
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Cage

" Now, that I have you in my grasp here is what is going to happen. " He said kneeling in front of me, grabbing my chin.

I tried to jerk it out of his grip but I couldn't.

" You will come back with me to the palace and stand before my family. What happens from there is depending on how you act " He smiled.

" Killing me will be a mercy. " I snarled.

He chuckled darkly and stood up hands clasped behind his back.

" Oh, you will not be dying, in fact you will get to live in luxury. Isn't that every human slave's dream. Oh, I forgot you're not a human slave. Your special. The best part of this whole thing is that your mine " he smiled.

I just stared at him and he smiled even wider.

" You know what I forgot to give you something. " he said smiling.

I looked at him perplexed.

The red haired soldier handed him a small soft velvet box. Tolen knelt down in front of me and opened the box towards him. He picked something out of it and when he placed the box on the floor I gasped. The bracelet was gorgeous and diamonds winked at me under the little light inside the transport. The airy, lacy bracelet had stars of marquise and round brilliant diamonds that alternate with open, diamond-studded frames. It was very skinny and I wondered if it would even fit past my knuckles.

" I thought you might like it, so I bought it. Give me your hand and I'll put it on for you. " He said actually smiling at my reaction. To my surprise I saw a totally different boy, I saw a boy with kindness and love, a boy who lights up, a boy that naturally I would want to go out with. I wanted to keep him like this for a while so I actually gave him a big smile and nodded.

He grabbed my wrist carefully and with all of his fingers stretched the bracelet out and fit it on my wrist. I expected it to be a normal bracelet but I should've known it wasn't. The bracelet glittered a bright purple and it tightened around my wrist until there was no taking it off. After a few seconds I began to feel disoriented and dizzy. I tried to use my powers but every time I tried my body began to burn. I gasped in pain as I struggled to gain my powers. Then I realized that the bracelet was dulling my powers.

" What did you do to me. " I said tears falling in denial.

" It's alright. I can make it to where you can use some of your power, just not all of it. " he said in a soothing voice.

" Then why can't I use them now? " I gasped.

" Because, you may try to flip the transport and we can't have that, now can we? " He said, as if he was an adult talking to a child.

" Take the bands off, she won't need them anymore. " He said waving a hand towards the glowing red bands that held my wrists together.

The blue haired soldier quickly removed the bands and stepped back.

" These men here are in charge of your safety, they will be your guards while in the palace. Why don't you two introduce yourselves? " Tolen said walking to one of the benches.

I stood up and looked them both in the eyes.

The blue haired one was first to introduce himself.

" I am Colonel Hagane Dolgrin, you may call me Colonel Olgri. " He said smiling and taking my hand.

I shook his hand with as much strength as I could muster and to my delight he shook his hand as he stood back. The red haired one was the last to introduce himself.

" I am Admiral Furueru Bor, You may call me Admiral or Admiral Bor. " He said smiling.

I used the same strength to shake his hand but to my disappointment he did not shake his hand.

" Not like I had much choice. My name is Jūryoku Yūkei, You will call me Angel. " I said firmly.

The two of them raised one well manicured eyebrow but did what I asked.

" Pleasure to meet you, miss Angel. " They said in Unison.

Then they went back to their posts near the door.

I sat down on the ground instead of a bench and pulled up my knees and wrapped my hands around them. The drive was very long and I managed to fall asleep for a while. I woke up to the sound of screeching tires. The transport was slowing down.

" Almost there, won't be long, Angel. " Tolen said.

I snorted at his attempt at making me feel better.

I listened as the tires stopped and then began to roll. They were rolling slowly so I guessed we were probably already through the palace's entrance and were now rolling towards the palace. Only when the transport made a full stop and the doors were flung open did Tolen order me to stand up.

" Come on, out with you. " he ordered.

I did as I was told and stepped out into the blinding light of the sun. Tolen let me adjust to the sun before Axel came around the corner and into my view.

" She cannot go before mother, father, and sister, looking like that. " he said waving to all of me with a look of disgust.

" I know that, I already have maids preparing her room and bath. I'll prepare a simple dress for her as well. " Tolen said annoyed.

" Alright then, lets get moving " Axel ordered.

Both Prince's walked ahead, not worrying if I was following or if I would run. I would not run not when there may be more of those kids here that I could possibly set free. So I let my two guards walk me up the palace steps and inside the palace.

The palace was so big and stunning. The ceiling was high with chandeliers that glittered in the light coming from a large window that was situated between two grand staircases which curved in an arch. The staircase was made of rich mahogany wood that was polished to a high sheen. The stair was covered in rich red silk for a more comfortable experience. The entryway was well furnished and spread out around the room. The furniture included silk, satin, velvet and gold. Each one is more elegant than the last. Huge, flowering potted plants, and portraits lined the walls. Each portrait held either a male or female all wearing tall and modest crowns atop their heads. The frames that held the portraits were all solid gold and had multiple designs cut into it.

There were multiple hallways that branched off from the room. Instead of going through one of the many hallways we ascended the stairs and into another breathtaking entry way. This hallway was white with plenty of golden tints scattered about the hallway. Tapestries lined the halls walls and more potted plants and more furniture decorated the hallway. Every hallway was similar but each one held a different type of thing decorating the walls. I walked silently led by only my two guards. The two princes and the other people had turned a different way when we entered the palace lobby.

We turned another corner and up a single flight of stairs and through a set of double doors. The hallway that we walked into was larger and more grand than the others. Instead of regular light bulbs this hall had giant chandeliers. Instead of continuing further down the hallway we stopped at a door set in the middle of the hall.

" This is the royal living quarters and also yours too. " Bor explained.

My eyes popped wide open. I was living in the royal quarters. Me, a former slave, will share a living quarter with royals? I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

" Well, what are you waiting for, get inside your room and let those maids clean you up. " Olgri said shoving me towards the door.

I grabbed the door knob feeling the cool metal on my sweaty palms. I turned it and walked in to find three maids waiting inside. The bedroom was grander than anything inside this palace. The room is completely white with tan accents on the furniture. It is extremely Victorian Esque. This would be one of those rooms that you would have to put a lot of money into, unless you can find all of the furniture at an antique shop. The bed frame is shiny and offers a lot of style while being so modern, it offers a lot of light which is filtered through a silk curtain which covers the window. There are also mirrored nightstands and a little sitting area in the space to the right. There were unique and vintage looking side tables that matched the large ceiling accents. The hardwood floors were absolutely stunning and when paired with everything in the room, including that gorgeous chandelier, made the room seem like I was real royalty.

" Miss, Angel. Please come with us. "