
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


As I started getting ready I asked Nova if he needed anything. "No not really just some food and I'm good. I could really use some more of those pillows from yesterday." He replied very casually as if the attempted kidnapping didn't even bother him. "Are you taking any of this seriously. You ask me to help you find your mom and your treating it like nothing, you almost got kidnapped yesterday."

"Sorry about that but my teeth have been hurting so much I can't think of anything else." After apologizing he started chewing on the desk in our room at the inn. I think he must be teething or something similar for his species. As I laid back on my bed I thought of what species was Nova. "Hey Nova do you know what kind of creature you are?" He stopped chewing the desk a moment to reply "I don't know the names you humans give us, but I think in my mom's stories we are known as deeem."


"Deeemisomthing I don't remember the full thing."

"Alright do you know anything that might stand out about your cave?"

"no I never really had to pay too much attention. Although there were monsters, my mom fed me." As I started to get ready to ask him more I decided we could continue this conversation on the road. In my research the other day I was able to figure out no caves were around here. I was also able to get a map to the next closest city. As I was continuing my preparations, Nova was doing nothing, but chewing on all the furniture in the room. I made a mental note to leave a couple of gold coins for the damages. As we left the inn and made our way out of the city in a carriage. I was able to get a good deal thanks to Ian and as we started on our journey I was left thinking. Why am I going so far for Nova

Girls Pov

After being thoroughly overwhelmed by the Hiker the girl escaped the castle. She escaped through a different exit than the one she came in. She went for the shortest exit out of the castle and city. She had been defeated twice in one day. This was unthinkable, while she may not win she never thought she'd run in fear of somebody or ever feel powerless. She had to take a different approach. I need to train she thought to herself. While her slaves were getting stronger she realized she herself was the weakest link. She decided to seal her wish for now. She had royal training from her time as a princess, but now she needed to get more strength. A royal should never be weak. As she was focusing on her future goals she saw a strange man landed in front of her. The man had one leg and it was crippled, but the rest of his body was ripped. The man slowly got up."My name is Lin" He said.