

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · TV
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10 Chs

The Breakfast Club

The nursery was not as small as he had imagined, the reality is that it was quite wide, it was also 2 floors, as soon as he entered he could see some diagonal stairs at the end of the room, he thought it was very funny that the walls were painted in the same way. It was the same tone as the frog suit that Jackie had put on, it was even funnier when they fully entered the room and could see the image of a large frog with its tongue hanging out.

Rosa had left shortly after dropping him off, Gatsby having parted ways with them shortly before the group arrived on the scene. They had put pink and red bracelets with numbers on both her sister and Andrew, Rosa got the same type of bracelet in gray with the 2 children's numbers separated by a; "/". In the end, the gray bracelet had the number 13 or 1/3 to be more exact.

Numbers that are vacated immediately afterwards appear to be reused. They are not the first children to arrive, therefore the nursery is open 24 hours, so: children 1 and 3 were only picked up a few minutes ago, it may have been more children, but what is certain is that the number 2 is still in place, that or those who gave the numbers did not pay attention and did not care. Andrew only came to this conclusion because of his tendency to get bored quickly, for example; right now it is assumed that he played duck duck goose with other children.

"Oh, here it comes" He thought when he saw the red-haired girl who was wearing a red coat that reached above her ankle and a beret, yes also red- Goose- He said touching Andrew's head.

"There are 8 other children" Andrew thought annoyed, he was sure that Rosa put the book he had been reading during the trip in her backpack, it was very interesting, but for some reason one of the lazy caretakers did not want to give it to him, her His name was Randy and he was a black-haired guy with a lot of acne, he seemed to enjoy the little power he had, he also noticed that he was in love with the other caretaker, a petite brunette, he couldn't stop looking at her butt every time the girl turned her back on him.

-Andrew you're supposed to go after Cheryl now- It seems he had been rambling about why he was chosen in the game and was late in participating.

The caretaker watching over them during the game was the little chestnut, she would wonder how she knew the names of all the children, if it weren't for the pins that they taped their names to, it seems more like something for the caretakers to know their names and names. remember, not for children to socialize as they said when putting them.

-He's a fool- Jackie said, sticking her face out of one of the holes in the corral that was next to the children who were playing, she was alone there, well, not completely, but her only company was a one-year-old baby, one that had become above, so he was trying to stick his head out of the holes.

-It smells like shit.

-Andrew! You're not supposed to say those things!

-You are supposed to clean it- He said imitating the tone of the protagonist of one of his favorite cartoons; Would give.

-Okay, it doesn't smell at all- he said forcing a smile, apparently he didn't like children as much as he was trying to pretend.

- We're choking on the smell of shit.

-Kid just play the stupid game- Randy said from a corner with his arms crossed.

Not wanting to have to listen to the caretakers anymore, he decided to stop and try to chase the red-haired girl who had the red bracelet with the number 5, but was stopped by her.

-Don't even think about touching me with your poor hands, your hands are dirty and I also like to decide what the others are- He said, crossing his arms and turning his nose to one side.

- That's stupid, weird girl- he said, still with Daria's tone.

- You are stupid, you stupid stupid stupid boy" He smiled like it was a big insult, like it didn't take him 3 tries to think of it.

- Who wants to tell the others that they are? Who tells you that you are? - Andrew spread his arms and began to walk around the circle- Who tells you what is your place in the world? Why do you do what you do? Who tells you what you do?

-Mommy tells me- Said a child sucking on a crayon.

-How do you know it's your mother? - He said moving towards the boy and leaning over him- How do you know that he didn't find you or that he stole you from your mother? Did they tell us a while ago? - By now he had stood up again- We don't know anything, in fact; How do you know they will come back for you?

The children who couldn't fully understand what he had been asking earlier now understood the implications of that question. A chain of whining began, tears were coming out of all the children except 3 in addition to Jackie who was already used to her sister bothering her like that, something sad for not even being 3 years old.

The 3 that did not cry were; the redhead who went to sit next to another redheaded boy very similar to her who was not crying either, the only difference is that for some reason she was wearing a yellow raincoat, the last child without crying was a girl who wore a small aviator cap, this one looked annoyed by the children sitting on either side of her, who were crying so hard they were even running their noses.

-What an exciting game, strange redhead- he said in the most dismissive way that a 5-year-old can say.

-LEAVE ME JASON! - Shouted the girl that her brother was dragging while he tried to stop her, during Charyl's journey her brother tried to pull her, in an oversight her sister let go and Jason, due to the force with which he was trying to hold her, fell back, right on top of the girl in the aviator hat, who kicked him off her.

