
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Tragedy Strikes

I lay in bed staring at my ceiling, I was drenched with sweat and breathing hard. I was scared by yet another dream. I had been awake for a few hours now and the sky was turning into a light blue. I walked out of my room and jumped outside. I breathed in the dirty and stuffy air letting it wash over me. I saw a person running in the street and walked out. He was running pretty fast and looked unsettled. Then when he got close I realized it was carter.

" Angel you have to go! " he said out of breath.

" Well, hi to you too. " I said laughing.

" I'm not joking! You have to run. Leave your family and go. " He said grabbing onto me.

" What's your problem? Get your hands off of me! " I said angrily.

" They're coming, they'll kill you all. Save yourself, let them fend for themselves! " He said pleadingly.

" Who is coming? " I asked.

" A whole legion of soldiers! The Mighty's guard! " He whispered.

" What!? You want me to leave my family and leave them alone to die at the hands of the mighty? " I hissed.

" Yes, there is no way you'd be able to sneak all of them out without being noticed. Go get out while you still can. " He begged.

" No, No I won't. I'm not leaving them alone to die. If they die I die at the same time, end of discussion. " I snarled.

He looked torn but backed slowly.

" Don't say I didn't warn you. They'll be here shortly after the sun rises over the horizon. " he said before running back to where he came from.

I took his warning to heart as I walked into my house. They were all awake and waiting at the door. They had heard and I nodded. We all got ready for a fight. I grabbed my favorite gun: the ALFA Defender. I made sure I still had bullets in it and put it in my shorts back pocket. The others grabbed theirs beside Sakurami who had no knowledge whatsoever.

" Stay inside and don't come out unless I say so. " I said through clenched teeth.

" We got your back sis. " Ryoshi said.

" Thanks. " I said. I walked out and sure enough soldiers marched towards us as the sun peaked over the horizon. Some on vehicles others on foot.

I stood in plain sight trying not to look ready for a fight.

They stopped a couple yards away and one had a megaphone.

" Is this the Jūryoku family? " a man asked.

" Yes, how may I help you? " I yelled loud and proud.

" Just a normal house check. Is your family home? " The soldier asked.

" I am afraid you missed them! Why all the soldiers? Are you here to kill us ? " I yelled.

I heard the guards grab their guns and I only had time to shout.

" NOW! " I yelled.

They jumped out and I tried to wave them back when bullets rained down. One killed my father automatically. I screamed but then Sakurami was struck in the heart. Tsuyoi, Sunaipā, and Ryoshi were left and now walked up to me killing soldiers as they walked forward.

" Why aren't you shooting? " Tsuyoi yelled.

I pulled my gun out and started knocking down soldiers. I saw a stray bullet hit Sunaipa and i screamed. Tsuyoi stopped and bent over Sunaipa who wasn't breathing. Tsuyoi got up and growled in rage and barreled at the soldier head on.

" You, damn idiot you'll get killed! " I screamed as I ran with him. Ryoshi was next behind me. I shot the soldiers who aimed at Tsuyoi. We now reached the guard and we took most of them out already they only had twenty to begin with and now only had twelve left. Thankfully they picked a spot with lots of trees. we ducked behind the trees and shot the soldiers who were running for the trees. Now there were only seven left. The gun fire stopped and being the stupid person he is Tsuyoi stepped from behind the tree.

A bullet streaked and hit him in the stomach.

" No! " I screamed. I went to shoot but my gun was empty.

" Shit I'm empty. " I yelled.

" I have ten bullets left, get one of the soldiers guns. I'll cover you. " He yelled back.

I ran into the maze of dead bodies grabbing the ammunition loaded belts and grabbing a big gun that I recognized as a 177 Crosman DPMS SBR Full/Semi-Auto BlowBack CO2 BB Rifle.

" Sweet, Now were talking." I grabbed one other for Ryoshi and tossed it to him.

" We can take the other guns once we take down the others. " I said.

We both raised our guns at the same time I enjoyed the view of the bullets slicing into the flesh of the Mighty Guard Soldiers. They made us live in filth and disease now it was their turn to suffer.

