
A Taste Of You

Evelyn Dominic, a sharp-witted editor at "Empowered" magazine, finds herself drowning her sorrows in tequila on the eve of her younger sister's wedding to her ex-boyfriend. Fuelled by anger, liquid courage, and her best friend's encouragement, Evelyn shares a captivating encounter with a powerful billionaire CEO, Tekena Fineman, unaware that he is her ex-boyfriend’s boss. Evelyn surrenders to a passionate encounter that leaves Tekena yearning for more when he wakes to an empty bed the next morning with a lingering taste of Evelyn. Five years later, an official assignment brings Evelyn face-to-face with Tekena, and their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Sparks refly as their professional paths intertwine, but a life-altering secret emerges: Evelyn's one night with Tekena has an unexpected consequence – a child.

Naijabooks · Urban
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4 Chs

No More Commitment.

"What? You mean the guy that engaged Chloe, is your ex? Your younger sister, Chloe, is getting married to Tega? She agreed to date him, talk more of to marry your ex?" Naya asked in disbelief as she looked at Evelyn.

Evelyn had called her that afternoon to inform her that she was back in Lagos, and asked her to come over to her house immediately if she didn't have any important plans. She had rushed over, wondering why Evelyn had returned so suddenly, only to hear such an upsetting news.

"I don't even know what to think. Like, I feel like I'm dreaming. My own sister. My blood sister is getting married to my ex boyfriend. This whole thing feels like a movie," Evelyn said and Naya shook her head.

After the sudden announcement from her sister, Evelyn had been unable to believe what was going on.

She had been unable to believe that her parents had both agreed and supported Chloe's decision to get married to her ex-boyfriend. Someone she had broken up with less than a year ago.

When she took one look at their faces and saw the guilt on it and saw that what Chloe had said was true, she had simply taken her box from her father and walked away, ignoring their calls and pleas.

She had switched off her phone and passed the night at a hotel, and the next morning she had taken a flight back to Lagos.

She had been too stunned to do otherwise. No explanation was good enough. Not when she had finally realized the reason for their break up.

A year ago, Chloe had visited her during her national youth service, and had met her boyfriend, Tega, in her house.

Chloe had stayed for two weeks, after which she left, and then the next week Tega had suddenly started behaving strangely.

He wouldn't call as usual, and when she did call he would come up with an excuse not to talk for longer than five minutes. Slowly their conversations became boring and limited to each asking about their days with the routine response 'fine' and then they would proceed to ask if the other had eaten, be it, breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and so on.

Tega never visited anymore, and whenever she wanted to visit him he would claim to not be at home and stuff, and when she finally got fed up after a month and asked him what the problem was, he said he was no longer 'feeling' the relationship and needed a break.

And then, Evelyn being her proud self, told him they could break up if he that was the case. And that had been the end of it.

After Chloe's service in Calabar, she had moved to Lagos, but claimed she was living with a friend, and never let her to visit her because she claimed she was always busy, and Evelyn had also not thought much of it because of the distance between where she was living, and where Chloe had said she was staying.

But now that she had found out about the relationship between Chloe and Tega, the picture was clear now. She had gotten the whole picture of what had happened, and she was feeling both hurt and disappointed.

"Did she tell you how it happened?" Naya asked, unable to believe it either.

Evelyn sighed as she looked at Naya, "No. I didn't ask. I don't care. You need to see how she said it. There was no form of remorse or shame. Kai! I never thought I would experience something like this in my life. I'm even more disappointed in my parents…"

"Like! What did they even call you home to do? To tell you to give them your blessings or what?" Naya asked, equally annoyed at Evelyn's parents.

"Well, they don't need my blessing. Everybody should just be on their own," Evelyn said and Naya went to sit beside her.

"Has any them tried to reach you again since then?" Naya asked and Evelyn shoo her head.

"No. I switched off my phone so they can't reach me even if they try. I only turned it on to call you. I can't even bring myself to turn it on. I don't want to hear from them. I feel so anxious and terrible. I wept last night. Like, I kept thinking about my life. If I tell you I'm not pained by this, I'm a liar, Naya. I'm deeply hurt," she confessed, and Naya embraced her.

"I understand. It is normal for you to feel this way. Any one in your shoes would feel this way. I'm so sorry you're hurting this way, Evie," Naya murmured and Evelyn broke down in tears.

"This same Tega told me he wasn't ready for marriage. He said he won't be ready anytime soon. Yet here he is, ten months after our breakup, marrying my younger sister. My own younger sister," Evelyn cried.

"I know this is probably not what you want to hear right now, but I don't think you should cry over this. We should celebrate that you didn't end up marrying a bastard like that who would have eyes for your younger sister. Imagine if you had married him and then he did this?" Naya said and Evelyn eyed her.

"You are right," Evelyn said and Naya smiled, glad that she had said the right thing, "about me not wanting to hear that right now," Evelyn said and Naya scowled making her laugh despite her tears.

"I'm glad you're laughing now," Naya said and Evelyn wiped away her tears.

"I'm done with men. Officially. I can't take one more heart break again," Evelyn said and Naya frowned.

"Come on…"

"I'm serious. I've dated three guys now, and I've had my fair share of breakfasts. Not anymore. I'm going to focus on my career and making money. I wish them both well. Going forward, anything love, count me out," Evelyn said, her eyes gleaming with determination.

"What about sex?" Naya asked, since between the both of them, Evelyn was the one with an active sex life. Well, until she broke up with Tega ten months ago.

"There are vibrators. I will get as many as can satisfy me if I need to. But I don't need men anymore. I'm never going to get involved with one more son of Adam. They are all the same. Scums," Evelyn said and Naya smiled.

"I'm sure you will change your mind soon. The moment you see a fine guy…"

"Trust me on this one, Naya. I'm never going to have anything to do with men."

"Never say never, Evie."

"I just said it. Never," Evelyn said, and then after a minute she sniffled.

"Even if I get involved with any, it's going to be just for a fling," she said after a minute, and Naya giggled.

"I mean it. That's all I'm going to use them for. Sex. I'm going to be using them now to satisfy myself. That's it. No more commitment."