
A Taste Of You

Evelyn Dominic, a sharp-witted editor at "Empowered" magazine, finds herself drowning her sorrows in tequila on the eve of her younger sister's wedding to her ex-boyfriend. Fuelled by anger, liquid courage, and her best friend's encouragement, Evelyn shares a captivating encounter with a powerful billionaire CEO, Tekena Fineman, unaware that he is her ex-boyfriend’s boss. Evelyn surrenders to a passionate encounter that leaves Tekena yearning for more when he wakes to an empty bed the next morning with a lingering taste of Evelyn. Five years later, an official assignment brings Evelyn face-to-face with Tekena, and their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Sparks refly as their professional paths intertwine, but a life-altering secret emerges: Evelyn's one night with Tekena has an unexpected consequence – a child.

Naijabooks · Urban
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4 Chs

We Are Getting Married.

The humid night air slapped Evelyn in the face as she stepped off the plane. The late evening flight had been a cramped, noisy affair, but the discomfort faded as soon as she inhaled the familiar scent of the city.

Lugging her suitcase behind her, she navigated the airport. Despite the months she had spent away, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. This was her birthplace, a place where the slow rhythm of life felt like a balm to her city-weary soul.

She looked down at her phone when it buzzed. A message from her father: "Just landed, sweetheart? I'm waiting by the car park, blue Toyota Highlander."

A smile tugged at her lips. The old Toyota, affectionately nicknamed "Big Blue," was a constant in her ever-changing world.

A small smile tugged at the corner of Evelyn's lips when she spotted her father waving enthusiastically, his face creased with a wide grin.

"There you are!" he boomed, his voice easily cutting through the airport noise. He pulled her into a tight hug, the scent of his cologne washing over her- a comforting anchor to her childhood.

"Dad," she managed, squeezing him back tightly. For a moment, she let herself be the little girl again, safe and loved in her father's arms.

He held her at arm's length, his eyes scanning her face. "You look tired, sweetheart. Overworking yourself?"

Evelyn chuckled, a touch breathless. "Just doing what I have to do. But I'm here, right?"

"That you are," he said, taking her suitcase from her hand.

"Sorry for the late flight. This was the best I could do to be here," Evelyn said apologetically.

He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No worries, sweetheart. Just happy you are finally here," he said, genuinely happy to see her, and a pang of guilt hit her.

It had been almost a year since her last visit. Work, deadlines, the sheer busyness of Lagos life – they all seemed so trivial now, compared to the worried crease on her father's face.

"I'm sorry I haven't been coming home often," she said and he waved it off.

"I understand. Come on, let's get you home."

He popped the trunk, and wrestled her suitcase in. As Evelyn slid into the worn leather passenger seat,

As they exited the airport, the humid night air slapped her in the face, thick and heavy. The scent of rain hung in the air, a familiar, earthy aroma that sent a jolt of nostalgia through her.

"So," she began, as her father pulled out of the airport, "What's this big family meeting all about? You haven't exactly been forthcoming with details."

"You just got here, Evie. Relax. Tell me. How was your flight?" He asked, his voice a soothing rumble as he changed the subject.

"I sat beside a lady that wouldn't stop talking. I got a headache from all the talk," she complained.

He chuckled. "That means you will need your rest. Tomorrow we will talk," he said, making Evelyn suspect that whatever he wanted to say wasn't pleasant and he wasn't looking forward to talking to her about it.

"Dad, I don't think I can wait until tomorrow to know why you asked me to come home on such short notice. What is going on? And why is Chloe's fiancé joining us for the family meeting? Is it some sort of introduction? Have you even met him before?" Evelyn asked and her father cleared his throat.

"Didn't you say you have a headache? Rest your head…"

"Daddy, tell me what this is all about. Is Chloe pregnant? Is it a shotgun wedding?" Evelyn asked and her father sighed.

"No. She is not pregnant," he said, not knowing how to break the news to her.

"Then what is all the secrecy about?" She asked with a frown.

"There is no secrecy…"

"Then why are you not saying anything?" Evelyn asked, fully facing her dad now.

"I don't know how to say it. I'm trying to find the right way to say it. Let's just get home. I think it will be easier for me to say with your mom and Chloe present," he said and Evelyn sighed.

"This one Chloe didn't show her boyfriend's face after the engagement or tell me anything about it, and you're also sounding this way, I hope she is not marrying someone's husband?" Evelyn asked again but this time her father didn't respond.

Seeing as he was bent on not saying anything to her, she gave up and changed the subject. Talking about the changes around since her last visit.

The moment they got home and drove into the compound, Evelyn frowned when she saw a familiar GLK350 parked in the compound and she turned to her father, but before she could say anything he got out of the car and went to get her suitcase from the boot.

As she got out of the car, she took a closer look at the car, and frowned when she recognized the plate number.

"Daddy, isn't this car…"

Before she could complete her sentence, the front door of the house opened, and her younger sister, Chloe, came out laughing with a nice looking young man.

"Tega? What are you doing here?" Evelyn asked, surprised to see her ex-boyfriend at her family house.

Tega looked at Chloe, and then Chloe exchanged a look with their father, who didn't seem to know what to say, and then looked back at Evelyn who was staring at her ex-boyfriend in confusion and waiting for him to answer her question.

The front door opened again and their mother stepped out. When she saw what was happening, she sent a questioning look to her husband and when he shook his head, she rushed to Evelyn, "Welcome home, darling. You shouldn't be standing here. Come inside," she said as she took Evelyn's hand, but Evelyn refused to move an inch.

"What is going on here?" Evelyn asked, maintaining her stance.

"Tega and I are in love. We are getting married," Chloe blurted out since it seemed like no one else wanted to say it.