
Son of Aengus and Caer

"Pauvre garçon qui pense au pays," A beautiful masculine voice sang out.

Na'eemah kept walking past the humans. She wondered whose voice was so lovely. She felt as though he could join the singers in her pantheon. Whatever God he believed in, they had surely blessed him.

" Chèvrefeuille que tu es loin."

Na'eemah paused. His voice seemed so drown out all the noise around her.

"Pauvre garçon que l'amour oublie." His voice seemed to penetrate her thoughts and immediately all she could think of was getting to him as the voice got louder in her head. She turned and found herself in a sprint to find him. His voice was deep in tone but seemed so airy that it was so pure in sound. It had an allure that she had never encountered before.

"Et je voudrais que ce soit toi ma belle, qui m'enterre de tes propres mains."

Her feet stopped. She slowly took a few steps backwards and was face to face with a large wall of bush and vine. Without thinking she pulled at vines and pushed away bush and climbed into the thick of it. Along with the voice was some kind of string instrument and it didn't take away from the man's voice it only enhanced it. Na'eemah paid no mind to the fact that she had climbed into a bush wall that was just a few inches off from her own height and now was about four feet in depth and the bushes and vines now seemed much taller. In fact Na'eemah was now pushing away low branches and tall leafy plants. The sky had gone from day to night and everything seemed to have such a lovely blue hue. She kept following the voice and stopped only when just beyond some tall leafy plants and bushes she saw a small pond and next to the pond stood a thick sturdy looking tree. At the base of the tree sitting leisurely was a man with an old lute instrument. The man himself was as beautiful as his song. His hair was long and the darkest shade of green she had ever seen and his skin was like a pearl in color and she could swear that the surrounding wood was reflecting off of his skin. His ears, from what she could see, while normal in size were pointed at the tip. His jawline was a piece of work all on it's own and a pair of full lips. His eyes were like topaz and full of sorrow as he sang. Na'eemah was fully enthralled by his voice and captivated by his face she didn't dare take another step.

"Pauvre garçon qui-" The man stopped abruptly and before Na'eemah could turn to run away and escape getting caught peeping, he had already stood before her.

His arms were crossed and his big sorrowful eyes were now in angry slits. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

Na'eemah fumbled with her speech "Well I- and then your voice- so running- and then tadah?" she finished weakly.

The man looked at her unamused "Take a deep breath then try that explanation again."

Na'eemah gulped. " I was walking and I heard you singing. I felt like following the sound so I did and then I ended up here. You looked really into your song that I felt if I went any further than the bushes I'd ruin your moment so I stayed back. I truly didn't mean to startle you into being so angry."

The man pursed his lips before saying " I wasn't startled into anything. The thing is, you shouldn't have been able to hear me much less enter my domain."

Na'eemah looked at him confused. "What do you mean by 'Enter. My. Domain...Oh...Haha...Wow.'" She said finally looking around and realizing where she stood.

The man stood there unamused at her wonder. " Right. Who sent you?" He asked

Na'eemah looked at him offended " Nobody sent me here. I just followed your singing. I didn't realize where I ended up. Where is this? Are you a faery? Warlock? Woodland creature?" She could feel his power was magnificent but she wasn't sure just what he was. She looked at him with wide eyes.

His eyes were narrowed so much he was practically squinting at her. "What is your name?"

Na'eemah smiled. " I may be in your territory but I don't know whose territory I'm in. How could I tell you my name before figuring out if you're friend or foe?" She asked

The man paused. " I am Dathúil son of Aengus and Caer." He said slowly.

Na'eemah smirked and stuck out her hand. "Na'eemah, daughter of Kebechet."

It was Dathúils' turn to smirk. He stuck out his hand and held the womans hand in his own for only a moment before letting go. "No one knew Kebechet had a daughter. I thought she wasn't allowed to have any lovers."

Na'eemah coughed in embarrassment. "Ah. Well apparently my father was so handsome and kind my mother couldn't help but go against the rules just one time everyday for about a year."

Dathúil blinked and shifted his gaze. The tale of her parents ended abruptly he could assume easily how the story ended. " Your father... In the end, he died didn't he?"

Na'eemah looked away and hugged herself. "The pharaoh believed that Anubis would curse the lands because the first servant of Anubis' daughter decided it was a good idea to serve the goddess by sleeping with her. So the pharaoh had him killed."

