
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Training Begins

I knew I was dreaming but this didn't feel like a dream. I could feel the warm breeze and the smell of salt. I gazed out over a brilliant sunset that glowed pink, orange and red. I stood outside just outside of a grand palace that I have only seen in pictures during live broadcasts. I was at Efryae's Royal Palace. I walked further towards the Court Yard filled with cherry blossom trees. The courtyard was a beautiful place filled with all sorts of fruit trees, flowers, and trimmed bushes. I walked beyond the court yard and towards the lake that nestled between two ancient willow trees. He was behind me in an instant.

" Hello, Jūryoku Yūkei. Though you prefer to be called Angel. I've been trying to find you for quite some time. Your one very difficult girl to find you know? " A boy said from behind me

I spun around and what I looked at made my stomach curl in dread and annoyance.

" You look even prettier in real life than in your profile picture. " He purred making every hair of my head stick up.

" How in the hell are you in my dream, I don't even know you. " I sneered.

The boy stood a couple inches taller than me and was very muscular. His Black curly hair was perfect and hung just to the tip of his ears. His violet eyes had a living galaxy swirling inside them. His clothes was that of royalty. It wasn't hard to figure out what the boy was. He was one of the Princes of Efryae. I guessed he was probably the youngest prince. He was magnificent to behold but he was one of the people who wanted me dead.

His laugh was bitter, cold even.

" You may not know me now but you will soon, Angel. Very soon. " He grinned.

" The hell I will! " I snarled.

" Your file failed to mention that dirty mouth of yours. Is that how you talk to your Prince? " he smirked.

" You are not my prince, I will not take orders from you. I do not live in your kingdom anymore. " I seethed.

His eyes glowed in rage and his face turned red making me just a little bit smug.

" Watch yourself, Angel, you are walking on a very thin line. " He snarled.

I was surprised by his livid anger that I kept my mouth firmly shut. The anger faded as quickly as it began.

" Where are you Angel? " He mused strolling casually past me and looking out over the lake.

I looked after him puzzle by his casual attitude.

" Why would I tell you, your highness. " I spat.

He spun around and reached me so fast I almost stumbled backwards.

He gripped my chin roughly.

" Because, if you don't, when my brother finds you, and he will, I will kill one of the twins " He said smiling bitterly.

" Your soldiers eradicated my village, killed my brother, and you want me dead. I will not stand by this time and watch you take away the things I love. " I breathed.

" Do you know how I am inside your head and dream? " He mused.

" No. " I huffed.

" It's easy, really. My power is Astral Projection. Not only can I communicate with you when you sleep but when I communicate your mind is laid bare for me to see. I know everything about you now and I know what you fear and what makes you happy. Now, no use in hiding something. I am surprised that you are able to keep your location secret from me. You are stronger than I anticipated. Now I guess I will have to force it out of you. " He whispered into my ear.

His hand slammed into my forehead and his eyes began to glow. The pain started as just a whisper but I could feel him worming his way around my brain and each time he went deeper into my mind the worse the pain got. I hissed through clenched teeth as the pain became extreme. His eyes popped open and he removed his hand from my forehead. I slumped to my knees feeling drained of energy and power.

" You hid the city by using a glamour, clever. I have to admit you members of the Rare Blood Guard are quite smart. Now, prepare yourself Angel. I will not be leaving the city without you. Even if I have to crush every human slave to do it. " He smiled crookedly.

" We will meet soon, Angel. Don't fret I will not kill you, I want you alive. " He said exploding in a bright purple light.

" We'll see about that" I yelled after him.

His laughter echoed through my throbbing brain as I woke up, panting in my bed.

Surprisingly it was already getting light outside and the sun began to peak over the horizon. I knew that it wasn't a dream and that he was surely coming. I had to warn everyone and begin training. The Prince was coming for me, I had to be ready for it.

I quickly grabbed a quick shower and grabbed my guard outfit which this time was a Charmian Corset made of Faux black leather halter which had a neck and single shoulder buckle strap. It was made black armor that had the guard symbol on the single shoulder. The last thing in the top was a single red dragon at the torso. I chose a pair of black and red leggings with dragons that wrapped around the pant's legs and black leather, high heel, no-slip, gripping, combat boots. I put on my necklace and bracelet. I put on only the basic makeup including eyeliner, mascara, smokey eye shadow, and the smallest amount of blush.

I left my room and started towards the training grounds. It didn't take long and I found myself using my power to levitate rocks of varying sizes and textures.

Then A buzzing startled me and I reached for my back pocket and my hands wrapped around the small rectangular device my brother gave each of us. He called it an iPhone and explained that we could call, text, and search on a place called Google. I turned the phone on and a small little bubble appeared at the top labeled notifications.

It was Ryoshi calling.

I clicked the answer button and Ryoshi's voice rang through.

I let the rocks continue to float around the arena.

" Hello? Angel? " His voice asked.

" Yes? " I asked.

" Oh, good. Where are you? Training doesn't start until this afternoon. " he said.

" Yeah, about that. I need you all out here now. I have some news for you guys and it isn't pleasant. So get everyone in their battle suits and get here now. " I said, before clicking the end call button.

I would tell them about the prince coming but not what he wanted and what I was going to do when he did come. I had to turn myself in to keep the others and this city safe and If that means handing myself over to the prince then I would do it.

A half hour later and the group and people in uniform that I didn't know strode into the training ground. Only the group got close to me and the others I didn't know stopped a good distance from me.

" What is all this about? " Teiden asked still sleepy.

Like usual Sozo ran to me and hugged my legs since she wasn't tall enough. I smiled a little but then Ryoshi cleared his throat telling me to explain why I called them here.

" I had a dream last night. But it wasn't a dream at all. He astral projected into my dream and now he knows we're here. " I said roughly.

" Who knows we're here? " Kaen edged.

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath before replying.

" The youngest prince of Efryea. " I breathed.

" You've got to be kidding me! Prince Volen is coming here? We have to warn everyone, get all the guards together and get ready for attack! " Kaku said fiercely.

" No. " I said firmly.

" And Why Not? " Hokai asked.

" Because, it's us he wants, not them. " Kara said understanding what I was saying.

" We're going to meet him halfway. " I finished.

The others eyes get wide with understanding and they exchange glances with each other and then nod in agreement.

" I don't know how much time we have until we get here and I have no idea how to control my powers yet. " I said, a little ashamed.

" Then we all train and learn more about our strengths and weaknesses. Starting now. " Tenki said firmly.