
A Tale of Creation

Watch as Ananta grows his universe and the trials he must overcome. The first chapter is kind of a meh but it'll get better. This is my first go at writing a story, I truly hope you like it. The synopsis is also meh but it's whatever. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well (Cover art made with ai)

angry_dinosaur · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Life in the Realms [Updated]

Gaia's POV

It had been at least a millennium since Father created my siblings and me; life in the realm has been great. Father and I have worked together, creating life to fill the realms as they grew. I have been living on top of the plateau of the Greatest Mountain on Genesis, as it was filled with plants and animals, even some of the Divine Beasts, as all these were released or unreleased to live their lives in the wild. However, my eldest brother Asim had made his cave on the plateau where I lived; I guess this counts us as neighbors. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. My sister, however, was the busiest of us all, as she and her helpers Father had created called the Karmic Judges, which were just five-meter-tall beings covered in black robes. They also had a black-and-white book that contained the experience the souls they were judging had as they helped her with the guidance of souls they received from the "Karmic Ocean," as it's now known. The Karmic Ocean is not just filled with souls; it's also filled with marine life, from fish to monstrous leviathans, all made of phantasmal energy. My second brother, Olen, was the least busy, as he had nothing to do but explore the realms.

Finally, my last brother, Aariv, Father, had to create another realm for him to fulfill his purpose; however, what shocked my siblings and me the most was its placement. It was made in the invisible string called "The Celestial String that Connects the Universe," or "The Celestial String" for short. His realm consisted of a library that went on for infinity and was covered by the ancient roots of the tree of knowledge known as "Yggdrasil." However, it wasn't ancient as it was still just a sapling at the moment. Here, new and old discoveries were kept; it contained the memories and experiences of every living being in the realms, including the gods, except the original five, as they were held in the most secure chamber within, with the only person allowed to access it being Father. Helping Aariv was another creation of Father called "The Keepers." They were just smaller floating books that were just like Aariv, with their size representing the level of knowledge they could write about or access. Of course, these new beings were immortal.

Ananta's POV

Teleporting to the Mortal Realm, I was contemplating the first sentient I would be making. Teleporting two souls in front of me, I started shaping the vessels to house them. After creating the bones, muscles, and mana veins, all that was left were their features. Antlers adorned their heads as well as two pointed ears. Suddenly, Gaia teleported beside me. Looking at my creation, she asks, "Father, what are those?"

"These will be the first sentient life forms in the realms," I responded.

"But aren't the creatures we created good enough?"

Chuckling softly at her question, I suddenly pulled her to me and hugged her, which she blushed in response to. "Gaia, you will figure out why they are needed," I said as I looked at my creations before letting Gaia go. I turned toward my creation before saying,

"Your kind will be known as the Ulesins. I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!" as I snapped my fingers, creating three hundred more copies with different heights, skin tones, and facial features as they flew in groups large and small toward different parts of the planet. As they reached the ground, their once-dazed eyes gained clarity as they started to explore their environment.

Satisfied with all I had done, I teleported to my home, which was more like an invisible mansion floating in space on an invisible island, after saying goodbye to my precious daughter. As I walked through a corridor filled with doors on each side, intricate designs flooded the entirety of the corridor. Walking through the corridor, I entered a hall that had a giant projection of the realms floating in the middle of it. Staring at it, I focused on the projection of "The Celestial String" as power surged within me.


What I had been doing for the last millennium other than thinking of what I would create as my first sentient race was fusing the power of the realm with my power to form a barrier around the realms, making and strengthening the barrier as "The Celestial String" would use the power of the realms to stabilize it so I don't have to keep focusing a part of my mind focusing on powering the barrier. The realm did have a sort of barrier however it was more the power radiating from the realm. This barrier was more to solidify it as well as strengthen it. 

I wanted the barrier to be as strong as it could be as even though there isn't any danger at the moment it helps to be cautious. Feeling the last of my energy leave my body, I telepathically told my children of the rest I would be taking before going to my room and falling asleep. 

Asim's POV

Feeling the realms shake, I walked out of my cave, only to be met with a forest filled with vigor at the entrance of my cave. I was momentarily surprised before remembering that I live with my youngest sister, but that isn't why I came. Squinting my catlike pupils, I stared past the Heaven Realm as I saw a translucent bubble enveloping the realm. Startled by its presence, I was preparing myself to go to war before Father's voice entered my mind. "Children, I have enclosed the realms within a barrier, so don't be alarmed. It is powered by "The Celestial String," so protect it at all costs, for its destruction will result in cataclysmic consequences. Also, note that the barrier grows alongside the three realms so you don't have to worry about it stagnating the realms' growth. I am sorry I couldn't meet you all personally, for I feel exhausted, and as such, I am going into slumber for a few millenniums. Remember to look after your new siblings and give them proper guidance towards endless glory. Goodbye."

Feeling the absence of Father, I couldn't help but be saddened at the fact that I couldn't alleviate the work my father had to do, but now I had the sacred duty of protecting the realms in turn. Knowing that I took flight, ready to patrol the edges of the realms, to safeguard its boundaries from any danger that may appear.



I wonder what will happen to Ananta's children during his absence.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

Why do I feel like I'm ending a TV show. ✌✌✌

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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