, but I have to take care of my godson- He said pointing in their direction with the glass of champagne that he had in his hand , and then approach the children.

Seeing that Rosa was approaching, she stood in front of the children, made a movement to her feet and closed her right fist. She seemed to be preparing for a fight. By the time Gatsby approached she had to reach her hands in a hidden way so that the spectators will swallow the story- I'll give you $100 if you pretend you know me- She said hastily.

-I wouldn't let you near my children for any amount of money- he stated as he crossed his arms.

- Listen, I just want to get away from these gold diggers- He spoke in a low voice, the curious thing is that for a distant spectator it seemed like a pleasant conversation, since Gatsby covered Rosa's reaction with his body and moved his arms as if he had the intention of hug her- Come on, I know this child, we are friends.

-Are you friends with a 5-year-old boy? – I ask raising an eyebrow while he returned to preparing his fist.

-I know how it sounds, but yesterday I found him at a party for the rich whales and I decided to take care of him until I found his mother, the poor thing was scared-he explained with a smile.

-Is it true Drew?

- Aren't we friends, champ? – He was going to lean on her knees and get a little closer to the child, but Rosa got in her way.

- I have never seen this man in my life – Said the boy feigning fear and hiding behind Rosita's leg.

- Come on champ, don't turn your back on your friends- Seeing the gesture of money made by the boy's fingers he could only sigh- Well I'll give you another $1000 if you tell your babysitter that I was the one who took care of you at the party of the senile old men- Seeing that the boy said nothing and just leaned his head forward with an arched eyebrow on his face accompanying the whole movement with a sinister smile on his face, he could only snort- $2,000 It's my last offer, boy- He said, extending him a wad of bills, then Andrew stopped pretending to be afraid and coming out from behind Rosa, he quickly snatched the money from the blond man's hand.

-Yes, I know him, he's the guy I sold the shrimp roll to for a thousand dollars- He said as he counted the bills in the wad and separated a bill to pass it to the baby- Here Jackie, you won't say anything.

-Double-said the girl.

-That's all you'll have-said the boy, still counting the money with his little finger raised.

-Double!- The girl raised her voice.

-Well, well, you're lucky i don't have smaller bills- he said taking out another bill just to lick it and give it to the girl, a gesture to which the girl responded by spitting on her brother and cleaning the bill on her ugly green pajamas.

"These children breathe money"- Why a baby would want money he didn't know, only in Andrew's case he had a hard time imagining what he could spend it on besides candy "These little capitalist pigs could be horrible people in the future"

Jay's reflection was cut off when she heard a groan, when she looked, she saw that Rosa was pulling Andrew by the ear- So she decided to talk to a stranger, she hoped it was one of your fanciful dreams- The babysitter said severely.

-Ow ow ow, you-you're just upset about losing the bet, if I pass like that you owe me $20- The boy said between groans.

- You will have your money, less the commission for my silence to your parents

- Dad would congratulate me

- But not your mother, and we know that she is the one who can punish you in the next shopping trip, maybe someone will tell her that now you like orange and pink clothes, and just for fun that someone will also tell her that you like orange and pink clothes. unisex clothing- he said still pulling his ear- So; What is the lesson?

- Ouch au, don't talk to strangers, okay- Rosa finally released him and turned to the blond man- Why are you still here?- I ask him, having already stood up after finishing pulling Andrew's ear.

-Pretend you know me and get away from here, you know how to get away from those people- he pointed surreptitiously to the group of women behind him who were still attentive to his movements.

- Because I would do?

- Come on, I just gave the kid $2,000, that should help.

- The only thing for which it corresponds was to demonstrate that a child can rip you off.

- I will give you the $100 that I promised at the beginning plus another $300

-They won't bribe me for less money than the one you give to a child- she said with a mocking smile.

- I won it!- The boy was ignored.

Jay Gatsby gasped a little, this woman tried to extort him- That won't happen, $800 is my last offer.

-I DON'T KNOW WHO ARE YOU! - Rosa said shouting- NEVER...!- Gatsby quickly took out another wad of money, this one looked fatter than the one he gave the child, at this Rosa raised an eyebrow and was about to continue her act of shouting made with an accent exaggerated Mexican, especially since Rosa was not Mexican and had been born in Los Angeles.

Jay could only pull out another wad- good take.

-Double or nothing.

- I wouldn't dare 10,000

- Oh, I thought you were already offering me 10,000, it's a shame it seems we can't reach an agreement, and I was thinking of continuing to lie for you while we're at the hotel- he said with feigned disappointment- Oh well, come on kids- He grabbed the boy's hand and began to push the car- LADIES! HE'S FREE! - He yelled as he moved slowly, although he was still three feet from Gatsby.

- You win! $20,000

- 25 grand

Jay wanted to scream now, he was someone from the streets, a person who made his fortune cheating, extorting and taking others down, and here he is now, being ripped off by a suburban babysitter and the 2 capitalist pigs she cared for, he could almost feel like the trio she made fun of him, if even the baby. But the truth is that he was willing to pay a little more in order to get away from those gold diggers sent by his parents, parents with whom he could not have bad relations since he had dealings with some, with whom they were not people who could put obstacles to his investments, so losing what he would lose the amount he was paying was one more investment. It was a small amount of loss compared to the millions he could lose,

-Okay, 25 thousand- he said defeated.

-You see children, this is how you can get half of the sum for your university education, taking advantage of the opportunities- Seeing that the gold diggers were approaching added - I meant that you are free to join us! – He said again with his exaggerated accent, almost faked, he could only use that accent because of the family trips that his parents made to his native country.

-Sorry, my English is not very good- He pretended in an even more exaggerated way.

The group of women walked away not without releasing offensive messages:

-If you are in our country, you should learn our language

- damn bean man

-That's why we only have European servants, Latinos are so stupid, they are only capable of learning a language as easy as Spanish- The comments undoubtedly reflected the social bubble in which those women found themselves.

Gatsby just wanted to end this, as a person born poor, he came across people with money that looked down on him, he still remembers those moments, that's another reason why he didn't want to spend time with those women, especially with the chestnut who offered to ski with him, because this was the one who released the last comment.

Rosa was upset, she wanted to drop the kids off at daycare and then relax with her day off, maybe sleep with the handsome hotel bellhop she saw yesterday. She gestured for the blond man to follow them.

And that's how Jay Gatsby lost nearly $30,000 in less than 24 hours.

So another chapter, I think I'll need another 3 chapters for the mc to see Gloria again and another 2 after that to start the moder family canon.

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