
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Sacrifice

We all walked back to the house but me and Tenki slowed down so it was just me and him in the back of the crowd.

" You did a great job out there. " Tenki said.

We walked hand in hand inside the house and onto the second floor.

" You did too, better than me. " I sighed.

" You just got distracted. " He said leaning towards me, where I leaned on my door frame.

" If you say so. Why don't you come in? " I offered.

" Sure " He said smiling crookedly.

We entered my room and I plopped on my bed and Tenki plopped beside me.

We layed on the bed on our sides propped on one elbow looking into each others eyes.

" I have to beat everyone, because that means I would win a war. " I sighed as Tenki ran his thumb over a bruise on my cheek.

" You won't have to win I'll keep you safe. " He whispered leaning in to kiss me lightly on the lips.

" I can take care of myself, thank you. " I teased.

" We'll see soon enough. " He said grabbing my waist and pulling me against him.

His lips were on mine and I melted into him. His tongue slipped between my lips and I gladly parted them. His tongue was soft against mine and I moaned. He gripped my hips and started to grind against me. His warmth filled every part of my body giving me my own customized high that I couldn't get from drugs. I was floating on fluffy clouds and Tenki started to kiss my neck, when a ear shattering siren blared through the room coming from town.

We were both on our feet and running out of the room, down the stairs, and outside. All the human soldiers were already lined up in a tight formation waiting for everyone to come out of the house. The others sprinted out of the house wearing the same uniforms they wore to practice in. Without another word we sprinted towards the city. The city was like an ant pile which got stepped on. They were all in a panic. They saw us coming though and quickly parted. Some of them shouted out to me saying things like, " There she is, the gravity girl, she can save us all. " and " We're saved! we're saved! " .

I bowed my head in shame knowing that I will be doing anything but that. I am going to turn myself over so no one got hurt and somehow that seemed like losing the war instead of a sacrifice.

We reached the gate where more soldiers lined up. There were hundreds of them now with the others grouping with them we now had an entire army.

" Listen up! " Ryoshi yelled at us.

We snapped to attention and listened closely.

" We will exit last, leave the damn prince waiting. You fight with everything riding in you. Do you understand? " He said firmly.

My sweet brother was gone, replaced by a war soldier. We nodded and Ryoshi gave the order for the others to march out. Sozo even looked battle ready, but I knew she was scared beyond anything else. I wouldn't let anything happen to her even if I bled to death or breathed my last breath.

" I won't let any of you guys get hurt, okay? " I said to Hokai and Sozo.

They both nodded and Sozo gripped my hand tightly. I squeezed her hand gently to help her know that she would come out of this alive. They all would, but I wouldn't. I was okay with that.

" Alright lets go. " Ryoshi ordered.

I didn't know what we were walking out into but I was ready none the less.

The soldiers were all I saw, a sea of red and black lined up to fight an entire army. Instead of an army though, I saw two dozen soldiers and two cars. One a large transport car and one a regular transport car. Instead of just one prince I faced both. My breath hitched as I looked at Prince Ryoko, the one who visited me in my dream last night. I looked at the second prince and it was clear that this one was the oldest since he stood a foot taller than me. His hair wasn't black like Ryoko's, instead his was a deep red that was almost crimson. His eyes were a bright amber and he looked every inch of a future king. Tenki and Ryoshi called him prince Axel. They both dressed in black but with no armor. It was as if they knew they would win and decided they didn't need it. They were correct.

I was hidden at the back of the group so they couldn't see me as brought out a large megaphone.

" I am looking for a girl named, Angel. Is she here? " Axel declared.

" No. Never heard of her " Ryoshi yelled back, indifferent.

" Do not lie to me, I was inside her head last night. I know your her brother and I know you wouldn't let her be too far from your side. " Volen yelled.

" You should have brought more soldiers. We've already won this fight. " Kara said grinning.

Volen Sighed annoyed with this game of hide and seek. He waved to two soldiers and they walked towards the largest transport. They opened the door and five kids; three children and two teenagers, stumbled out. They wore glowing red bands that held their hands together and the soldiers shoved them forwards.

