
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Exploring My Powers

" Sozo, Hokai pair up. Kara, Kaen pair up. Teiden and Kaku you two pair up. " He ordered.

" You're with me, Angel. We'll work on exploring your powers and utilizing them into combat." he said.

" Yes, sir. " I smiled.

" Get in the arena. " He ordered.

I did as I was told and stopped in the center, Tenki took a position in front of me.

" I will not be going easy on you. Now do you know your limits are when it comes to gravity? " he asked.

" I have only used my gravity to levitate, hold and brush things away from me. I haven't had time to explore what all I can do. " I explain.

" Good we have a starting point. I want you to start by moving the sand with your gravity. " He ordered.

I willed my hands to glow and they did. I concentrated on the sand and made a upward pulling motion with my hands. The sand began to slowly lift and the more my hands got brighter the more the sand floated.

" Good. Can you form a shield around you. Or can you use your gravity to make a small sandstorm around the arena? " He asked.

I nodded and closed my eyes. I used thought to make the sand swirl lightly around us I opened my eyes and I could see the gravity pulling the sand in a huge circle around us. The gravity looked like living heat waves during summer.

" I can see gravity, Tenki. " I breathed.

" Your eyes are glowing white too! No that you have the sand moving make it a sandstorm. " He ordered.

I imagined the sand moving around us at a violent speed and it did as it was told. Now the sand moved rapidly and its movement made it howl and the breeze became strong.

" Can you shrink and expand it? " He demanded.

I lifted one hand and splayed my fingers wide and the storm expanded. I slowly closed my fist and the storm slowly became smaller.

" Now can you make it taller? " He asked.

I lifted my hand upwards and the storm became taller almost like the inside of a tornado.

" Good, now release the storm. " He ordered.

I made my hands go downward and the sand stopped and lowered back onto the ground.

" Good now you can experiment with it after you learn how to use the gravity on people. " He said

" Wait what? " I asked horrified.

" Yep, there is no peacefulness in battle, only survival. So, act as if your life depends on it. " He said firmly.

" Everyone stop your training for a minute and make a large circle around Angel. " He said loudly.

" I need the rare blood officers in front and the rare blood soldiers behind them. " He announced.

While I was playing with sand more ungifted rare blood soldiers had came in the training grounds and were watching or training with their weapons or fists.

Now it almost looked like a decent sized army.

" Angel is still learning about her powers and I need you all to act as enemies and fight as if this was really a war and that she is the one you must eradicate. In turn she will fight you all using her gravity powers and her Intangibility powers to evade your attacks. If you get knocked out of the circle you stay out. If you fall off your feet you're out. Just Those Simple rules. Sozo you will sit out on the sidelines and help heal the ones who get injured. Can you do that? " He asked firmly.

" Yes, Sir " She said, giving him a salute and running out of the arena. SHe smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back but then focused back on Tenki.

" On Three. " He said.

" One! " He shouted.

I made my hands glow and closed my eyes.

" Two! " He shouted.

I took a deep breath and planted my feet in a ready position.

" Three! " He yelled.

I snapped my eyes open and Kara, Kaen, Teiden, Hokai, Tenki, and Kaku walked casually towards me. They all prowled towards me like starved lions would a herd of antelope.

Kara was the first to strike making vines grow making a small cage and the cage started to squeeze around me. I pulled my forearms above my head in an x shape and a glowing white sheild exploded from them. I pushed the cage up and found Kara gritting her teeth against my gravity. The cage began to expand more and more.

Then Kara's eyes glowed green and the cage shoved against my shield shrinking in on me with more power than before. The cage shrunk more and more until the shield began to slip and the force knocked me on one knee. With a raging cry adrenaline rushed through my veins and a burst of power rushed through my veins making me lighter than air. My eyes were most likely glowing, and now white faced off against green. White was going to win.

With a battle yell I shattered the vines and the force sent Kara flying backwards into the soldiers behind her which knocked them all out of the circle. The soldiers left filled in that spot easily and stood their ground. I didn't have time to be smug because Kaen was next. I did attend enough school to know that fire didn't stand a chance against sand.

As Kaen sent a large ball of fire my way, I brushed my hand upward making the sand form a shield protecting me against the flames.

Kaen was pissed and he charged at the shield but I shoved my hand straight out sending the shield into him. He flew out of the arena and when he got up he looked livid.

