
0005 On Your Own

When she was done having her way with him and Allocen had exerted all of her energy, she cuddled up beside him.

" I met a young God today he's the son of Aengus and Caer. Apparently, this trouble has extended quite far in terms of Pantheons. He said he's going to question his father further and get back to me tomorrow."

Allocen nodded. " They had a son of their own? Well figures, they are part of the reason swan rides are so popular. Well, anyways that is good. I only know what is going on in my own realm. Even then, since none of us trust each other, my information is limited. Keep going out and speaking to more people. Travel into the woodlands don't they have faeries and all that here? Ask the bloodsuckers too."

"You know some Gods suck blood too."

Allocen rolled his eyes "Just go to some of the places vampires like to visit they might know something."

Na'eemah pouted, " But why the vampires, there are so many other creatures."

"Na'eemah-" Allocen started to lecture her.

"Uggghhhhh. Fine, I'll go. When they kick me out and just dismiss me, don't tell me I didn't try."

" You make it seem like they are some elite club that shuns outsiders. They aren't a bunch of prep school mean girls."

Na'eemah gave him a look and he coughed " Well, on second thought." He trailed off. They both chuckled and then with a heavy sigh Allocen stood up. Na'eemah stretched out a hand and Allocen tugged on her hand to pull her up and out of the bed. They cleaned themselves from the remnants of their earlier activities and then dressed. Na'eemah pecked his lips and Allocen sent a wink over his shoulder before disappearing from her sight. She stared at the empty spot for a moment before turning and crawling into her bed. She grabbed a book she had sitting on her side table and began reading until eventually, she fell asleep.

The next day Na'eemah was itching with anticipation to meet with Dathuil. She was a flurry of movement surprising her attendants as she opted for a shower instead of her usual bath and even took an apple meant as an offering for her mothers' temple. Na'eemah quickly dressed in her usual temple robes and then teleported to the temple. Right before she opened the doors to the altar room A soft voice filtered through her ears.

" You seem to be in quite the rush."

Na'eemah turned her head to see who had spoken and was met with the face of one of the high priestesses, Rania. She stood across from Na'eemah at the front of the entrance. She had a pretty face and thick eyebrows, she was shorter than Na'eemah and had fewer curves.

" I am indeed in a rush. I have an appointment later on today."

Rania lifted a brow and gave her a condescending look. " Is that what you're calling your time with that demon?"

Na'eemah scoffed. " He is still a child of his God and he's not going to be in Hell for much longer."

Rania tilted her head and gave Na'eemah a pitying look. " Do you really think he's going to return to the light after being in the dark for so long?"

"And what about us? We are part of an underworld realm as well." Na'eemah challenged.

" We aren't the same. Our underworlds are different. We don't even deal with the afterlife in the same manner. We have no mercy in allowing a soul to continue after living so poorly or committing a huge sin against our Gods."

Na'eemah clenched her fists silently.

"Na'eemah you've allowed that demon to chase after you for so long even though you know he won't be accepted. His hell allows torture of the soul, and there are as many wars there as there are in heaven itself. Do you think Kebechet would let you keep your station if you decided to actually mate with him? He does no good and kills under the guise of being a misunderstood fallen angel. Would you truly choose him over us and your lineage?"

There was a pregnant pause and then with a disappointed look, Rania entered the altar room. Na'eemah let out a heavy sigh and followed after her. They went through their usual rituals and then Kebechet made her appearance as she had promised.

"Does anyone have any news for me today?" She asked in her typical slow-speaking manner.

"I do," Rania said with confidence and Kebechet motioned for her to continue speaking.

" Everything that the Highest Priestess told you yesterday was for the most part wrong," Rania said seriously. "While the underworld of Hell does have a part to play in this, in no way possible does the Goddess Olokun nor her daughter the Goddess Amara, have a part to play in the evil deeds being conducted on humans."

"And how do you know this?" Na'eemah asked

"Because I asked around about that specific thing. Olokun wants nothing to do with their Devil."

"What about Amara? She's still running around in Hell." Na'eemah was quick to point out.

Rania huffed " Yes and do you know why?"

"Because she's trying to start an uprising and encouraging Beelzebub." Na'eemah scoffed.

"No. That is just your own belief of what she's doing because granted, no one just willingly waltzes into Hell." Rania turned back to Kebechet.

