
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Hiker and the Hero part 2

This Hiker was calm as he was fighting Angelica. As he caught her sword with one hand he pushed her back as if an adult was pushing a child. He calmly stepped forward and as he did so his presence grew. Angelica could feel it, the Hiker was growing stronger with every step he made towards her. Why did you come here? Wasn't your goal supposed to be traveling the world and beyond? What could you possibly want here? Angelica shouted a barrage of questions to which the Hiker replied I'm here because I've never been here. My goal is to travel to places I've never been to. While I tried to be peaceful about it however your guards wouldn't let me in. So I had to try a more forceful approach. Angelica couldn't believe that the Hiker was rejected for no reason, if he was rejected then Angelica assumed it was because her brother saw more danger letting this man in, or he couldn't see the danger around this man at all, but in that case the guards shouldn't have stopped him. As Angelica was processing all of this information, the Hiker suddenly said My turn. The Hiker suddenly started moving faster his right fist immediately appeared in front of Angelica's face. She quickly dodged it by a gairs breadth, only to encounter his left fist punching her gut to knock all the air out of her. But Angelica wasn't done yet As she was getting hit her sword swung fast enough to cut the Hiker in front of her, however she had cut nothing. As Angelica stumbled back the Hiker had swiftly disengaged after landing his blow and to avoid the sword. Not bad the Hiker commented. But you have not yet matured, so you don't pose a threat to me as you may have guessed. Angelica understood what the Hiker was saying. The Hiker outclassed her in strenght and speed, and she could tell, he was still hiding some of his strenght. As the Hiker was about to make his next strike, out of nowhere there surroundings changed. They were in a large room. Took you long enough Angelica said. Out of the corner of the room a young boy walked out. Sorry sis, the kid said. It took a minute to prepare things. The Hiker noticed he had been trapped, but instead of being panicked he looked pleased. Finally another place to visit. The Hiker spoke as if this was what he was he was waiting for. Angelica and her brothers wish were simple ones. Angelica wished for the strength to be able to protect her brother since their parents had passed away. She didn't know she could wish for her parents back, but she wanted to be able to help her brother. Her brothers wish was to be a powerful wizard. He was too young at the time to understand exactly what was going on so he made a simple wish a lot of kids would make. The Hiker did notice one thing when he was teleported. Angelica felt much more powerful. The Hiker could tell Angelica's wish was in full effect. Since Angelica's wish was for the strength to protect her brother, she was naturally stronger around him. About a 1000 times more powerful and faster than out In the city. Not to mention her brother was actively using his magic to buff Angelica and make her even stronger and faster than she should be. Go now sis. The young boy shouts.

As he did Angelica immediately appeared next to the Hiker her sword already in an arc to cut off his head.