
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Ian and the Daikon Hunters

After heading to the castle I learned asked Ian why a couple of guys tried to steal Nova and such. From what he told me was that they were daikon collectors. Some daikons sold for some really good prices, and there was a market for daikon pets and parts. Ian told me it's been going on for years and that while he's personally stopped a few it keeps happening. He also explained to me that these people usually get daikons through hunting them outside and smuggling them through the city. The reason he has to stop them is because te daikon hunters usually aim for child daikons because they are easier to tame, but the problem with child daikon is they almost always have parents. The parent daikon will usually attack the city leading to him creating a barrier and his sister fighting the monster. "Sorry about the trouble even though I usually put a stop to these things, people keep popping up from generation to generation." Ian told me. As we kept talking more about event that God created. Apparently people called it the wishing. Everyone that was affected at the time will get there wishes, but then there world is just massively changed. Despite people getting wishes some still died and there were other races besides humans that made different types of wishes too. I was able to get a lot of background information on what was happening that I realized something. "Didn't you say the wishes happened to your world a 100 years ago?" I asked Ian. "Yeah I was there and so was my sister." He replied casually.It took a moment for me to process." So you're saying you and your sister are over a hundred years old?" I asked him. A thought entered my mind, does getting wishes makes you young and live longer, maybe even immortal. Ian seemed to read my mind and he told me. "Don't get your hopes up, unless your wish was specifically something about living a long time or something similar lifespans remain unchanged." As I gave him a questioning look he continued. " My exact wish was to be a powerful archmage for All time. All time." He repeated the last part with an emphasis. So Ian was likely immortal. "What about your sister?" As I ask him about Angelica he simply says he doesn't know her wish as she wouldn't tell Ian. I decided to change the subject as it seemed he didn't want to continue about his family much more. "So to get back on topic, since you said child daikon attract their parents, we could see Nova's mother attacking us?"

"No we do have some documents on daikon and it seems his kind doesn't have strong familial bonds, but we could be mistaken on his species so I can't say for sure, after all we have thousands of different worlds, we don't know how many similar species there are." As I tried to continue the conversation Ian cut me off and asked me to talk to Nova to learn more, because this whole time we've been speaking Nova has been chewing on a turkey leg, and he just finished and was eyeing Ian's chair. "Alright I get it you I'll leave you alone, as I took Nova with me out of the room, he had grabbed a pillow and started chewing on that even eating it to."Wait before you go here's this" Ian handed me a small object it looked similar to a phone, but it had a hole in the center."This is a communicator for you." Ian explained "It runs on magic, wishes, your cultivation, or any power system you might have." As I gave him a questioning stare he looked at me straight back. "It's so we can keep in touch you do plan on leaving right." I don't know how he figured it out, but I could tell he did some research on me."

"How'd you know?" I asked him. "What you've been looking at today were all supplies of someone looking to leave." Ian continued

"and yes I could've stopped that attack, but I wanted to see what you could do." All I did was look at him wondering why he said all this. "Your not worried I'll get mad?" As I Sked him he handed me a piece of paper. "Take it, this will let you get all the supplies you need, your compensation." As I took the paper I slowly left watching him. The paper in my right hand and holding Nova I'm my left.

Lixians Pov

As soon as he left my whole body started to feel better. He may not have noticed, but i was in cold sweats the whole time. My sister came in through the door right after he left. Angelica was guarding the door, but her second task was to kill him if he Ever hurt me."Should I have dispatched him?" Angelica asks me. "No he's too strong." My sister tilted her head as if not understanding, so I had to explain more. "I started aging rapidly around him, my wish keeps me young, but he stopped my wish." I could barely use the magic I learned through my magic to keep myself young. Angelica was confused."But when I'm around him I don't age , he should've had me aging to, or I should at least feel the loss of my strength."

"Maybe it's because he likes you, I don't know. I do know you can't take someone on who can disable wishes. Even those we sent to test him, had their asses handed to them. Don't make him an enemy sis. I don't know anything about him, but there's a reason my foresight spell showed him being the possible downfall of our city." My sister looked at me as she always did full of questions. She then wrapped her arms around me."Look I don't understand your magic or even these wishes very well. But just know you can rely on me." with those words my sister took her arms off me and left . I was just layed down on the couch in the room. "I'm so tired of this."