
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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Spartan II Arc #4


November 28, 2525


The time of Peace is upon us, Yin. You must remember who you are. You're a being born from metal and energy like no other, your known as the Guardian of Knowledge. Unlock you history and bring peace to the world again, my beloved creation.


I shot up from my bed, I noticed that I was back on at the Anlace-class light frigate. I was in the infirmary, slowly turned to the right and noticed Dr. Halsey standing right there above me, I didn't know how to feel about the mission but I had to explain everything to her.

"You're awake. I see that you were taken out by Covenant." She said sternly.

I shook my head, "It was Kaito, she betrayed us...she killed Ishtar, Casey, and Lexi." His emotions showed nothing more than light anger.

"A Spartan betraying us.. I guess this one has something to do with that unique signature."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Try remembering what happened before you passed out."

I nodded my head and try to remember what happened.


I glared at the smirking Kaito, I hoped it was all just a misunderstanding. My mind running at 120 mph, couldn't even fathom what she had. A sword unknown in design but the runes on it were familiar to me, the runes must mean something...but to what exactly?

"Sorry Yin, nothing personal but I need you and your body." She was about to shank me with the sword until a beam of light appeared from the dark sky. Covenant elites were being dropped off, they kneeled down as if Kaito was a goddess or any type of deity.

"Guardian of Creation, apologizes for the delay." The leader of the group of Elites kept his head down.

"There's no need to apologize, besides I finally found the Guardian of Knowledge." They all looked at the Spartan who stood there, like a hollow husk never been awakes before.

"...Guardian...? Stop joking around!" I then dashed at the Guardian of Creation without any intent of holding back. My fist did collide with her face, the whole country off the planet shook furiously.

The bystands were glad that they were evacuated from the planet because they wouldn't be able to survive it.

It wasn't actually Yin who performed the attack, not consciously, inside his mind was a giant cube what looks to have a live beating heart. It was so huge that his mind couldn't handle all of the knowledge he truly had.

The cube was gifting him more strength and speed then he ever realized. The cube said in a echoing tone, "Never fear Yin, knowing your truth is why your life has meaning. Betrayal is nothing more than a stepping stone to your path of greatness or your path to destruction."

The Spartan felt himself losing conscience so quickly from the strength he released, he tried to stay awake to make sure Kaito was dead. When the dust settled, Kaito stood there as if it didn't faze her at all. Was she truly a godlike being or—no wait she is injured. He saw the silver hair Spartan holding her right arm, "It seems we have a sign of war know." She said smiling with a hint of bloodlust.

Yin had his defense up, "You started the war, when you betrayed me and my friends." His tone showed more malice than a wolf growling at its enemy. What more could she do just for him to be hers?

"Well I guess we have to take you by force." Before she could do anything, UNSC forces showed up, deploying multiple squadrons of ODST Infantry.

"Drop the weapon!" The all began to shoot at the Covenant Elites, but a Elites drop began shooting back at them. The dropship bought Kaito and the Elites enough time to jump on.

"Get us out of here." She demanded the elite pilot who took off at high speed to the main ship. CAS-class Assault Carrier, it was one of the biggest ships that no one even knew about until now.

"Come back..."

The ODST's looked at me as an arm canon began to materialize from the nanotechnology his parents did to him.

He aimed it at the huge ship, the canon began to charge up rapidly, he put all of his energy into the canon. "COME BACK DAMMIT!!" Then he shot out a huge golden beam shooting straight into the shield of the CAS-Class Carrier. The beam was able to reach them with in three seconds, it burned through the shield before hitting the reactor core.

When the beam dispersed into then air, the young Spartan then passed out muttering a few words. "Come...back..."


"That's all I remember.." I told Dr. Halsey who put her hand on my hand.

"It's alright, as long as you know that we have to be careful about Kaito and the aliens now. You proven that in the most dire situation you manage it with your wits and strength, and you protect Yondo from both the Insurrection and Covenant. I hear by, promote you to First Lieutenant." She said making me shocked. All that just to be promoted after fighting the enemy and destroyed a country.


"Get some rest, you deserved it." Yin looked at his right hand, a bright golden aura firmly surrounded his hand. It felt calming but it wasn't normal for a human to do this, so what is he?


On the Planet Zhoist, the Covenant's CAS-Class Carrier crashed landed. Kaito was unharmed thought most of her troops were, she never thought Yin could use a small portion of his original power—no it wasn't his original power more like the item gave him powers.

"Hehe, it seems my lover is no where near awakening. How about we change that once I get off this planet?" However she didn't know that the true secret on the planet she was on.

"Contract the prophets and send us a rescue team." She ordered the Elite.

"As you command Guardian."

The Elites brought their engineers to fix and establish communication to the Prophets.


Next Chapter: Spartan II Arc #5

2 more chapters left of Spartan II Arc

A/n: Thank you all for supporting me and the work I do. I believe someone typed in my comments that all the halo books has been dropped and never to return again. I won't abandon my work like most of the authors but I will have you guys give me some ideas for more of my chapters.
