
A New Wolf in Twilight

Dying, gaining a few wishes and reincarnating into a world where an Underworld of Vampires pretty much rules the world, watch as Alexander becomes something who makes the Supernatural world know that a single being can become a threat to everything. ( I don't own the cover photo I'm currently using. If the original owner wants me to take it down, then I will. )

CalmBerserker · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Interruptions and Questions

The rest of the day at the beach was astoundingly fun but I'm unsure whether it was because more people came with bikes or whether it was because I had Leah hanging onto me, joyfully screaming whenever I made an extra sharp turn.

Maybe a bit of both?

Anyway, Jacob continued to sulk throughout the rest of the day out, only really coming out of it when Bella turned up. She kept away from me, but I could sense that she didn't want to - she probably wanted to continue questioning me but avoided it as to avoid another anger episode with me.

Jacob and Bella walked off further down the beach, presumably to have their conversation about the legends of his tribe and how the Cullens were referred to as Cold-Ones or whatever.

Right now, I was sitting on the beach and drinking some water with Leah. We just sat in silence, enjoying the company of the other. At some point, Leah had leaned her head against my shoulder and I leaned my head on the top of hers. It was incredibly intimate and overwhelmingly relaxing.

If I didn't have things to discuss with Leah, I'd have probably fallen asleep in this slice of silent perfection.

"Hey Leah," I called out quietly, not wanting to ruin the nice atmosphere we had going on.

"Mhm?" she hummed sweetly but also absentmindedly, like she was too busy looking out at sea or something.

Chuckling at her surprising airhead-like qualities, I nudged her with my shoulder, "Shouldn't we discuss when we're going out for dinner? Unless you've thought of something else you want," playfully teasing her, I could practically hear her smile as she scoffed at me before poking me in the ribs.

"As if I'd give up the chance to have a free meal, biker boy~" she teased back, calling me by her new endearment for me, "But I'd rather discuss it later...I wanna relax for now..." she seemed a bit stiff when she said this so I knew she was lying and it clicked in my head as an urge to tease Leah grew in my head.

"You couldn't by any chance want to discuss it later so you have a reason to meet me, now would you, Leah?" my voice came out much smoother and more confident than I was actually feeling, as flirting with Leah made me feel unnaturally nervous.

Stuttering and nearly choking on the water she'd gone to drink while I was speaking, Leah replied rapidly, "N-no, I, I just want to relax right n-now. Leave discussing that until l-later, okay, Alex?" her voice went into an embarrassed whisper towards the end and I knew I had her as she turned her head away from my shoulder.

"Oh? Is that so, Ms. Clearwater? What if I said I'd still meet you tonight even if we discussed the details for dinner right now?" I said in a nonchalant matter like it didn't matter to me despite how much it weirdly did.

At what I said, Leah froze up before turning her head back to me slowly, her brown eyes filled with a cheery hopeful look that she thought she'd hidden well but was as clear as day to me. Especially when I could hear her heartbeat speed up and see the small, but happy, smile on her face.

"I'd say that I'm very happy you want to hang out with me twice in one day," she half-closed her eyes and looked up at me with a wide smile which was only made more beautiful when she licked her lips, giving them a sheen which made the color of the lips shine and make them more enticing.

She looked between my eyes and my lips and moved her head a bit closer to my neck, her hot breath scorching but also exciting me as I leaned down a bit closer to her head, feeling my pulse go through the roof.

Smiling back down at her, I whispered in a surprisingly hoarse voice, "I want to hang out with you, even more, to be honest with you, Leah."

Not knowing what came over me and why I said that I still lowered my head and I knew my destination: Leah's lips. Her lips. On my lips.

Leah's breathing picked up the pace and was short and shallow, sounding like the quiet panting of an animal. Her face blushed up and she closed her eyes as she brought her head up towards mine.

Just as I was about to hit Leah's wonderful and delicious-looking lips...

"Alex?" a quiet, almost whisper-like voice was heard behind me and knocked me out of my earlier illusions, my snapping toward the speaker.

Seeing my sister's pale skin and brown hair, I let out a sigh of relief for some reason, before smiling at her, "Yes, Bella?"

Hearing me and then looking more in detail at mine and Leah's closeness, my sister went wide-eyed before stepping back a bit and stuttering, "A-ah, well, I was heading back home now and I, I w-wondered if you wanted a lift back," she pointed her thumb behind her at her truck, before putting her hands down at her sides stiffly and awkwardly smiling at me, "But I can see that you're busy...so, I'll be going."