When Jason's sister heard her brother's scream, she turned around and pounced on the other girl, thus beginning to roll on the floor.

-This is your fault! - The other redheaded brother accused him before pounced on him, Andrew having good reflexes managed to easily evade him, Jason continued trying to ram him, unintentionally creating a scene of a bullfight, a curious one since coincidentally Andrew was wearing a red sweatshirt.

The scenario continued that way; 2 girls rolling on the floor, 2 boys almost fighting and a little girl encouraging her older brother to hit the redheaded boy, all surrounded by a bunch of crying kids.

Tired of trying to calm down those who were crying, the brown-haired girl lost her patience.

-SILENCE! SHUT UP! - The sharp cry stopped the crying of the children but not the fights that were taking place.

-You! - She said pointing to the children who had ended up in the center of the room during their fights- They will stay in the corral while the good children will watch Disney movies! - Said the girl with a frown- Randy grab them.

The boy with too much acne first picked up the children like they were potato sacks and roughly put them in the pen.

-Get your hands off friend, or I'll tell my babysitter- Andrew said

-Oh, that's scary, as if he was afraid of a girl who takes care of children for a living. - He said, ignoring the fact that he insulted himself.

Jason just drifted silently.

When it was the girls' turn, Randy was just a little more delicate, but this was due to how the black-haired girl was trying to kick him and the redhead was trying to push herself up to scratch him. When he finally left them, they immediately noticed that something was missing.

-My hat!

-My hat!

The other children were almost out of that room and were coming down the stairs. Randy, hearing what they said, returned to the living room, took the hats and went to the corral, only to turn around and head towards the exit.

-Buah buah- He made baby cries while he put his hands in fists at the level of his eyes, pretending to rub them, then he left, closing the door strongly.

-This is bullshit- Jason pointed out.

- a big shit

- It doesn't look that big- Jason said.

- Ha very good- Andrew laughed when he understood that the redheaded boy was referring to the baby with the dirty diaper. That little interaction made them turn to see and in their young minds the song Happy Together will sound.

They both started to get closer and Jason said- Dillon.

- Son of a bitch- Andrew said and they both shook hands.

- What are they doing? -Cheryl asked.

- He said a bad word!- The girl who used to have the aviator hat pointed out accusingly.

-It's from a movie- Both children said at the same time, again they shared a smile for it.

-That firstborn has my hat- The complaint came from the girl who formerly owned the aviator hat.

- frist bone? Jackie stammered who couldn't pronounce the complicated word.

- Firstborn - Corrected Andrew - And I don't think it means what you think girl - He said smiling

- My name is Verónica, Verónica Lodge- He introduced himself in the most cordial way that a child could.

Cheryl who, hurrying up and seeming offended that she didn't give her name first, placed herself in the center of the group- I'm Cheryl and my little brother is Jason- She introduced herself putting her small hands on her hips.

-Blooson, Jason Blooson- He tried to present himself in a great way, as he had seen in one of the old movies that his father forced him to see, he only liked the spy one- I'm number 4, 004- He raised his arm with the yellow bracelet in a dramatic way to show it to the rest.

-Oh, I'm number 2- Verónica also raised her bracelet, which was light blue.

-5, I had to say it with my brother, nosy- The reality is that the number presentation game only happened due to Jason's fanaticism for the spy 007, none of the children had paid much attention to the bracelets, they even forgot that the they had on.

- I guess I should introduce the dwarf and myself too, my name Inigo Montoya you...

- You killed my father - Jason said.

- Prepare to die- Veronica completed the sentence unexpectedly- Dad forces me to watch old movies.

- The same to us- said the red-haired boy excitedly- right Cheryl?

- Don't sympathize with strangers- I scold his brother- stop playing, say your name and your ugly sister's name- He said authoritatively to Andrew, Jackie frowned at the latter.

-You're not funny red head, you should be like my friend Voorhees- He said putting his other arm over the other boy's shoulder.

-Oh like Friday the 13th, because his name is also Jason- Veronica pointed out- That movie is great, I didn't like the first part very much, although the deaths at first sight are incredible- With great enthusiasm the girl gave a little review of the saga.

- Sure, eh eh it's fine- Andrew said uncomfortable, for the first time breaking his confident personality, the movies in that saga had left him disturbed, his father who watched them with him told him not to be effeminate when he saw him scared. What Jack Bukhart was unaware of was that his son, rather than being disturbed by what he had seen in the movies, was disturbed by the images that his mind evoked, one of a person cut open, another of a decapitated head, one of the ones that most disturbed him the most. that an image is the sensation of being covered in something viscous and hot, when he tried to see his hands during those moments, he saw himself covered in blood.

