
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The girl 2

As the girl had gotten away from the unsettling guy that she couldn't capture. She decided to try summoning her slaves.She couldn't do it earlier, but she can summon as many as she had made slaves. As a member of royalty from her homeworld of Ashtur. She considered it her birthright to rule over all. The problem was she couldn't fight the other guy earlier. When she started fighting him, that guy had instantly changed as if he was expecting the attack anyway. She now had her slaves summoned in front of her were the 4 slaves from earlier. They all had electrical burns on them and several broken ribs, but otherwise they seemed fine.

What happened riktor she asked the archer from the earlier fight.

We were all defeated as you've probably guessed, but I can say that we were fortunate that he let us get off easy.

How did he fight after I left?

He simply used his lightning to fry all of us and then he left, as if it was just another regular day. Needless to say, but I couldn't use my wish to empower my arrows at all. It's been a long time since I relied on just the strength of my arrows.

The girl started to think she looked around and realized they were in a desert and that they didn't really have a place to go. She started to summon another slave. besides the 3 men in front if her another slave appeared this time a girl. Lina the girl that was summoned asked. What can I do for you madam?

I want you to use your wish to find us a way out of the desert, and a place where u can find more slaves as you know I was just defeated, so I'm going to need more subjects before the next time I find that guy.

Right away madam Lina responds. However do you know that guys name we might need it next time we run into him, since you're sharing your memories with us we can see alot, however we can get any information from you about that fight. It's as if that fight never happened so we don't have a face to go off of. Dammit the girl responds. she never asked for his name cause she thought he'd either be enslaved or dead. She introduced herself as a courtesy, but she never needed to get his name first. This time it backfired on her. "Whatever" the girl said as she sighed. While a lot of her slaves, those that she hadn't summoned were still out there, she didn't want to summon them yet because it took alot longer to unsummon them to summon them, and she didn't want more of her slaves eating at her rations, when she could just summon them in battle anyways. Lead the way Lina. The girl respond while thinking about what happened. She had lost, for the first time In a long time she lost. While she was trained as royalty by the best mages and swordmasters, to be able to fight with the most powerful of spells and bladework, to be able to defeat any foe. Even when she was gathering slaves she had defeated them all in single combat. But she always knew that one day there would be an obstacle in front of her. That man was the obstacle now. She realized she can't let this go, she has to make him either submit, or die. She then thought about it, why didn't she have the same thoughts when she met God. She realized it was because she could instinctively realize that was a God, a being she couldn't comprehend. As the girl and her group wander off in the desert, she wondered if she would meet many more people like that guy.