
a perfect story

Is there a perfect story? One that can leave you fulfilled. One where everything works with or without tropes?

David_Frederickson · Fantasy
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25 Chs


I kinda wanted to stay in the city, but I already told Nova I'd help him find his mom. I geuss I can always come back here. The only thing I can really think of that would be a downside would be not being able to see Angelica, but it's not like we had anything going on anyway. As far as I could tell I liker her, but she showed no signs of interest in me. I also couldn't really pursue a relationship when I was already helping Nova. He was being strangely quiet lately so I woke him up and asked him when he wants to leave. "Hey Nova when do you think we should leave this city?" Right after I asked him he went into a rage. "What the hell did you do to me? I couldn't talk for the rest of the day after you saw that girl again. I get it you like her, but that's no reason to keep my mouth closed like a pet!!!" He ranted on for several minutes about how I was neglecting him and not even worrying about his feelings. I was surprised by his outburst, but I couldn't deny I wanted him quiet. Even I understood that him being quiet was related to me. I understand several things about God's gift. The first is that I will automatically be protecting myself. Whenever danger strikes me my body will respond even if I'm not aware of it. The second thing is I can reproduce the abilities of those I fight. Lins lightning was something I naturally mastered after one fight with him. The third is if I "want" something I get it. I didn't understand the principle, but if I was hungry a food I'm craving will show up. If I want to levitate I can. I actually tried it as we were being toured. I want to heal someone I could. The one thing I couldn't do is make people think what I want. I couldn't make Angelica like me. She was polite, but even i know that doesn't mean she sees me romantically. I think it has to do with God giving free will to people. Either way as I got done tuning Nova out. I asked him a question. "Since you want me to help you find your mom, do you have any idea where she could be, or information like how you guys hot separated?" Nova was surprised by my question interrupting him, but he responded" Uh no actually I just woke up one day and i wasn't in my cave, my mom nowhere in sight." As I looked at him I realized it was going to be a long day.