
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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Spartan II Arc #2

November 27, 2525

They always say, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." I never thought I would believe it until now.

It was the very day that we heard about Project MJOLNIR, and Yin was going through the files to find it but it was classified. Was it a weapon? Or was it a new ship?

All of the Spartans were on dropships heading to Chi Ceti IV. You're probably wondering why we're going there? It's because Dr. Halsey has created something for us Spartan, something that will give us a edge in battle than normal soldier.



Inside the Damascus Material Testing Facility, the lights cut on one by one, it was so high tech I almost lost my cool.

"This, is Project MJOLNIR."

The center of the floor opened up, raising it up showing armor like no other.

"The armor's shell is a multilayer alloy of remarkable strength. An onboard computer connects with your neural interface to continually track tactical information. And the inner structure is composed of a new reactive metal liquid crystal that is amorphous, yet frantically scales and amplifies force.

"So you're saying this exoskeleton enhances both the wearer's strength and speed?" Yin asked with curiosity.

"Yes 418, by a multiple of 5."

"Sign me up!" Sam exclaimed.

"And the drawbacks, ma'am? Lexi asked bluntly.

"This system is so reactive that our previous tests with unaugmented volunteers ended in failure. The amplified movements broke their bones, tore their muscles. Their own agony-induced spams killed them." She explained about the previous test which made us Spartans turn and look at one another.

"But you are not normal humans. Your enhanced musculature and skeletons should be enough to allow you to harness the armor's power. Sigh Now, I'll need a-" Halsey was cut off to two Spartans stepping forward.

"I'll do it!" They said in unison looking at each other.

"I thought you two would do it." She said with confidence.


Minutes later, Yin and John was finally got the armor on and couldn't move until they were instructed to.

"Move very slowly, deliberately. The armor cannot be powered down, the response cannot be scaled back.

Me and John moved our left and right arms up slowly. We could feel the Armor shifting around our bodies.

"It's shifting."

"Each suit has a gel-filled layer to regulate temperature and fit." She explained before asking them both a question. "Yin, John, are you ready to take your first steps?"

"Yes ma'am." They both responded slowly stepping of the standing table.

The others couldn't watch but couldn't look away either. It felt like all of humanity lies in their first steps.

"Come on, guys, you can do it." Sam said giving the two a bit of courage while Casey and Lexi were crossing their fingers.

"It's lighter than I expected." Yin opened and closed his fits noticing his center of gravity changed a bit.

"Easy now." Halsey approached John with one of the helmets. John slowly leaned forward for Halsey to put the helmet on. Once the helmet was on she then asked, "Well, how does it feel?"

"Like I was made to wear it ma'am."


Once the others got their armor on, they began training in it, using every equipment to their advantage to get use to the armor. Yin's armor was separated from the others by design and color.


4 hours later


"Serpent Team, you're mission is to provide cover for UNSC research going by the codename of Yondo. He's discovered a shielding technology that will give us an edge with the covenant but the Insurrection had gotten the communication relay first." Halsey explained the mission, they were going on their first mission.

It felt like a lifetime but it was our first mission as true Spartans, to go the planet, Camber. The planet Camber was a major manufacturing center for UNSC Navy fleet materials. As such, it held critical importance to the UNSC war effort and maintained its own grid of orbital defense platforms, as well as a formidable defensive fleet that included Marathon-class heavy cruisers and Paris-class heavy frigates. In one of the colony's cities, the UNSC had a key system headquarters where the 3rd Battalion Reserves were stationed.

"Petty Office 2nd class Yin, you will now and forever more lead the Serpent Team. Be swift and quick, and bite your enemies like a snake." The other squad members congratulated him.

"Alright there's a D77 Pelican already waiting for you to take off."

The soldiers saluted, "Ma'am!"

They then walked off, Kaito patting Yin on the head. "I hope you have a plan fearless leader." He teased the poor boy who nodded his head.

"Let me guess, you're going to make us to go in as assassins or undercover civilians?" Ishtar asked hoping she was right.

"Nope! The answer is simple, distraction." The team was dumbfounded of what the leader said.


"If we cause a distraction then Yondo can be lost in the crowd while take out the insurrection scums." He explained with a bright innocent smile. It was easy to understand since, Yin alone have been studying many battle tactics, he even created his own and that was the scary part.

They Serpent Team boarded the Pelican, firing up the engine. Yin taking the pilot seat. "Let's get a killing streak in this mission." He full throttle the engines already entering the atmosphere.


67.05km away from Camber


It's been a few hours since they left Chi Ceti IV, and Lexi and the others were already nervously than before. Kaito behind Yin's seat, stared out to the endless space. Something about his face expression was off, it was like he was guilty of something but the others didn't pay any mind.

"Is there something you wanted to tell me Kaito?" Yin finally spoke in a calm demeanor, Kaito chuckles nervously.

"No, I'm just wondering, what will it be like after we retire." He said softly yet he was changing the subject so quickly, the blonde hair Spartan let it go.

"I want to have a peaceful life with my family, I've witnessed my parents being killed, yet I never to revenge. They was doing their best to take care of me and store their data inside me...I...was too weak to do anything."

The tone of his voice became sad and soft, nothing like before. The pelican became silent, as if they was no one inside. Yin was the other one out of them who suffered the most, especially now since what he's about to witness will change him forever.

They finally reached Camber, the saw a UNSC docking port and landed their. They geared up all of them carrying MA37 Assault Rifle, Ishtar and Yin had different weapons, he had the bow and arrow with 36 arrows and 50 arrow heads to choose from. And Ishtar with a Sniper Rifle System 99-Series 5.

The H.U.D. Showed a IFF tag marker located 5 kilometers to the east of their current location. "Alright, Spartans, time to hunt."


Next Chapter: Spartan II Arc #3
