
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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9 Chs

Spartan II Arc #3

Death surrounded the two Spartans, one badly beaten to a pulp, their suit destroyed. The other Spartan, the armor covered in some kind of high tech, the visor broken. The cold red eyes gaze at the Spartan with rage and sadness.

"I'm sorry, ???..."



2 hours ago


At the target's building aka UNSC Ship Development Building, the Spartans breached In clearing the building out. "There's a bomb in the build! Everyone please evacuate out of here now!" He demanded pressing the alarm.

"What's going on here Soldier?!" One of the researchers asked.

"Sorry, until we can contain the situation no one is allowed in nor out."

Kaito replied taking Ishtar and Lexi to the 34th floor of the building. They checked every corner, hallway, and even blind spots to make sure there were no Insurrection units.

"Building Secure, Commander!" Lexi reported into the comlinks.

"Roger, I'm heading up there now. I have Yondo with me." Yin reports back with his bow in his left hand.

He escorted Yondo up to the roof passing the 34th floor. "ECHO 2-1, this Spartan 418 request immediate extraction, over!" He was on guard. Yin looked at his map system looking for any signs of enemies, his eyes saw multiple red signatures.

"Serpent Team, we got incoming!" He warned them as he saw the pelican that they took here already. He then boarded the researcher on to the pelican in a hurry while firing three explosive arrows at the roof entrance.

"What's the view from down below Casey?" Yin asked watching the pelican take off.

With Casey at the 2nd floor, she was shooting down Insurrections infantry, she took cover to reload. "Not good!" She responded calmly despite the gun fire around her.

"Hang on, I'm on the way!"

"Kaito, get everyone downstairs to the 2nd floor."


"Serpent Team to USNC Calvert, We need air support standing by." The Spartan than tilted his head to the left dodging an energy blast. It was an elite from the covenant but the Spartan, Yin aimed right for the center of the head and fire a normal arrow.

The arrow managed to pierce right through the shield killing the elite. Yin ran downstairs all the way down to the 2nd floor, he saw more insurrections and Covenants Elites surrounding his team.

"Heads up!" Yin then kicked one elite in the head breaking its jaw, he then regrouped with the other four Spartans.

"Ishtar went up to the roof to come get you. I lost contact with her." Casey explained as she shot down the rest of the Covenant Elites.

Yin clenched his teeth "Lexi with me. Kaito, you and Casey will hold the lower floors." He ordered them as he took Lexi up to the roof top.


"Now let's go get Yin."

Kaito and Casey finally finished up the clean up either the Insurrection soldiers and the Covenant Elites. They reload their weapons ready for a second wave of enemies, "Contact UNSC Calvert, tell them that we need reinforcements." Casey nodded and began to contact for the reinforcements.

Kaito grabbed the plasma blade and activate it catching Casey off guard, thrusting the blade into her back as the edge of the blade sticking out of where the heart would be.

"....Why..?" Casey could feel the life fading away, Kaito laying her body down as she lay there dead. Something in Kaito changed that day, it was like he was going on a rampage or was it a bribe?

"Nothing personal Casey, I just needed to get Yin away from you because you're in the way of something important." Then Kaito removed his helmet, now his face was more feminine then masculine. It was later revealed that he was actually a woman.

"...D..damn...you...." Casey took her last breath, Kaito then ran up to the roof top. She had to make it like she was look like it was by an Alien hands. She put her helmet back on and opened the door to see Yin, Lexi, and Ishtar there with many alien and insurrection's soldiers bodies laid dead around them. Bullet shells covered the ground, Yin only had 5 arrows left, and the others were out of ammunition.

"Kaito, where's Casey?" Lexi asked bluntly since they were together.

"She's dead.."

She replied sadly as the others looked down, Yin got hit hard with the news, he wanted to bring everyone back alive.

"You're lying right..." Yin tried to keep his emotions in check. He saw the energy blade in her hand. He ran downstairs back to the 2nd leaving the others behind, what he saw shocked him to the core.

Casey laying dead on the ground, it almost seemed impossible for us Spartans to die then he noticed a hot plasma mark on the back of the back.

"Serpent Team to Calvert, requesting medical evacuation immediately and send some reinforcements."

Yin ran back up to the rooftop, he saw Ishtar bleeding out, and Lexi messing her head. "Kaito...what did you do?"

Kaito took her helmet off, a wide serial killer like grin appeared, her face red as a tomato as if she was in heat. "Oh my dear Yin~ I had to get rid of the trash."

"? What trash?"

"They we're getting in the way of our love~ so I had every right to kill them." Yin stood their his helmet hiding his emotions but his fists being clenched to control his anger.

"Now we can be together."

"I'm not interested in guys..."

Kaito then giggled, "Who said I was a man? Did you ever wonder why I took a shower by myself?"

Yin then realized it but it still didn't help her case from being killed by the calamity itself. "Yin, you do realize that we're not humans, right? I mean come on after millions of year your memories should have came back already."

This confused the young boy, he didn't know what she was talking about he only stared at the bodies in front of him. "I'm going to kill you." He rushed at her giving her a direct hook to the face. She then fought back, kneed him in the chest and gut. Then he grabbed her and flipped her over, slamming her right to the ground, he then slammed his fists down hoping for his fists to connect but missed shaking hands the entire building.

Yin was in shocked that he could do that but when he turned to his left, he was hit with a nasty right jab to the face breaking his visor. For a moment it was like all the rage was suddenly released from its cage, he got back up facing the traitorous Spartan. She then tried to throw another hook, but Yin grabbed her right and and started beating the breaks off of her like there was no tomorrow. Her helmet breaking apart just like most of the armor his armor became engulfed high tech nanotechnology that was never created before.

After a few hours, he then stopped and noticed she was laughing, "Hurt me some more, darling~." She wrapped her legs around his waist and removed his helmet.


Then what calm his rage down was just a kiss, from a psychotic woman. He then pushed himself up, "What the hell?!" He wiped his mouth. His first kiss was taken away by someone he literally beat the gods out of her. His armor went to normal he then noticed that she somehow absorbed it.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

"Because I don't want you to die without telling me what I am." Yin said picking her up, he noticed that most of the city block was destroyed by him alone.

She then smirked, her intention are still unknown but something about her felt familiar to our mc. Was she truly something that doesn't define human or is she blushing?