Dathúil tilted his head as he looked back at the pretty demi-goddess " But if he's dead and is in the Land of Two Fields, wouldn't he be reunited with your mother?" He felt as though the story should have been longer then after a second thought. Even if he died and ended up in the land of the dead Kebechet also resided there so they'd still be able to be together.

Na'eemah gave him an awkward smile. " As a goddess of purification my grandfather thought it would be important for her to also be kept pure of body. After his mortal death, his soul was eradicated. My father died twice for loving my mother."

Dathúil didn't gasp in shock nor did his eyes widen. He simply nodded his head. It was understandable. The Gods' no matter how kind they were to mortals or to each other nearly all had a side to them that was ruthless and uncaring. It was hard to stay naive and sweet. Those that were all about peace and kindness for all were often ignored during debates and conversations because it was in no one's nature besides maybe the mother goddesses to have such unyielding love and compassion.

"I didn't know that you parents had another son." Na'eemah said after a moment of silence. She wanted to talk about something other than she came to be. " I thought they only had Diarmuid."

Dathúil sighed " Well yes, they did, but then he went off and died. After that my parents decided that while having their foster grandchildren was wonderful and all, they should actively try to have a child of their own blood. And thus, yours truly was born. Of course no one really cares besides my aunt who keep trying to kill my mother, but that's a story for another time." He said with a playful smile.

Na'eemah leaned against a tree. " So I've decided, you are not a foe."

Dathúil smirked and leaned in close to the shorter woman " I've decided you could be more than a friend."

Na'eemah fought off a smile. And lightly pushed him away. " Help me find my way back?" She asked walking in any direction. Dathúil nodded and then put his hands on her shoulders and turned her body in the opposite direction of which she was walking. "First off, let's make sure we are walking in the right direction." He then removed his hands and walked off in front of her, leading her out of his lands. Na'eemah quickly followed after him.

"Hey, wait. Where is this?" She asked

" This is still the park, just not the park of the mortal realm. Typically mortals and mythicals alike are not able to just waltz into my realm of course you already know this. We can't just cross into the realms of other Gods just willy nilly." Dathúil still had phantom pains from when he tried to forcefully enter Mt. Olympus when he was chasing the skirts of a lower tier demi goddess. The girl then mocked and laughed at him for going after her. Bloody evil that girl was.

" Then how was I able to get in here?" the Egyptian demigoddess pondered aloud.

"Funny, I seem to remember asking you that very question."

Na'eemah chuckled " Well it's a good thing it did. I have some questions for you."

Dathúilslowed his pace and looked at the woman.

"There have been strange things happening on the mortal realm, people in power that really shouldn't be there, threats of war in places where peace was ruling and even outbreaks of possession."

Dathúil scrunched up his face. " I've heard, my father said that love is harder to produce these days. He's blaming Satan and Beelzebub as well as some gods of discord and mayhem I don't remember their names though. "

"Could you find out for me?" She asked. The tall wall bushes and vines she had climbed through was becoming more clear.

Dathúil nodded " Of course I can. Come back tomorrow when the moon is high. I'll have more information. If you are planning on trying to hunt them down for causing mayhem amongst the humans, let me know. I will help. I can also let the Tuatha Dé Danann know. We have plenty of Gods itching for a fight."

They were finally in front of the wall and Na'eemah turned to him. " Thank you Dathúil. If it's only a few Gods then we can can justify our claims to the council since it seems like it might be inter-pantheon issues. We reported the issues with know idea who could be behind it and apparently the Heavenly Father doesn't like it when we just accuse Satan of things."

" Maybe because everyone always says that it's the Devil when they see something bad."

"Hmph. Well it's not our fault that our evil Gods aren't considered as real as him or his Devil thus the only being humans can blame bad things on is the Devil. Do you think our more evil gods are going to own up to it if they can just get Satan to take the fall?"

"This is true. Damn they have no sense of accountability."

"I suppose it's not in their nature."

The conversation ended and they both just stood there in front of the wall. The tall woman looked a bit shy and the taller man looked a bit nervous. Na'eemah coughed " Um. Well, I should get going. I'll meet you in the park tomorrow night. If you sing your song I can follow it to where you are."

Dathúil gave her a toothy smile. " It's a date."

Na'eemah began climbing through the bush "It is not a date Dathúil." she said with a laugh that still tinkled in the air around him. Dathúil nodded his smile still in place and put his hands at the back of his head.

"It's totally a date." He said to himself giddily as he walked back to the pond.