
A Taste Of You

Evelyn Dominic, a sharp-witted editor at "Empowered" magazine, finds herself drowning her sorrows in tequila on the eve of her younger sister's wedding to her ex-boyfriend. Fuelled by anger, liquid courage, and her best friend's encouragement, Evelyn shares a captivating encounter with a powerful billionaire CEO, Tekena Fineman, unaware that he is her ex-boyfriend’s boss. Evelyn surrenders to a passionate encounter that leaves Tekena yearning for more when he wakes to an empty bed the next morning with a lingering taste of Evelyn. Five years later, an official assignment brings Evelyn face-to-face with Tekena, and their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Sparks refly as their professional paths intertwine, but a life-altering secret emerges: Evelyn's one night with Tekena has an unexpected consequence – a child.

Naijabooks · Urban
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4 Chs

Tekena Fineman

The morning light, pale and unwelcome, speared through the sliver of uncovered window, landing squarely on Tekena Fineman's face. He groaned, a low rumble that vibrated through the rumpled sheets beside him.

His companion of the night stirred and her lips stretched into a smile, "Morning handsome," she drawled, her voice husky with sleep.

Tekena's eyes flew open as he looked at the woman no older than twenty years old beside him.

Tekena schooled his features into a practiced neutrality. "Good morning," he replied, his tone clipped.

She propped herself up on one elbow, her gaze flickering over Tekena's bare chest. "So, what's the plan for today?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of expectation.

Tekena stifled a sigh. Here it comes. The inevitable question that always followed a night spent tangled in his sheets.

He wasn't in the business of plans, especially not with women like her. Last night had been a blur of expensive cocktails, pulsating music, and a fleeting connection on the dance floor. Nothing more.

Withoit responding to her question, he reached over to the nightstand, snagged a wad of crisp bills from the drawer, and tossed it nonchalantly on the woman's side of the bed. The smile on her face faltered, replaced by a flicker of confusion.

"Consider that a thank you for your…services," Tekena said, his voice dripping with practiced arrogance. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have a busy day ahead."

Her hand hovered over the money, her expression hardening. "What do you mean, services? We had a connection," she protested, her voice laced with wounded pride.

Tekena scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. It was a one-night stand, nothing more. I was entertained, and now I'm paying for your service. I don't even remember your name. So, no need to get all attached. Now, if you wouldn't mind terribly, I'd like you to leave."

He saw the flicker of hurt in her eyes, a flicker he expertly ignored. He wasn't in the business of building attachments. He collected them, enjoyed them for a night, and then discarded them like yesterday's news. Attachments were messy, inconvenient things that cramped his luxurious playboy lifestyle.

"And if you ever see me around," he continued, a sly smirk playing on his lips, "don't come running over like some lovesick puppy. Discretion is key. Wouldn't want my reputation or yours in tatters, would we?"

He rose from the bed, his movements smooth and practiced, the picture of casual confidence. He didn't wait for her reply, didn't need it. He strode towards the bathroom, the scent of his cologne, a potent mix of expensive musk and citrus, lingering in his wake.

The woman's jaw clenched, her eyes flashing with anger. She snatched the money, her movements sharp and furious. "You arrogant jerk," she spat as she picked up her discarded gown and put it on before storming out of the bedroom and slamming the door behind her.

Tekena winced at the sound, more at the inconvenience than anything else. Arrogant jerk? Maybe. But Tekena Fineman didn't apologize. He didn't do commitment or complications. He played the game, and he played it very well. After all, in his world, a string of beautiful women and a never-ending stream of pleasure were just the perks of being Tekena Fineman.

After he had showered and dressed up, he picked up his phone and when he saw that he had a couple of missed calls from his best friend, he returned the call.

"Hey! What's up?" He asked the moment the call connected.

"Where have you been? Don't tell me you spent the night with a lady?" He asked, and Tekena smiled.

"Of course, I did. Should I have spent it with a man?"

"And you discharged her as usual?" Fred asked knowingly.

"Yep. She was quite upset, but she will be alright," he said confidently.

"When are you going to stop being this way? You can't keep using and hurting these women this way, you know?" Fred said and Tekena snorted.

"They deserve it. They all do. They are all the same. Bunch of lying gold diggers…"

"They are not all the same," Fred said, cutting him off.

"Really? Why then do they always take the money? If they really have any self respect, shouldn't they throw my money in my face and leave after I treat them that way? Don't tell me what I know, Fred. I know these women, and I can tell you for free that they don't care about us men. All they want is our money, and I'm going to keep using them and throwing the money in their faces," Tekena said, and Fred shook his head.

"I get it, man. Cynthia hurt you…"

"Don't mention her name. I don't want to hear it," Tekena said with a scowl.

"You have to hear it, man. You are still hurting and you are obviously bleeding on others because you haven't healed. Move on, man. Doing what you're doing won't change or prove anything. There are wonderful women out there…"

"They are rare, and honestly, I don't care about finding one."

"You have a sister, Teken. What if some guy treats her like you treat other girls?" Fred asked and he shrugged.

"Amy was well brought up. She is hardworking and well provided for. She can never be moved by whatever any guy has to offer. No guy can treat her like a whore," he said and Fred nodded.

"Then you agree that you're treating all these ladies as whores? They have brothers who care about them too, you know?" Fred said and Tekena sighed.

"Is this the reason you called? To lecture me?" Tekena asked, reminding Fred that he had called.

"About that, I'm moving back to Nigeria with Soso and I was wondering if you could help me get a house in Asaba," Fred said and Tekena's brows shot up.

Fred and his parents had moved out of the country immediately after they graduated from secondary school and he had not been back since then. It has been seventeen years already.

"Why are you coming back to Nigeria when people are leaving the country?"

"I have had enough of here. Besides, I need to raise Soso the African way. I don't want these western people to tell me how to raise my kid. There is a lot of craziness going on here, and I don't want her to start telling me she identifies as a cat or something," Fred said and Tekena chuckled.

"You are right about that. But why Asaba? Why not Lagos? You know I will like to have you here with me."

"I want to start my own practice. I will rather do it in Asaba than Lagos. And you know I'm not down for the craziness of Lagos. That place is too rowdy. Besides. I love Asaba," Fred said and Tekena sighed.

"If you say so. When are you thinking of moving?"

"In two months."

"Hmm. Alright. I will ask Amy to help me get an agent and look around since she is there. I will find time to go over to inspect wherever she finds. Send me the details of what you what on WhatsApp," Tekena said and with that, they ended the call.

Tekena smiled at the thought of having Fred back in Nigeria.