
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A Fateful Encounter

The World blurred as I sped through the rough and sandy ground, I had left the village three days ago and I hadn't had time to really process the past events and to be honest I don't think I'm ready to yet. I never thought that this would happen to me, I never thought that I would see my family die and have to flee the only home I have ever known. I never thought that I would be on the run, never even thought that I would ever have a power, let alone two powers. There was a lot I never thought would happen but now that it happened I've never felt so hollow. I was an outlaw, born a human slave, now a two powered freak. I was alone, breaking slowly, and I had no one to talk to, no one to relate to and no one to care about me. I was alone, so terribly and unbearably alone.

The most scary part of it was that I couldn't bring myself to conjure up any sort of emotion. Maybe I was broken, ready to be thrown out and forgotten. How did I even get here in the first place, how did I get so cold and unfeeling, so rejected and running from people who used to make me slave for their secret pleasures that they took for granted.

I chuckled dryly to myself thinking about how ironic it was that I wished I could go back to slaving away for those superb bastards. I was puzzled and still raw, maybe I would always be this way so emotionless, so sad and neglected. Maybe I would turn to stone along with my already stone cold heart. I shook the thought away and decided to study my surroundings. I looked across the horizon looking at the slowly setting sun which set the sky into a vibrant mix of red, orange, yellow and pink. I knew that I should probably make camp and get settled, but I couldn't find a good place to make camp. I ended up riding a little while after dark.

I rode on and on and slowly the Cactus's and red clay dirt left, replaced by a dense forest. I found a good spot to camp between two big trees I recognized as Elm trees.

I sat my bike up against the elm and sat my pack down, digging out my pillow and blanket. I set them out and grabbed my gun and sat it beside the blanket as I grabbed the food and solar powered lamp out.

I had everything set up and I was already eating from the ration pack. Today my Food Ration was a thing called curry that was mixed with white rice. It was actually not too bad it had a good taste and I enjoyed the after taste that remained after I finished eating it. I was just about to turn off my lamp when I saw a figure blur between two giant red oaks. I jumped up and grabbed my gun. I slowly put my blanket and pillow up and also put the other stuff up in case the thing decided to attack so I could jump on the bike and speed off. I kept the lamp close and kept my pack on my back, ready to sprint if need be.

" Hello? Come on out. I won't hurt you. " I said loud and breathless.

A loud rough voice chuckled darkly.

" Won't hurt me, eh? How sweet of you, small child " it chuckled stepping out from the shadows. The Mutant monster's figure prowled forward making no sound whatsoever.

" What are you? " I said choking behind terror.

The monster was misshapen and scaly, its claws were several inches long, sharp enough to gut me easily. The eyes were the only thing human about it. The skin was black and shiny and had rough spikes on it, its tail was long and was more spiky than any other part of its body. Its mouth was that of a dragon's, but instead the teeth were larger than a dragon's. It was a horribly gruesome sight to behold.

" What is it with you, humans are always so terrified when they see us? You say that with disgust and terror. You humans are so predictable, always giving us a good smell of your fear. " It sneered.

Its mouth opened showing the two rows of dagger-like teeth.

" What is a human doing in this part of the region anyway?. You are just begging to be monster food. " It hissed.

" I'm not telling you a damn thing. You disgust me, your entire being is an abomination. " I hissed.

Hurt flashed in its eyes, making him look more human than ever. The hurt was quickly replaced by rage and it lunged digging its claws in my shoulder making me scream in pain. My Dichroic blood dripped

" Such beautiful music, your screams. You aren't human after all. " It said revealing a long flexible tongue.

" Your skin smells delicious. " It breathed before trailing its tongue up my throat and over the place where my head scraped against the thorny vines, that I knew was bleeding.

I shuddered in utter disgust and revulsion.

" Even your blood is pleasant. You will be my meal, tonight. " It laughed roughly.

It tied me up with the thorny vines and tossed me over his shoulder. I thrashed and thrashed but the vines only bit into my body making me bleed more.

" Let me go you disgusting beast! " I screamed thrashing and clawing at its back drawing a little bit of black liquid.

I realized with a start that the black liquid was its blood.

" Quit being so annoying! " It said throwing me to the ground and smacking my head against a stone. My vision blurred and my head throbbed and stung. I felt something drip and I knew my head was bleeding.

" Oops, forgot how fragile human skulls can be. " It laughed.

I screamed at it clawing with renewed anger and energy. It jumped back startled at my sudden violence. That's when I realized that I wasn't helpless, I had powers that were at my disposal.

I concentrated on turning myself transparent but when I opened my eyes and looked at my hands I was still flesh. He pounced at me with his teeth out and claws out ready to make the killing blow. I concentrated hard to make my gravity powers work and just before the creature reached me my hands were glowing just like before and I made the monster stop in midair and sent him into a nearby tree. I made my hands go back to normal and untied the thorn vines from around my ankles and stood on shaky feet.

The monster got up faster than I thought he would and he lunged once more and I closed my eyes imagining that my body was invisible and when I opened my eyes the monster looked shocked and I braced myself for impact making my hands block my face but the impact never came. I opened my eyes to find my hands transparent. The monster tried to reach out and grab me but it only went through the air.

" That's impossible! You're a human slave, born powerless! " It screeched.

" That's what I thought too, but I just recently found out about the powers. " I said actually lost in thought.

How did I gain these abilities? Was I a freak, just as mutated as this hideous creature I now stood before? I guess I would never find out because no one is like me, no one has ever been born like me.

" I will kill you! " It roared as it lunged once more. I reached out to see if I could grab it by its neck and to my satisfaction I was able to grab it by its throat as it went through me.

" I don't think you can, creature. " I sneered

" I can and I will! " He roared coming at me again but still going through me.

" How can you kill something you can even grasp? " I laughed.

I used my gravity to levitate rocks all of them collecting in the sky and when I ran headfirst to my bike I let the rocks fall.

Before he could lung I was already zooming off. I heard him roar in anger as I sped away, and for some reason I started to laugh and cry at the same time. I didn't have time to worry about my still bleeding shoulder and the thorns that had once sunk deep into my skin nor did I worry about my growing exhaustion. I was only worried about getting far away from the dense forest. I managed to make it through the night and to my awe I came across a town that was populated and bustling with people. I was so shocked that when I didn't continue into the town a boy about my age walked up to me. I had to turn off the bike to hear what he was trying to tell me.

" Sorry, what were you saying? " I asked.

The boy had bright glowing green eyes and black hair. He stood about 6'0 and made of muscle.

" Hi, my name is Hōshasei Kaku, we don't like vehicles to drive in the crowd so I can take you through from here.

" Um, I was just driving through. " I said.

" But there isn't any civilian life or town for miles from here both from where you came from and after you get out of this town. Where did you come from and how did you get here, you should have run into at least five monst.... " He said his voice fading as his eyes fell on my shoulder and arms.

" Shit! I need a doctor, now! " He yelled.

Not even three minutes later a person came out of the crowd.

He was quite handsome I had to admit, at least after he let his hood fall. Besides his red eyes and brown spiky hair his face was smooth and flawless. His body was muscular and his facial features were strong.

He walked up to where I still stood.

" Where is the girl you were talking about, Kaku? " He asked.

" She's right here.. " He said waving to me, and before he could finish his eyes went wide.