I wasn't paying attention when a bullet shot into my shoulder Spraying my special

Dichroic colored blood on the ground. I hissed but kept shooting, Ryoshi wasn't shooting anymore, he was too busy looking to see if I was hurt. I only had time to jump in front of him before dozens of bullets came as me. I couldn't dodge them and I put up a hand wishing I could stop the bullets and shoot them all back at them but I thought that would have been impossible. I was wrong, because when I looked up the bullets were frozen in place, not even three inches away from my face. My hand glowed white and I gasped in shock. Had I done that? That wasn't impossible I was a human slave not an Almighty Human. To make sure it wasn't fake I moved my hand from side to side. The bullets swayed with my fingertips. The guards looked afraid and I was giggling.

" Ryoshi, I have powers! " I screamed in delight.

Ryoshi opened his eyes and stared at me as I manipulated the bullets.

" Why are you transparent? " He asked.

" What? I am not. " I said. I looked down and sure enough I was transparent.

" Hang on let me try something. Try sending the bullets to the guards. " He said.

I waved my hands back then forwards turning the bullets towards the soldiers. I flicked my fingers and the bullets flew at them some tried to run but the bullets peppered them. Now all the soldiers lay dead. Then a gun fired and a bloodied bullet flew through me. I looked down and I was still transparent, but no bullet wound or blood. I gasped and turned around and Ryoshi stood with a shocked expression and when i looked down he was bleeding. He had been shot not me. As his knee buckled I caught him and slid to the ground. Tears spilled in torrents as I tried to set him on the ground.

I looked up and one soldier stood, the barrel of his gun smoking.

" You mother fucker! " I screamed I willed the gun to fly from his hands and it did. I found a gun beside me and through tears I sent it flying into the air. It made a crunching sound as it sunk itself into the soldiers forehead. The soldier slumped to the ground and I looked down at a half alive Ryoshi.

" Please no, God NO! " I cried.

" Run" He said coughing up blood.

" No, I won't go without you! I love you, brother. You can make it, I can fix you. " I cried in denial.

I looked at my predicament I sat on the ground holding my dying brother, my favorite brother in my home.

" I am already dead! Go and get out of here. You have to survive and kill the bastards responsible! " He coughed.

" No! You're not dead yet, I can help you! " I screamed.

" You're not a doctor, Angel " he said.

" You need to leave and take care of that wound. They will come looking for survivors soon, so run and don't look back, take your bike and leave and go far from here." He ordered.

" But, I can't let you die, you're all I have left! You can't die! " I whimpered.

" I love you my Guardian Angel, you have to let me go now. Goodbye Angel. " He said as his eyes started to close.

" No, no, no, no. Open your eyes Ryoshi! Please don't leave me! Ryoshi!!!!!! " I screamed laying my head on his lifeless body. I cried for what seemed like hours and hours, and at some point I fell asleep. When I woke up it was night and I heard vehicles far back on the road. I cursed and made myself let go of my brother. I ran to my bike and started it up. I hopped off and ran inside the house and gathered all the food I could fit and all the stuff I bought the night before. I grabbed blankets and coats and several things of clothes and stuffed them all in my large duffel bag. I grabbed one last thing which was the necklace that Ryoshi had on.

" I'll miss you, I'll kill the one responsible, for you and for all of you. " I said as I ran to my bike fresh tears falling down my face.

I made my way through the woods to avoid a chase and only looked back when I couldn't see the house or my family's dead bodies. The tears went from sorrowful to outright rage as I saw the edge of the shitty village I once called home. But before I could reach the border I heard the vehicles race through the woods and before I could speed up a motorcycle screeched to a stop in front of me.

" Jūryoku Yūkei, You have been reported to the Almighty and have been sentenced to death. You were born a slave but have received Second Power therefore you are a threat to the almighty, if you should surrender now without a fight we may give you a swift death. " He yelled as the other vehicles surrounded me.

" You killed my BROTHER! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY. I SENTENCE YOU TO DEATH INSTEAD!!! " I roared making the vehicles around me to fly back. The riders tumbled off and I sped off before they could recover.


I gave them the bird as I rode past the cities borders into a whole new dangerous world.