
A Tale of Creation

Watch as Ananta grows his universe and the trials he must overcome. The first chapter is kind of a meh but it'll get better. This is my first go at writing a story, I truly hope you like it. The synopsis is also meh but it's whatever. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com as well (Cover art made with ai)

angry_dinosaur · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Creations of The First Five [Updated]

Ananta's POV

Waking up, I felt a wave of vigor enter me. My slumbers are more than they seem. They help increase my capacity to unleash my divine energy. Interrupting my thoughts, a system message appeared.

[You have completed the creation of your sentients, giving you free rein to explore beyond the boundaries of your realms.]

Staring at the screen, I took a sigh, not only for being granted free rein to explore outside my home, something that I realized I couldn't do during the first epoch of the realms, but for the access others stronger than me, had been granted. Whatever was preventing me from leaving the realms as such was also shielding me from them; as such, the realms needed to grow stronger and faster, but not too fast, or that would lead to their collapse.

However, I hope anything that comes through is not made of the void if that's even possible.

Asim's POV

Father has been preparing the realms for something, and it worries me. What could make my Father, Creator of the Four Realms, worry? Something I couldn't, no, didn't want to imagine. He had been in his home since he awoke, only sending incarnations out to greet us and the new gods that had been born, his new children.

This increased not only my worry but also that of my other siblings from what my new siblings call "The First Five," who had also noticed but, of course, didn't panic as we believed Father would tell us when the time was ready. Abruptly, as if Father heard my thoughts, "Asim, come to my villa."

Hearing this, I teleported to Father's office. I had transformed into my humanoid form that looked just like the ulesins except I had cat-like pupils and my horns instead of antlers on my head. Looking around the room, I saw I was the first to arrive followed by other siblings; it looked like I was the only one he called. Shaking the thought out of my head, I turned to look at Father.

Olen's POV

Looking into Father's gentle eyes, I couldn't help but worry: were the realms in danger? Calculations filled my brain at Father's sudden call, interrupting my thoughts. Father suddenly looked at all of us as he asked, "So what are you waiting for? Show me already." Then, in an instant, a green light suddenly filled my eyes, and before I could realize it, two different forms entered my vision. One had a body made of a tree with legs and arms standing at a height of 10 meters. Its body had a canopy of green leaves on its head with flowers growing around the body. The other one was one with a more humanoid body, that radiated a faint color of green; it had horns at the side of its head with green gems in them. "I call the tall ones treants, and the humanoids are dryads; how do you like them?" Gaia asked.

Looking at them, Father had a giant smile on his face. "I love them," my father said as he snapped his fingers, creating six hundred more of each. "Father, I want to do something special with the first treant I created with your permission," Gaia asked.

"Go ahead." At that, Gaia's green light shone as she infused her power into the treant, making it grow to a height of 200 meters, the room growing alongside it as It emanated a vibrant green light, pulsating with vitality, as nature itself yearned to flourish within the confines of Father's office. I saw its hazy eyes gain consciousness as it started to look around the room before staring at Gaia. "Mother," he said before bowing his canopy, with the sound of wood creaking. "I created you not only as the progenitor of your species but as the defender of Genesis when I can't. Buds will grow on your treetop, as within these buds house your descendants. But don't think that your race depends on you for expansion, as they can reproduce on their own as well; it just takes a longer time for their effort to take effect."

"Yes Mother"

"Good, now go along with your siblings, Yggrinthil". Father chuckled at the name as he knew where its inspiration came from.

And with that, Father glowed with power as he sent them to the central continent in Genesis. "Next," Father chuckled.

This time, our eldest brother unleashed his creations, eager to please Father. "Father, I created what I call elder dragons and draconians." Looking at Asim's creation, he said, "Only a thousand elder dragons will be made. They will be immortal, but know this: their descendants' power will weaken for the generation they are born in before stabilizing at the 5th generation, Their first descendants created will not be immortal like the elder dragons but will have a life span close to eternity which will gradually weaken with the coming generation. As for the draconians, they can be left alone; great job, son," before he sent them down to Genesis and the habitable moon now called 'Celestia'. Asim overflowed with pride before stepping back, allowing the rest of us to go.

Taking a deep breath, I walked up to Father before I revealed my creation. It was a whale-like creature with four flippers and four eyes that lived in the sky by controlling gravity and wind at will however they weren't limited to those elements. They also oozed a blue-like aura as a result of their power, it wasn't meant to be anything I just liked how it looked. As a baby, they would be as long as 200 meters but could grow to be 2,000,000 meters but even that wasn't pre-determined as they could grow much larger or smaller than what was intended. I called them "The Ulpis" and they are, of course, sentient with the added effect of having interconnected thoughts like a hivemind with any member in their pod or when close enough to another. They could have anyone join their hivemind (besides the god and angels cause they could join whenever they wanted). They were also granted a life span close to eternity. I watched as Father stared at my creation before saying with a smile, "They will only have ten children in their lifetime as their overpopulation would have terrible effects on any planet or moon they occupy as for the aura they produce I want to change it with your permission of course.'

You may Father", I said in response.

"The aura they produce will have an effect of helping mend the wounds on the planet caused by wars, natural disasters, and more when they fly low enough to the ground for any reason," He said while adding a small amount of heavenly energy (made by the Heaven Realm) in their souls.

Snapping his finger, creating groups of five each holding ten members that were about 300 meters in size before sending them to Genesis. "I love them," Father said before focusing on Arianell and Aariv.

Aariv stepped up before golden keys with tiny wings hovered in the air before him. "What do they do, son?" Father asked. He answered in a monotone voice, which was a pitch higher, probably because he was excited.

"They are called 'The Keys of Yggdrasil' or 'Koys' for short. When caught by anyone, the keys will allow them to enter the "Library under Yggdrasil" with access to knowledge there, with the level they can access being higher corresponding to the key they catch. However, they aren't easy to catch as one needs to prove their worth before one can get one, especially with the different personalities each one has.

"Wonderful, approved," Father said before creating a hundred and sending them off into space so they could choose which world they would like to go to. "As the realms grow more will come into being from buds on Yggdrasil."

Arianell walked up, revealing two humanoid beings not unlike the Ulesins except for the lack of antlers, except they were replaced with horns. "I call them... the Levitas, I used the energy of the karmic realm to strengthen their minds allowing them to have the ability to manipulate objects with their minds using the natural energy around them." 

"I approve, " Father said before creating a thousand to populate Genesis and Celestia.

Third POV

Looking at his happy children, Ananta suddenly turned serious. This, of course, came as a surprise to them; however, they quickly composed themselves. "In a century, I want to meet with every new god born, along with you five, for I have an important announcement to make." "Yes, Father," Asim said, as he knew it was something serious.

"You may leave," Ananta said. "The First Five" teleported away after saying their goodbyes.

Looking out of his window Ananta sighed as he knew the unveiling of the realms could lead to wonderous opportunities or disastrous consequences.



Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday; school ate up all my time. 😢😢😢

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