

Na'eemah had a pip in her step as she walked back to her apartment. She found information on her own that she could report to her mother and she'd get even more information by tomorrow night. The walk back to her apartment felt even lighter and more refreshing than the walk she had taken to the park. Once she had made it back to her apartment she flopped onto her bed with a heavy sigh. She felt full of energy and wasn't sure what else she should do. She thought about going to the temple to pray or practice her magic but quickly dismissed the thought. Finally she decided to call on Allocen.

"Allocen." She called out loud as she sat up in her bed and rested comfortably against her pillows.

"Allocen." She repeated slightly louder than her first call.

Suddenly a man appeared in her room. He materialized out of thin air and walked to her side as if he had been walking before he appeared in her room.

" You called?" He asked with raised brow.

Na'eemah's heart fluttered. The man was tall and was dressed in loose harem pants and long sleeveless shirt. He had a pair of daggers hitched at his waist as well as a longsword with a double curled design. His cheekbones were high, his eyes the lightest shade of green and his hair was full and slightly untidy. He looked downright sinful. He wasn't an ethereal beauty one wouldn't dare approach but instead looked like devilishly handsome and someone any woman would want to ravish. Na'eemah focused on his body as he kneeled beside her bed. Allocen took note of her gaze and chuckled, he leaned upward and pressed his lips against hers briefly before saying softly. "Breathe, sweetheart."

Na'eemah took a deep breathe inward then exhaled. Her mind seemed to defog and she cleared her throat. "You-ah, did I interrupt you?" she asked looking at his weapons.

Allocen followed her gaze and then looked back at her. " It can wait."

Na'eemah shook her head. " No you should finish then come back."

Allocen tilted his head, silently asking why he should go back.

Na'eemah smiled " You need to complete your duties for today. You were supposed to go back to heaven a century ago but you got held up because you decided to stay by my side and look after me all that time ago."

Allocen sighed " Your safety and wellbeing will always be a priority."

"Your tendency to care too much and believe others is what landed you in Hell in the first place."

"How was I supposed to know that Lucifer was going to cause this much trouble for everyone? He had his moments where I thought he was crazy but I didn't think he was that crazy until I got caught in the crossfire and confusion and ended up being damned to Hell until God thought I learned my lesson." Allocen pouted cutely his dangerous aura diminishing. " I got played by someone that was supposed to be my brother."

Na'eemah patted his head " But that's why you need to actually do what you were assigned to do instead of running off all the time."

Allocen grimaced " I'm not running off all the time, I just seem to always find a reason to avoid an annoying task for the day. I think of it as Jehovah looking out for me even while I'm receiving punishment."

Na'eemah chuckled and leaned over draping her arms over his shoulders. She pecked his cheek and gave him a beautiful smile. Allocen couldn't help but return her grin.

" I don't have much information for you today. I don't think that Amara girl has been in Hell for a while. I heard she has a lot of contact with the mortals so that could have something to do with why it's been so quiet lately."

He let out a sigh as he thought further.

"Or Beelzebub and Lucifer are both planning something and are trying to be secretive. I'm starting to think that the Yoruba girl actually isn't instigating anything but just happens to be around when bad things happen. According to another duke, she's quite vengeful and sneaks into Hell just so she could torture those involved in the slave trade or massacres and the like. Do you think we could have been wrong and he's right?"

Na'eemah shrugged "She's crazy from what I heard. It's possible that instead of giving punishment to those in her underworld she chooses to torture those in Hell since that's what they are there for. Look at you sounding concerned about not misjudging people."

Allocen laughed " I am a good being I just don't live in what is considered the good place."

Na'eemah raised a brow, " You may not live in a good place but you have me, I can be your good place."

Suddenly she was engulfed in his embrace. He kissed her softly and Na'eemah smiled into the kiss his beard always tickled her chin. She bit on his bottom lip and deepened the kiss. For her, he would have all the time in the world.

Na'eemah pulled away momentarily and made a cute face. " I'll only let you stay distracted for a short while and then you must go back and finish what you were doing before I called you."

Allocen nodded, her trying to seem imposing was always adorable to him.

" As you wish." He promised.

Na'eemah leaned down and captured his lips once more and tugged at his top pulling it over his head as she trailed her kisses down his body...

Hi It's been a while.

I hope to upload a little more frequently.

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CallmeMOMcreators' thoughts