

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · TV
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10 Chs

The Shining

It had been 3 years since Alexandro Javier Fulgencio Juanito Ramírez Echo Sky Brava Delgado officially stopped calling himself that and became Andrew Noah Burkheart, his new life was full of luxuries or all the luxuries that a 5-year-old child can provide and although in reality his parents did not know his exact age, they decided that at the time of buying him he was 1 year old and that he was born on July 4; very patriotic of him, they were traveling with him through Europe for a little over a year.

They lied to them, although ironically it was a true lie regarding Andrew being born premature, they explained that the previous year he had been born 2 months early, with tears in their eyes they told the story to the family, especially Jack's father; Noah, they gave an explanation about how he was in a clinic in France for 1 year.

- It hurt us a lot to see him in that state, s-if he died, if he died we wouldn't know what we would have done- he remembers, although no longer with an adult mentality that; It was Pam who said that crying, that year she lost any notion of adulthood, unknowingly and like every child she accepted what her authority figures tell her is real, for this reason she is very fond of her new mother, for that beautifully false fleeting memory

Jack was on the same page as his wife, only he couldn't see himself crying like a woman in front of the man who raised him to, in the words of old Noah "Don't be a fag"- See your firstborn, the child for the that you waited months, confined to an incubator, it was a blow dad, we didn't want to tell them about its existence because of how it would affect your run for governor, I didn't think it would be good for baby Noah's condition to be under so much attention, I could have negatively affected.

And that's how Jack won his father's sympathy, it seems that the strategy of naming him after his grandfather worked, since he always tried to see him. It seems that Pam and her grandfather did not like her, since Noah was always distant with her and her new mother refused to put Noah's first name, so that became Noah's middle name. she. That converged in that his grandmother calls him; little Noah and the rest of the family quickly adopted the nickname to look good with him.

On the eve of her fifth birthday, which actually should be her sixth in a few months; the family went on a trip to Colorado, they are staying at a hotel belonging to grandpa, his father can say all he wants about how this trip is about Andrew, however upon arrival he met a bunch of men in suits that they carried their families with them, all except 2 one that Jack called Gekko and the other that was a young man whose name Andrew only remembered because it was the one of a color; Flock.

Just when I thought the fake sympathy meeting was coming to an end it happened; a blond man in a suit, he had such a peculiar walk that he almost didn't seem to touch the ground. To the side I hear how Pam gasped and she even covered her mouth with her hands, a gesture that she quickly covered by feigning a cough.

The entire room, after becoming silent in the first second of the man's entrance, began to whisper, everyone revolved around the origin of his fortune, some even went so far as to murmur about his ancestry, about how he descended in a distant way from English kings.

The man walked up to Jack, shook his hand, and they patted each other on the back, the moment brief, but he was uncomfortably aware of every second because of the way his younger sister Jacqueline Bukheart bounded up to tug at her long hair. It reached a little below the shoulders.

-Look what the garbage collectors brought- Said a lanky man dressed in green and with a French mustache- Mr Ga…

"If you don't mind Mr. Dubois, I don't think this is the time to refer to our jobs" the blond man smiled as he took a glass of wine from a random waiter "since we couldn't participate using yours" he pointed with the glass in his direction while smiling.

The comment made Mr. Dubois go from looking like a Baguette to looking similar to a tomato due to the way he shrank in on himself. This brief interaction had an effect on Andrew, in that night he learned 2 things; the first is that some people attack first because they are cowards who couldn't handle a confrontation, so they hide behind a false security, the second thing he learned is that you can reverse an offense against the one who throws it.

I would have been able to learn more if it hadn't been for Pam taking them to the room where they would spend the holidays.

It was a big room with 3 rooms; one for his parents, the biggest one of course, another for Jaqueline and him and the last one for the servants they brought with them, one clearly destined to take care of the children, the other would take care of the whims of the parents. The reality is that the Bukhearts were not the only family to bring employees, it almost seemed like a union meeting of domestic workers.

Arriving in the afternoon, the children were only fed by the servants and then put to bed while the adults attended an all-night party.

Andrew couldn't sleep, so he went out to the common room being followed by a sleepy younger sister who was holding on to his shirt from the back, when they arrived, they saw their nanny named Rosa asleep on the couch while the big TV was watching it reproduced a scene of a boy on a tricycle going through the corridors of a hotel.

-I'll go to the adult party- Andrew said resolutely

"Mommy said we should stay," said the sister, crossing her arms, which with her care bear pajamas looked more tender than threatening.

"Jackie, when adults say no to something, it's because it's fun," she said, opening the door with a smile and rushing out as she said the last word.

The sister could only go back to where Rosa was sleeping, only to watch TV at the right moment when Danny Torrance bumps into the girls.

ANDY!!- Jackie yelled running towards the entrance of the room, trying to open a door that couldn't reach the lock.

.......................... ....Andrew......................….

He had overestimated his bravery, he was aware of that now that he was walking through the desolate corridors of one of the upper floors, he didn't notice it as he went up to the room with his parents, but the corridor was narrow, spacious enough for 2 men to walk through it. shoulder to shoulder, but still uncomfortable to ride alone.

"64, 63, 62, 61, 60"- She started counting down in her mind, a habit she started doing shortly after learning to count over a year ago, surprising her first grade teacher by being able to count. count to a thousand, however, the teacher's happiness turned into concern after a few days; Noticing that every time she got nervous, Andrew began to count backwards from 64, the teacher tried to find out more about the reason for that number, but she only replied that it was a great number.