- I am Andrew Noah Bukhart Teller number 1, my sister is Jacqueline Beulah Bukhart Teller, she has the green bracelet with the number 3- He said it in the longest way he could to try to remove the images and sensations from his head, even including the Pam's maiden name.

- Well, we already know our names. Now what? – Cheryl asked, crossing her arms.

- What about the baby? Jason asked.

-I won't go near him- Cheryl said, turning her back on the group.

- I don't think it matters much, just call him Egg, and we'll try to forget that Egg is dirty- Andy said resolutely.

- This is your fault- Cheryl pointed to Veronica- You started the fight

- Your brother fell on me.

- And you kicked it, so you started it.

They would have kept up the noise if they hadn't seen Andrew approach the baby fence that was chest high for the kids except Jason who was the tallest and lankiest.

Andrew was fiddling with the screws on the fence with a flat screwdriver that was attached to the Swiss Army knife that Rosa gave him for his birthday a few days before, it was very easy for him to remove them since they weren't very tight, plus it was designed for babies, a teenager of wanting it could break it. He finally unscrewed 2 sections of the children's barrier while the other children watched in silence, the tampered parts finally fell off and the other children didn't really believe that he had succeeded despite watching the process.

-I'm Tommy Jackie- Andrew smiled at her before going over to her and picking her up -Now we have this whole horrible place to ourselves- he said dramatically.

-Oh, I understood that reference, it's from rugrats- Veronica mentioned- Here they put that program a lot.

At this point it was clear that the 5 children were watching a lot of television, since it seemed that the 2 redheaded twins had also understood what he was referring to.

What did you open this with? – Jason asked

- Look at this, her name is Roxanne- Andy took the knife out of his sweatshirt again to show it to his new friend. It was a cherry red razor with yellow lettering that said; "Roxanne", below it in smaller letters struck on the handle was inscribed "You don't have top ut on the red light"

-It's silly that you would name a cheap thing the ugliest red color I've ever seen- Cheryl scoffed.

- So why did your parents give you a name? - Veronica provoked her, apparently the enmity between the two had already been defined.

-Andy, I'm hungry- Jackie complained.

Andrew, who was now carrying his sister on his back, began to leave the room, he reached the door that had the lock higher than the ones in the rooms, therefore, he could not reach it.

-Great idea, dwarf, you'll be able to open it in 3 years- The redheaded girl ate her words as soon as she saw how the boy in the red sweatshirt, still with his younger sister on his back, carried a small wooden bench and placed it in front of the door.

-Great you're going to break the door with that, good idea- Jason said excitedly.

Andrew limited himself to getting on the bench and simply opening the door- ¡Tadah! – He said returning to his imitation of Daria.

Then he started dating Jackie.

"Where are they going?" Cheryl asked.

-Food- said the 2-year-old girl.

-The adults told us to stay- Veronica recalled plaintively.

Seeing that the pair of brothers did not plan to return, the twins decided to follow them, the girl who was left besides the baby remained doubtful, interspersing glances between the exit and the pestilential boy. I don't hesitate much more and she went out the door, managing to see through the corner of the right corridor how the twins were leaving.

She caught up to them soon as she ran, Jackie still clinging to her brother like a koala and the brothers holding hands.

-What are we looking for? – She asked, startling the twins who didn't expect her to join them.

-The kitchen, dah- Cheryl replied in an annoyed tone.

-That's downstairs-

- How do you know? - Asked Andrew who had turned to the group.

- I spend a lot of time here- Veronica replied.

- We the same - commented a happy Jason whose personality reminded of a golden retriever.

-I've been here since yesterday-the black-haired girl said flatly.

-Maybe they abandoned you- Cheryl smiled mischievously.

Contrary to the violent response that Cheryl expected; Veronica just shrank in on herself with teary eyes to later start to hiccup, for the first time the redheaded girl was unexpected; she was not malicious and she ran to give him a hug- I'm sorry! Maybe they just forgot you're here- At that the other girl started crying- Help- Cheryl whispered to Jason.

Her brother just shrugged with his bottom lip sticking out as he watched the other girl wet her sister's jacket with tears. Andrew, having had enough of constantly enduring the cries of his sister, was not willing to listen to those of a stranger.

-They didn't forget you, they give the adults a bracelet with our numbers, they told Rosita, they also told her that they beep when leaving the hotel- Andrew remembered the instructions due to his good memory.

- Maybe they dropped it- Andrew gave Jason a look that said; "Dude, really?" To which he shrugged his shoulders again while Verónica began to cry uncontrollably again.

-I'LL STAY HERE FOREVER! - The black-haired girl lamented.

