
A Spartan Who Went Rouge (Halo x Male Oc)

In year 2511, born from a family of scientists and researchers. The young child did not know what he was born into, a war. When the Insurrection War, began the family hid their data inside a data chip inside a core placed in his body. Now in the year 2525, the Spartan who was believed KIA showed up to end the war just to live in peace.

Arngrim_Asura · Video Games
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Spartan II Arc #1

September 23, 2517, 6:30pm

The kids all walked to a debriefing room, the kids all nervous or scared about what was to come of them. I alone was scared myself, I was placed into a foster home and the next thing I knew I was here.

Then I saw the same women from back on the ship 2 days ago. She spoke in a casual yet strict tone, "Take a sit. All of you."

The kids all I got quiet and sat down to listen to what the woman had to say.

"Per Naval Code 45812. You're hereby conscripted into UNSC special project codename Orion II, also known as Spartan II. Your parents are gone, the planet Reach is your new home. Your fellow trainees are your new family. Each of you have been hand selected and call to serve, your bodies are already faster and stronger than other children, and we are going to make them even better."

The silent filled the air as the kids were a bit understanding but it was a lot to take in. I, for one could see that most of us aren't military material.

"Chief Petty Officer Mendez, escort the children to the mess hall, feed them, get them to bed."

The soldier walked up to the center of the stage, "Trainees, fall out!" He ordered, the kids and I followed up to the messhall.



Naval Officers Academy Viery Territory, Reach, September 24, 2517

The next day, I was woken up by a soldier with a taser, "WAKE UP, You lazy maggots!!" He screamed as the kids ran to get ready and ran out. I turned my head to see a black hair boy, "Let's go!"

I jogged after him, "I'm Yin. What's your name?" I asked him while jogging.

"I'm Kaito! And this girl next to me is Lexi." He introduced himself and the girl next to him. I was truly making progress on my own, especially since I needed allies not enemies.


My first day of training was rough especially with Chief Petty Officer Mendez. Going through jumping jacks to crawling through trap wires, and even doing pushups.

"Trainees, I'm Chief Mendez! I'm your commanding officer. Everyday! Dawn till Dusk you will do exactly what I say, when I say, how I say. Am I clear Trainees?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

We saluted after the first part of our training, but along the way we lost most of our comrades. I felt bad for them especially for the parents. We had to keep moving especially after losing trainees, now in order for us to become Spartans we also had to train our mind. We were introduced to an AI named Déjà.


Next day of training, Chief Mendez had doing a team mission.

"Today's mission is ring the bell. When every member of your team has rung the bell, cross this line."

A boy then raised his hand, "What do we win, sir?"

"You win dinner, 117. Last time that finishes goes without dinner." I forgot that the officer called us by our numbers on the shirt. Mine was 418, Kaito's 058, and Lexi's was 106.

"Oh no." Most of the trainees gasped.

"Ready, Go!" The trainees including my team raced to other side.

Of course my team came in Second. I always had hoped in my physical abilities, my speed was very high yet my strength was like that of an average adult.

I heard someone get punched and it was none other than 117, I think his name was John. I guess he finished last and his teammates hate him. I knew that wasn't getting dinner so I made a plan.


At the mess hall I saw 117 apologizing to his team. Giving them stale food. "So Yin, what are you thinking?" Lexi appeared right in his face making him startled back.

"Y'know one day I might punch you in the face." He responded bluntly as she grinned. Kaito slapped her upside the head.

"Sorry about her, she can be a handful if you get to her a little better. Besides making her cake to shut up I'm guessing you wanted to give John's team dinner." Kaito read him like an open book, but who can blame him, Yin left his guard down.


September 28, 2517


The day we got our haircuts, most kids complied but me and a young girl named Kelly refused, so they forced her down and shaved her bald. For me, it felt different the only cut my hair up to the end of the back side of my neck.

We learned how to kill but at the same time we were also taught what was right and what was wrong. I was promoted to Squad Leader which was a great thing, I put my work in to protecting my team and the others lives.


6 years later

March 9th, 2525

Location: Medical Facility Endurance, orbit, Reach


Now I'm fourteen, it felt like years since I was trained into being a Spartan but now our true test begun. At 1130 hours, we, the Spartans must undergo rigorous chemical, physical and biological augmentation.

Now it was my turn for surgery to start. I prayed to whatever gods existed to help me live through it. The last thing I heard before closing my eyes were the sounds of drilling starting up.


March 25, 2525


A few weeks later, I woke up, my body and bones aching in pain. My heart racing rapidly, I looked to my left then my right to see the others waking up. Those that woke up, were also in the same situation as me.

I felt so different, unbreakable material grafted into our bones, gene therapy. Muscle density increased, enhance skeletal and muscular growth. It was like body was enjoying the pain so much that it didn't wake me up, was my brain cut off from my body? Or was this somehow related to my parents research?


A few days later, we held a funeral for the 33 of our comrades that died during the surgery. Lexi and Kaito survived but the 12 crippled were taken away and John wonder where they were taking them.

We couldn't feel right without our comrades, they were important to us even if we weren't blood. Kaito and Lexi cheering each other up while I made way to the shooting range. I had requested a weapon no soldier has ever used.

A bow and arrow, high tech and comes with many different arrowheads. Crazy, am I right? I never thought but I wanted to show the soldiers that guns may be quick but arrows have agility, speed, and range.

I met up with two more of my squad. Casey - 212 and Ishtar - 150. Casey, a young 14 year old girl skilled at hand to hand combat, she's 5'6, short red hair. Casey, a 14 year old girl skilled at stealth, infantry, and even assault. She's 5'8, with a black bob cut hairstyle. Her milk chocolate skin almost made Kaito and Yin blush a deep red.

"So what took you so long?" Casey asked with a heavy machine gun-38.

"I had something to do." I lied as he noticed a long silver case next to the weapon hanger and opened it to see that it was the weapon he requested.

"Ohh~ I didn't know you can use that." Ishtar was impressed but the design and technology used to make it.

"Well Dr. Halsey, wanted to test my skills in the field back."

"Sweet! Seemed like the leader finally got his first custom weapon." Casey gave Yin a wide grin, slapping him right on the back making him shriek in pain.

What could go wrong?


Next Chapter: Spartan II Arc #2
