
A Tale of Creation

Watch as Ananta grows his universe and the trials he must overcome. The first chapter is kind of a meh but it'll get better. This is my first go at writing a story, I truly hope you like it. The synopsis is also meh but it's whatever. (The cover page or any picture in this story is not mine contact me if you want it removed)

angry_dinosaur · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Quintet of Perspectives [Updated]

Olen's POV

It's been two millennia since Father started his slumber. The realms have been experiencing massive growth, maybe in response to the barrier Father built, allowing the realms to focus on expanding rather than strengthening their defense. The Heaven Realm had gained more floating islands that housed land and marine-like animals that could all fly. With this expansion, two more planets were also created by the Mortal Realm, with both being unhabitable. However, the moon of the second planet created was habitable.

The Ulesins had finally reached the stone age after all this time, increasing the workload for Arianell. She and her Karmic Judges had finally fulfilled their purpose since the Ulesins' creation. Yes, though animals could gather bad karma, it was nothing compared to the amount of negative karma sentients could gather in their lives.

I wasn't without work either; with the expansion of the realms, about 4 gods were created from their energy. That alone wouldn't be anything, but after Father went to sleep, spirits started to form. Spirits were, as I would say, the worker bees of the realms. They would mostly take orders from the gods; however, they could take personal orders from me. "No angels were created; as no one with enough good karma had come about, I could only hope," I thought as I looked at the two gods arguing from my throne. "If you can't agree, then go your separate ways," I shouted with a flick of the wrist, teleporting them out of my palace with a sigh.

Aariv's POV

As the keeper of knowledge for the realms, I held the sacred duty of knowing nearly everything happening within the realms, with Father's permission, of course, but that wasn't my only purpose; even though my eldest brother Asim was the protector of the realm, my sacred duty was to protect "The Celestial String" if he had fallen—Father forbid or couldn't protect it himself. My realm, which Father had named "The Realm of Gnosis," or "The Gnosis Realm", had started to work to fulfill its purpose as my "Keepers" have been organizing the books in the library. How my realm worked was that by using "The Celestial String," we had a connection with every soul, except the gods, which used their experiences and memories to create a book that grows on the branches of Yggdrasil in buds that looked like the cosmos. When the book is finished, the bud blooms with stellar light to attract a "Keeper" to collect it before it starts the process over again.

That isn't the only job the "Keepers" have, as they are also meant to be explorers of the realms. Using their connection to the "Gnosis Realm," books are formed ready to bloom on Yggdrasil's branches, as such from the day of my creation, I've learned that life is a constant journey of discovery. Anyway, there are still things that need to be done.

Arianell's POV

Gaia and I were sitting in her "Sacred Garden" sipping tea made from the leaves of Yggdrasil.

"Arianell, have you completed yours?"

"Yes," I responded while sipping some of the tea. I should ask Aariv for more.

What she was asking about was the sentient we decided to create taking inspiration from Father with the creation of the Ulesins

"Can I see them? I'll show mine too," she asked.

"No, I want it to be a surprise." I chuckled at her question; this was the tenth she had asked me.

"Anyways, how have you been? I haven't seen you well since Father went to sleep."

"Great, I've been watching the Ulesins since their creation; they're so interesting. I finally understand what Father meant when he said I would find out; they just complete the realms somehow," she said happily.

I found myself nodding in agreement with her; they had completed the realms. Just as I was about to voice my thoughts, a sudden surge of power enveloped the realms. Startled for a moment, I quickly recognized that familiar force and my only response was a knowing smile.

Turning toward my little sister, smiling, I said, "Father's awake."



He has risen from his slumber. Again. 😤😤😤

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