- It won't be like that, even if they don't come back for you, I'll ask Rosa to take you out, I'll ask my parents to adopt you as a birthday present- Andrew said desperately.

-I don't want to- Jackie was against it, only to be pinched on the leg by her brother- Ouch!

-Really? - I ask a calmer Veronica.

-Sure, now let's find the kitchen- Said the brown-haired boy with the number 1 on his red bracelet.

-Follow me, I know where it is- The black-haired girl ordered and then positioned herself in front of the group and began to guide them.

They went through several rooms while they discussed various things that they had seen on television or that according to them they had done.

-I swear Superman is my uncle- Jason obviously said that on this rare occasion he didn't receive support from his sister.

-I saw a huge dog that had eaten a woman- Andrew commented when he remembered what he saw the other night, of course the rest of the children didn't believe him.

Finally, they reached the kitchen, it was quite large, with many shelves and a huge fridge.

- What do you want, Lin?- Andy asked as he put his sister on the floor.

- Is your sister Chinese? That's why they don't look alike- Jason commented.

- No, she looks like dad, some say I look like grandpa, but he has gray hair- Andrew said thoughtfully.

-We look like our parents- Cheryl said.

- Me to daddy- Veronica added so as not to be left out- you must look like one- She finally commented to start looking through the shelves, leaving, without realizing it, a pensive child.

The whole group of infants was going around the kitchen looking for sweets or anything to eat, Andrew helped Jason by opening the fridge, since the redhead did not have enough strength, from there both children had to make a human ladder with Andy as a base being the strongest and the redhead on top for being bigger than the rest of the group.

They managed to open the freezer and by the time Jason had managed to get the ice cream out Randy and the short caretaker walked into the kitchen and he saw them all, the 2 boys with the fridge open on top of each other, the girls fighting over a box of cereal and a baby eating donuts on the floor.

-What the hell?! – Shouted the female caretaker.

That scream detonated the situation, since the children only stood still for a second and then ran, Andrew quickly lowered Jason and ran towards Jackie to pick her up, take her in his arms while she was still holding the bag with the other donuts in her hands, heading towards At the door the way was blocked by both teenagers, without stopping their run Andrew punched the girl in the crotch and Cheryl who was carrying a rolling pin made an upward blow against Randy's testicles, thus leaving both caretakers momentarily incapacitated

Each child was carrying various sweets as they ran back to the first room, when they arrived they began to make a barricade.

-Wait a moment- Andy stopped them- I have an idea- He approached the children to tell them.

By the time the caregivers got to the living room, they nearly tripped over a chair that they had left outside. Bursting into the room, he saw the group of children covered by the blankets they used for naps and in front of them the bag of donuts.

-Okay kids, we're not mad- the girl said with false kindness.

-Speak for yourself- Randy answered.

When they removed the blankets, they saw that the children were not under them, they were the stuffed animals that were scattered throughout the room before, suddenly they heard the door close, they ran towards it, but it was impossible to open it, as if something kept it stuck. Suddenly they saw how the red-haired girl was leaning out of the upper window that the door had, something impossible, unless she was on something, at that moment they realized that the chair from before was what had locked the door.

-5- Cheryl said showing her her bracelet with a grimace before jumping from the chair.

-4- His brother commented in the same way.

-3- Jackie was held by hands with red sleeves, she gave them a trumpet.

-2- Veronica said sticking out her tongue at them.

- 1- Andrew mocked showing them the middle finger- I hope they remember our numbers, it would be bad if we get lost hahaha.

When he jumped up, he picked up Jackie who was being carried by Jason with an effort.

When they were about to continue on their way, they heard:


- At least they left us the donuts.

-THAT IS DISGUSTING THEY HAVE DROOL! - That was definitely Randy.

The children went to the room where the rest of the infants were watching movies, being guided once more by Veronica, they arrived at the final part of Snow White, the two girls soon found their hats and looked for a place to settle down and eat their sweets. While the children with Jackie were going through the collection of movies, where Andrew found his and Jackie's favorite; lilo and stitch

The other kids didn't complain about the various movies that the group chose, since they were afraid of Andrew because of what happened earlier and Jason for being the biggest among them all, they also didn't want to mess with the bossy girls or the biting baby, one tried before being attacked by the girl and her older brother who came to her aid.

In this way the club of 5 was formed, a group that would have sporadic contact in the following years.

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One more chapter, this served to further establish the background and personality of Alexandro/Andrew. I won't post a chapter tomorrow, maybe Saturday. I'm not good at writing kids, so please comment how it was. Thanks for reading and leave your comments guys.