" Sekitan! " Tenki yelled.

The boy that looked up was Tenki's little brother that he told me he had lost trying to escape.

" Banira, Rirī " Kaen bellowed.

The two that looked up looked just like Kaen. I realized that they were his younger siblings. My heart started to crumble.

" Cheri " Kaku said.

The teenage girl that looked up could only be his female twin they looked so similar.

" Bara! " Sozo screamed.

That had to be the little girl that used to play with her.

" Now, Where is she? "

No one answered. Axel sighed sadly and motioned for the

Tears fell down my eyes as I realized that they would die if I didn't go through with this.

" Fine. " Axel said sadly.

He waved to the soldiers behind him and they walked up to the kids, shoving them to their knees. They reached for their rifles hidden behind their backs. To my horror they stepped back slightly and placed their rifles barrel on the back of their heads. They all screamed and started to cry, which made the group surge forwards but Teiden used his power to keep them rooted in their spots. Running to them would get them killed and he knew that.

" Release the safety and wait for your orders to shoot. " Axel yelled.

Clicks rang and flew inside my head, the sound bounced around inside my skull.

The group that was frozen started to fight and struggle, some even started to cry outright.

" Have you had a change of heart? Where is she. Give her to me and I will not only keep these runts alive but I will release them to you. To prove I am not a cruel prince you make me out to be. " He said, being reasonable.

I started to wipe my tears as my cheeks got too wet. The silence was taken as a no and Tolen grumbled.

" Shoot.. " He yelled.

" Wait! Stop! I'm here. Don't shoot them! " I screamed before his voice carried to the soldiers.

Teiden let the group go now that I spoke up.

Tenki turned around and his eyes went wide, he knew what I was going to do and he started to shake his head furiously.

I only smiled sadly and walked slowly forward so I was now in view.

" I'm right here. " I said calmly.

" Stand down, Now. " He ordered.

I walked to the midway point between him and the group behind me.

" Now, let them go. I won't run, I won't fight. Not if you let them go and take me instead. " I said firmly showing him I meant what I promised.

" Oh, I plan on taking you with me. " He grinned.

" Will you let them go? " I asked, a single tear falling.

" I promise. " He said, honestly.

" Let them free. " Axel ordered.

The soldiers looked surprised and hesitated.

" NOW " Volen yelled.

They wasted no time getting the bands off and setting them free. The kids ran making it safely to the group.

" Grab her. " Volen ordered.

Axel made his way towards his transport and jumped in.

Two men materialized out of the dozens of soldiers. both wore shiny metals and the same emblem on their neatly creased uniforms.

They both had the same superior air to them and I knew these were royal authorities.

One had bright curly red hair and red eyes and the other had blue spiky hair and blue eyes. They both were very muscular and where both the same height. They stood 6'5 foot tall and both gripped tightly to my forearms as they shackled my wrists with the red bands.

" No! Angel! " Ryoshi roared sprinting towards me.

Teiden was too slow but a soldier in the front was quicker.I fought against their grip looking back at my brother's tears falling like torrents. I saw my brother crumple to his knees, his face contorted in intense pain. A strangled cry escaped his lips as he looked at me. The more he fought the more pain he was given and I couldn't stand to see him fight any longer.

" Ryoshi, stop fighting! I planned this, this was my choice. There was no other way! I love you, and if you love me you'll go back inside that city and take care of those kids okay. " I yelled.

His face was wet with tears, and so was Tenki's who stood too still for it to be natural. Teiden was holding him still and I thanked him for it.

Before the two men shoved me into the car I called out to Tenki.

" I love you, Tenki! I have and I always will! " I cried.

The last view I had was of Tenki breaking free of Teidens' power and running to me before the transports door was shut and we were rolling off. I would go through with this if only to make sure that their were no other Rare bloods in the palace. If there were more I would do everything I could to get them to Ryoshi. That was the only reason I wasn't busting this transport apart and killing everyone in it. I would endure everything that waited for me. I sat in the back of the transport looking at Tolen who smiled down at me.

" I have been waiting for this day. " Volen grinned.