Now it was Kaku's turn. He pushed his hand outward and a wave of green hurtled through the sheild and into me. I screamed when the Radiation wave hit my body. It burned my uncovered skin but didn't mess up my clothes one bit. I screamed in pain as each wave blasted into me. Then I realized I could use my other powers. Before I came into this city I played with my intangibility and found out I could turn invisible, transparent and also Look normal all while being able to move through and avoid attacks. This time I picked looking normal. I turned intangible and thankfully the waves went through me I walked through the shield and used my gravity to throw him out of the circle. He arched high through the air and dove onto the ground with a thump. I winced but returned to face my next attacker; Hokai.

He leaked shadow and in his hand he shaped a large reaper blade and it solidified into real steel and a solid sharp blade. He came at me turning his entire body in shadow. I turned solid again.I used gravity to make Hokai lighter and he was forced to become flesh again and closed my eyes and flung him out of the circle. I didn't look to see if he was hurt and I didn't want to look at him if he cried.

Now It was Teiden's turn and he talked to the soldier directly behind him. They surged forward and charged weapons raised and I smiled smugly knowing that they were easily swept aside. I learned early that Teiden had to see something to stop it from moving. So I used my power to turn invisible. I used my gravity and thankfully the light from my hands was invisible too. No one could see me so when the large rocks began to float and I began to use them to back Teiden was scared. '

If I know anything at all it's that animals are most lethal and dangerous when they are afraid. Teiden realized what I was trying to do and he jumped up onto one of the rocks that I commanded and began to hop from one rock to another. He realized the pattern and he stopped on one rock directly on the rock in the middle.

" Come on, Angel. Fight me! Just me and You come on show yourself. Unless you're scared. " He taunted.

I Jump from one rock to another careful not to make a sound or move the rock as I stepped. I stopped directly in front of him. He searched every rock looking for movement not knowing that I was directly in front of him.

" Boo! " I said revealing myself to him.

He didn't fall backwards or even jump instead with lightning movements, punched me in the face. I stumbled backwards off of the rock thankfully there was a rock right beneath that I fell onto. I dropped the gravity on his rock and he fell but not all the way. He jumped onto my rock just as I had gotten up.

" Slick. " he hissed.

" Always. " I said sweetly.

I charged him head on but instead of meeting my punch with another he leaped off of the rock and before I could move the rock he landed on it and with an angry snarl I jumped from the one I was on and barrel downwards toward his rock. With all the rage I had in my I slammed my fist into the rock as I landed on the rock in a crouch. The impact added to my gravity powers shattered the rock beneath us and sent Teiden back and I heard a violent crack before we were free falling. To my horror the rocks had floated too high in the sky for a fall. The crash would kill Teiden and me both so I used gravity to make cushions out of sand to break the impact.

I landed on my feet but not long after pain shot up my legs and I was almost knocked to my knees. I stumbled over to the edge of my sand cloud and sighed heavily. Teiden was alive but on his hands and knees. I took the opportunity to Float him out of the circle and sat him back on the ground. He looked pissed but confused at the same time. Now all that was left was Tenki.

I jumped off the sand and made gravity float me gently back on my feet on the ground. Right before my eyes Tenki morphed into a giant wolf with large teeth and prowled in a circle. I had a hard time breathing because of the surprise beauty of the sight. His fur was black and the stars seemed to glitter within the inky black fur. His eyes were red but they held some kind of ancient language that seemed to speak to me. He was incredible.

I was dancing with a wolf twice my size but I couldn't have been any calmer than at that moment.

He lunged and I ducked, sliding into the deep sand. I scrambled to my feet barely missing his large fangs. I ran and he lunged and that went on for what seemed like hours. We both knew we wouldn't get anywhere if we didn't use other powers. I used my gravity power to dig out a good sized boulder and threw it at him. It hit his muzzle and a yelp escaped from his muzzle. I winced at the thought of causing Tenki pain but I continued anyway.

Boulder after boulder, I threw it at him without pause making him seem to pace. He was a huge target and the arena was only so big and I almost had him completely out of the circle but he jumped over my head and behind me. I didn't have time to completely spin around before I was in Tenki's now human hands. He threw me from the circle before I could do anything and I smiled at him. He won fair and square and he was great both in human and animal form.

" I win. " He smiled walking over to me and offering me his hand.

I took it and he lifted me up to my feet.

" You all seem ready for battle and I would feel more comfortable if you all rested since you all gave it your all. Go and take your rest, he could be here anytime so. " Ryoshi demanded.