" She's actually there to gather information from the beings there herself and does so under the guise that we've basically given her. Apparently, Lucifer himself has heard the rumor that she wishes to take him into her bed in her mothers' place and now has switched tactics and is pursuing her. Now she's gathering intel as well as trying to hide from Lucifer in a way that doesn't make it seem that she's actively avoiding him but rather giving chase."

"Where are you even getting this from?" Na'eemah asked.

Rania didn't turn to face her but continued to look at her Goddess. " I've gained this information from a high priestess from the city of Nice, that worships under Oloku. I found her by asking the ocean to lead me to a follower of Olokun. I've already been stationed in Nice for months, but I had never run into this woman. It was in the dead of the night and they were having some ritual going on at the beach, in the water. I waited until they were done and finished cleaning to make my approach. They were more than willing to tell me what they know and clear the name of their Goddess and Amara. Surprisingly they didn't know Amara was Olokuns' daughter by birth so I didn't explain any further. I'm sure Olokun has her reasons for letting others think Amara isn't hers by blood. I got my answers from a credible source and from priestesses who are also working hard to bring an end to the madness in their own way. The humans are becoming restless and governments are using the fear of the sudden onsets of terror, to wage war against other countries and even change how their own governments are run."

Kebechet pursed her full lips and then gave her daughter a judging side-eye before turning to face her and giving her a full scolding glare. " Do you see now, what I meant by going out and doing your own work Na'eemah? You just relied on that demon you love so much and he gave you false information."

Na'eemah gave her mother a hard look. " You are just choosing to believe her because what she is telling you coincides with what you want to believe. I spoke to a god of the Tuatha Dé Danann yesterday afternoon and he said they've also noticed the things we have and that his father Aengus, said that it's been harder for him to spread love and that it's not only the doing of Lucifer but other dark Gods as well. He said he couldn't remember the names but would go back and speak to his father. We're even supposed to meet tonight. I'm also planning to ask where there might be any fae so I can ask what they've heard, maybe even the Vampires."

Kebechet tilted her head slightly " Ah well, maybe not the vampires. I wouldn't mind if you sent Devilmaycry out to do that one. But fine, everything else sounds good. By doing your own work you are hearing everything for yourself and that's what is important."

The goddess looked around and asked if there were any more reports. There weren't many it was all just reiterations of what they already knew but from different mystical beings. With a sigh and slight nod she looked around the room. " Keep at it. I don't expect you all to find all the information and then tackle things head-on yourself. But the information you give me is shared amongst us in this realm. Even if the information is the same for some of us, every tidbit counts because there could have been something extra that was said to one of you but not to another priestess out there. Okay, that is all you all can go back, except for Na'eemah. You come with me."

Na'eemah bit the inside of her cheek anxiously as she quickly followed after her mother behind the statue and then disappeared into her mothers' space.

The interior of the room was made with pink limestone and the hieroglyphics were painted in gold. There was a massive window that allowed you to see the outside. In her part of the underworld, all that was seen was a sky full of purple and pink clouds and the air looked as if one was underwater. There, the sand stretched as far as her eye could see, and a few palm trees were scattered throughout. It was breathtaking. In front of the window was a large desk with a scroll and a book on top, next to it was an overstuffed stool chair. Far off to the right stood a small seating area a chaise lounge chair was placed in front of three large and golden chairs. The seats were leather and there were colorful pillows mainly in hues of blue on the seats.

As soon as they arrived Kebechet's attendants arrived with two goblets of wine and plenty of fruit. Kebechet took her glass and then gracefully walked over to the chaise and lounged upon it before motioning for Na'eemah to follow. Na'eemah followed her mother and took her own glass of wine before sitting in the chair directly opposite her. Kebechet took a big gulp of her wine and then stared at her daughter silently. Na'eemah sat there nervous as to what she was going to say. Would she say she was a bad high priestess? Would she be lectured again on her relationship with Allocen? Did her grandfather find out? Was he angry?

"I do not want you to end up like me," Kebechet said finally.

Na'eemah did not expect that.

"What do you mean?"

Kebechet gave her a sad smile " I've told you since we reunited that we give no mercy to the dead. We may not torture but we are also swift. Sometimes too swift and too ignorant. Let me tell you more clearly, the story about your father and me."

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