Not knowing how an event hall is supposed to look like; she started going into random rooms in one of them she saw a man dressed as a schoolgirl making out with a woman dressed as a dog who had something brown smeared around her mouth. He got out of there as soon as he could without making noise and continued wandering until he decided to use the elevator, from there he didn't know what else to do, he stayed standing in it for a long time being taken from floor to floor, the people who used The elevator didn't know him, it wasn't until he got lucky and was able to overhear an old couple complaining about a party of rats that he knew he had to follow them, after all that's how his father had been calling the people he wanted all the way. who would meet at the hotel.

If he still had the mind of an adult, he would have noticed that the old men were aware of the presence that was following them stealthily, and that is why from time to time they turned around, causing the child to hide in the protruding spaces in the walls that led to the service doors. they left, he hid in those places or in the plants that served as decoration in that corridor that was wide.

Being a clandestine meeting with no purpose other than to socialize with people of the same status, there was no type of security, everyone knew dirty things about each other, so if something came out of that room it would create a chain event that would dirty everyone, it was an event where everyone was parasitic on the other.

Most of the guests were drunk so it could go unnoticed, I notice that the men were separated from their wives, while they gathered in various smaller groups, the women had little interest in interacting with each other and you could only see groups of maximum 3. He could count, but it was difficult with so little light, he calculated that there would be about 50 people, although he noticed that there were more men than women, some quite young, he came to see an old man pulling a child with clothes by the hand small.

"And mom says I can't be here, that other kid is only a little bigger than me"- He thought as he crawled under a table with various snacks, while he hid, determined to try the food that the adults didn't want to share with him. he, so peeking out to see that they wouldn't discover him, went out for a moment to get the trays, he was quite strong for a 5-year-old, being even able to carry Jackie for a short period of time, which is why grabbing a tray with each hand was not a great effort.

As he went back to hide under the table, he saw Mr. Dubois sniffing the table in front of him- "Why? He has powder on his face, he's too old to know how to use it, he's as clumsy as Jackie "

He kept looking around and saw a man injecting himself with something -"He must be very sick to inject himself"-he thought as he remembered the explanation that Rosa gave him about the need for injections, although he still didn't fully believe her.

He ended up eating the contents of the trays pretty quickly, so he went back out to pick up another one, only to quickly hide when he saw the blond man who stopped the green baguette approaching, despite seeing that he was approaching, he did not drop the tray that contained rolls of shrimp, when he was going to lower it to its hiding place, he felt something pulling it, then he reached out his hand trying to pick them up one by one, only to feel that they gave him a slight blow, he tried another only to repeat the same thing, he ended up showing it just enough to snap out of hiding.

Then he saw that the man in front of him was the blond in a suit who had a lot of gel in his hairstyle, he was giving him a complicit smile- This is not a place for a child- he looked around the room- Things are happening here that they will leave marked

"I'm not a child and no one asked you," he said in the petulant tone so characteristic of children as he picked up the tray and went out to the balcony.

"Crazy boy, it's very cold outside!" The man half yelled. "Hey! At least give me one! -He said and then followed him.

Upon arrival, he saw the boy already sitting in one of the sunbathing chairs that for some reason were in a hotel whose attraction was being able to ski, he sat in the chair next to his- Hey, don't eat them all! Leave a little for others.

-Get lost - I pronounce that with my mouth full- go dirty your face with talcum powder like Mr. Pepino does.

- The man laughed slightly at this- That wasn't champion talc and you shouldn't see that- Where are your parents?

"I saw dad without a shirt playing arm wrestles with other gentlemen also without a shirt," he said simply.

- Another thing I shouldn't have seen- He pointed out, leaning back in his chair- Is there no one to take care of you?


-And where is?

- Taking care of Jackie

........................... .........Jackie................. ............

In the pink room, she was still asleep, only now on the floor and Jackie was on the sofa eating the popcorn that Rosa left unfinished, she was watching the same movie, only now it was the scene where Jack smashes the bathroom door with the ax.

..............................…..Andrew........... ................

-Well and where are the 2 now? Andrew just shrugged. "Could you at least give me one."

- $100


- $100, I have something you want and you have something I want.

-Kid I won't pay $100 for a shrimp roll- The kid just shrugged- I'm serious- Andrew just continued eating, only this time making a sound of enjoying his food.

- Well give it to me- He took out a ticket

- $500


-$500, it's the last one left, you know the best is at the end- he said turning to look at him and forming a huge smile with wide eyes.

-Just because he's filthy rich doesn't mean he's ripped off by a kid- Andrew shrugged again and grabbed the last roll, bringing it to his mouth- Good! Good! - He took out his wallet again


-You can't even count to that; you don't even know if that's a number

- If I didn't know, now that you confirmed it, I know- The man wanted to grab his hair and the idea of ​​snatching it from the child crossed his mind- Don't even think about it, I'll scream a lot, a lot, and they'll see you with a child that isn't your son and who is screaming, mom says that these people are frowned upon and are sick- He said imitating the action of taking a breath to start screaming.

- I don't have that amount now

- I saw Franklin and his other 20 twin brothers every time you opened your wallet, don't play with me friend- Andrew said pointing at him with the last scroll.

"Okay, take it, you little miser," he complained as he handed over the $1,000.

- A pleasure doing business.

- And where is your mother?

- Don't know.

At the moment he said this the door of a small cellar off the large balcony opened and out came Pam and young Grey, both agitated, past Andrew, until he looked back and saw Andrew. your son.

-Andrew! I yelled running towards him.

"I'm sorry you saw that," the blond man commented to the boy before his mother picked him up.

-What are you doing here? How did you get out of the room?

- I waited for Rosita to sleep and escaped.

-You could get lost! Thank you for taking care Mr...

- Gatsby, Jay Gatsby- he said grabbing Andrew's hand who was resting on Pam's left shoulder- And keep an eye on this champion.