
A Tale of Creation

Watch as Ananta grows his universe and the trials he must overcome. The first chapter is kind of a meh but it'll get better. This is my first go at writing a story, I truly hope you like it. The synopsis is also meh but it's whatever. (The cover page or any picture in this story is not mine contact me if you want it removed)

angry_dinosaur · Fantasy
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11 Chs

My Children [Updated]

Third POV

As Ananta floated closer to his planet, Ananta knew it was time for the creation of his children. He gathered five souls that were floating around Ananta and stared at them. These were the five gods that he would actively create, as any of the other souls had the opportunity to become gods themselves as he made it so.

Activating his power of creation, he started to build their bodies. For the first soul, his body was that of a dragon, with a body that would put most mountains to shame. He was covered in white skin and had four golden horns and a pair of large feathery wings that looked like a single flap from them on Genesis would have a cataclysmic effect on it. The dragon opened its large golden eyes, and the first thing it saw was the loving gaze of its father. It lowered its giant head closer toward Ananta, showing his affection for him. Ananta, seeing this, started to rub his head, as he could laugh slightly at the love he was receiving. "Not now; I still have to create your brothers and sisters," Ananta chuckled. The dragon, hearing this, moved its head begrudgingly, as it could only wait until his father had completed his work.

(Images here)

Focusing on the four souls left, Ananta pointed his finger toward the second soul. Golden bones and muscles started to form as beautiful white skin started to cover them. What was created was a handsome man with a lean body, pointed ears, and glowing white hair that flowed down his back. He had chiton-like clothing barely covering his chest and a golden ring on his chest, held by four chains, but the most impressive part of his body was the six golden wings that were on his back, glowing with a holy light.

(Images here)

2nd Soul POV

Upon opening his, he saw his father looking at him before turning toward the other three souls in his care. Seeing his father's reaction, he realized that it wasn't time to bother, so he flew toward his gigantic brother. How did he know? He couldn't tell if it was more of a gut feeling or was it was spiritual; it didn't matter as he arrived at his brother's side and joined him to stare at his father and watch the creation of his first sister.

Silver light filled his vision, and what he saw next was a beautiful white-skinned woman with luscious hair as dark as night that glittered with what I could only describe as stars. She was also covered in a black robe that seemed to scream ancientness as it radiated silver-like light. She held a dark book in her hands, as I knew of its purpose. I could only guess that our father implanted its use in our minds as he created it. Her eyes were dazed before they gained clarity as she looked at Father affectionately. She started flying towards us, waving her hands in greetings, before settling beside us and joining us in staring at our father. I could only chuckle at our interaction.

(Images here)

Abruptly, a green light mixed with gold started to fill my vision as I saw my second sister being made. She was a brown-skinned woman with long, white hair that matched mine and reached her back. She had a dress that seemed to be made with the essence of the Mortal Realm, just like mine, which seemed to be made from the Heaven Realm, or my first sister's, whose clothing seemed to be made of the Karmic Realm; this must be another memory father implanted. Her clothing was green, turning light blue at the bottom of her dress, representing the vigor of the Mortal Realm, with images of clouds moving in her dress as though the wind were blowing it. She had stars at the top of the dress that glistened in celestial light, along with a blue scarf—probably not the right word—wrapped around her hands. She also had a blue belt and a ribbon around her chest and head. Unexpectedly, as she opened her eyes, she ran to Father, giving him a giant hug, which Father just chuckled at before she let go and started flying towards us. Arriving before us, she looked at us with great affection before hugging our first sister, then me. Arriving in front of our first brother, she stared at him before floating up to his face and giving him a huge hug before continuing to fly toward his head, sitting and joining us in staring at father, His first brother chuckled with a low growl in response.

(Images here)

Staring at my father, I saw him contemplating what to do with the fifth soul, our future sibling. Then he suddenly created a giant book half the size of our eldest brother gleaming with a celestial golden light. On its cover, it held intricate designs; however, what stood out were three gems that were lit in four different colors: black, green, and gold. I could sense strings being formed from the crystals as they fused with the string Father created to connect the realms, now known as "The Celestial String that Connects All." After that was complete, Father gently guided the soul into the book, and in response, two pairs of eyes formed on its cover, one above the other.

(Images here)

1st Brother POV

As I watched our last brother float toward us, I saw Father smile at us gently as he pointed toward me. "You shall be known as Asim from now on; you hold the sacred duty of being the protector and guardian of all realms," he said as I roared in response, shaking the realms in the process. My power overflowed as I recognized the importance of the task my Father had provided me with. Chuckling at my roar, he turned towards my first brother first sibling and said, "Olen, your name shall be Olen; you are responsible for the Heaven Realm, but that isn't your only responsibility as you are responsible for mediating any complications between any future gods or angels pertaining to the realms." Olen's aura surged in response to his pride after receiving such an important task. Father then turned towards our first sister as he spoke, "Arianell, you're meant to be the guide of the souls towards a better future or better karma." "Thank you, Father," said our first sister, now Arianell. Nodding his head, he turned toward our second sister and said, "Gaia, your name henceforth will be known as Gaia; you shall create new plants and animals to be added to the Mortal Realm that I approve of, but that isn't your only purpose as you are also its defender." Gaia ran and hugged Father, acknowledging her sacred duty. Father then looked at our youngest sibling with loving eyes and said, "Aariv, your duty is to form a library, which will house all knowledge within and outside of the realms as well as defend it; your job is one I will mostly be focusing on in the first millenniums." "Yes, Father," he responded in a monotone voice.


Looking at my children, I couldn't help but imagine guiding them through life, as I wish them to become something more, something better than they already are. "You have completed the creation of your children. It's time to create lifeforms other than plants in your world."

"Here we go again." Well, let's get started.



Damn, Ananta becoming a father of five, if you don't count the billions of souls on Genesis. 🤣🤣🤣

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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