
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

God's travels

As God set out into the new world that he created. He was instantly met with Lin. After Lin rudely insulted him again. God threw him out like the last time. This time however God placed a curse, Lin would immediately need to use the restroom after every fight. God figured it was a light enough curse, and that it might teach Lin to have more respect next time. As he kept walking he saw a decided to have a meal. Using his powers he created meat, water and cooking supplies out of thin air, along with making a fire. As he started to cook the meat, he felt a presence nearby. God didn't mind it as long as they weren't going to attack him, or insult him. God kept cooking his meal while being watched by the shadows around him. After God had finished cooking and eating the meal he left the supplies as he began walking again. This time the presence in the shadows couldn't be felt as God walked away from his makeshift campsite. As God was walking way he was able to see at the campsite that the shadows that were watching him were just kids coming to raid his leftovers and cooking supplies. God decided to do the kids a favor. He gave them all another wish, that they could use when they were in danger. God felt like that this would be a simple gift that might help those kids one day.

Kids POV.

There were 3 kids a Thin boy named Jake, a bigger kid that was a bit more rounded named Colton, and a small girl named Samantha.

We just scored a big hit, that old man didn't even take a second look at the stuff he left behind said Jake.

Hey we should still be careful he might come back for this stuff, replied Samantha.

Don't be ridiculous if he really cared about this stuff he wouldn't be leaving it in the middle of nowhere Colton said.

We should still be careful, even though the stuff he left behind will last us a week without having to work(steal). He might have left something behind here so we should grab it quick and go Samantha said back a little more agitated than she normally would.

Alright Alright Jake said. Colton let's get this packed up so we can sell the supplies, we can cook the leftover meat on our own later, but we should get back to the hideout.

Yes sir replied Colton not looking the least bit worried as he started picking the supplies up. As they left Jake thought of that the old man looked pretty similar to the God that gave him a wish a long time ago.

As God kept traveling all of a sudden the forest in front of him changed. The earth stood up with all the trees on its back. This was a forest golem not just any golem, but one that that claimed to be the forest god. The forest god spoke, "none shall pass the my domain." God looked at the golem and said, what a shame you might have lived if you hadn't appeared before me. The forest god looked confused, but as it was about to react. The body of the forest god started to shake and rumble. The body collapsed, and all of the power inside left in a little ball of light. I do not permit the worship or title of false gods. God said His tone dark and filled with a power that not even time could reach. The ancient forest god, which had lived for a many millennia, could do nothing in the face of the True God. You may have escaped my detection for a long time, but you made one mistake appearing before me. As God spoke his power swelled to a different extent. Release your stolen nature back to the earth and may your existence be forgotten. As God said these words the power contained by the forest god returned to the earth and his existence gone only remembered by God.