She went to walk off but to my surprise, Leah spoke up, "Yeah...I'm probably gonna go as well," I looked down at her in surprise, noting her unusually red-tinted skin, "I need to go do some homework."

Both of us stood up and I motioned for Bella to wait for me. Looking over at Leah who refused to meet my eyes, I just gently smiled before pulling her into a hug.

She yelped but I could feel her nuzzling her head against my chest, so I knew she wasn't against the hug which warmed my insides.

What a peculiar feeling.

"See you later tonight, Leah," with this I laid a kiss on her head before I let her go and she shakily back away, her knees seemingly weak, before she quickly nodded in agreement to what I said before breaking out in a jog before sprinting away. She didn't use all her speed, she just wanted to get a more remote place before shifting into her wolf form. Presumably, anyway.

Now I was just standing here next to Bella.

"Sooo...you and Leah?" Bella said uneasily before laughing a little, "I did not expect that" hearing what she said, I looked at her and squinted my eyes in confusion at her.

"What do you mean by that?" I was genuinely curious and that seemed to only spur on Bella's laughter.

Finally, Bella came to a stop before answering me, "I don't know, I just thought you and Edward's sister would become a thing. You two are always talking in history, apparently, and I see you two walking around the hallways together chatting like you've known one another for years," she let out a happy sigh, "I guess I was wrong or that my little brother is playboy," she smirked before laughing again at my slightly grim expression.

Hearing the last bits of what she said, I scoffed, "Oh yeah? You're one to talk, you and Edward do the same thing. Don't think I don't see you two walking around with that rosy atmosphere between the two of you," I teased back, an 'evil' grin on my face.

Bella's expression went flustered before it went sullen, "Yeah, but at least Edythe isn't constantly changing her mood of you like Edward does to me..." she trailed off before looking up at me with an odd look, "Hey, Alex?"

"Yeah?" I looked at her with slight trepidation, knowing she was about to ask me something I could properly answer yet.

"Why did you call Edward a leech?" her force was unusually forceful as she stepped closer to me, "And why did you tell me to touch his skin? What do you know, Alex?" her curiosity got the better of her as she placed a hand on my arm, at least showing the effort that she'd try to stop me if I tried to escape her questioning.

Sighing and rolling my eyes, "I don't know what I'm supposed to tell you, Bella - I was angry. The 'leech' comment was just a dig at him. The comment about touching his skin...well, that was just a clue. You have to figure the rest out, okay?" trying my best to dance around the subject, I took Bella's hand from my arm, doing my best to avoid hurting her hand as I pried it off of me.

But this wasn't a good answer in Bella's book.

"No! No it's not okay, Alex!" she grabbed my hand and ran around to stand in front of me, "You know something and you're not telling me," her voice went quiet before she looked at me with desperate eyes, "Please, Alex, I just want answers," her voice was so delicate and fragile I felt the thought of telling her come to me but I quickly squashed it as I shook my head at her.

"No, Bella, I won't tell you. It's not my secret to tell, and you can easily find out the answers if you really think about it - you're a clever girl, just use your head," I picked her up and moved her out of my way before looking at her, "I know Jake just told you about some of the Quileute Tribe's legends, right? Search them up."

With that, I just walked past her and waved goodbye to Jacob before sitting in Bella truck, waiting for her to drive us home.

She soon came and sit down, and started the truck up before driving us home.

The drive was in silence as any attempt at conversation from my end was met by questions, so I just kept my mouth shut and put my earbuds in.

I'd take music over incessant interrogation any day.

. . .

Feeling the morning sun radiate in through my windows, I let out a mighty yawn before getting up and doing some stretching.

If any normal person were to come in, they'd have been shocked by the weird positions I was shifting myself into. It was like a mixture between calisthenics and yoga and the benefits it had for my body and it's flexibility and overall coordination - especially with the help of the energy flushing through my system which improved my body rapidly - were incredible.

Coming to the end of the stretching/calisthenics/yoga session, I sat at my desk before loading up my computer and leaning back while thinking about how excited I was for dinner later tonight with Leah.

We'd discussed when we were gonna meet up last night and both of us agreed on meeting in Port Angeles tonight at this Italian place we both knew and liked.

The rest of the night was me working out while she stayed and watched, while we talked, or us having a friendly game of tag which soon devolved into a game of play wrestling. At times it got pretty...hot and bothered, but nothing happened, as if Leah was holding herself back or something. I didn't ask her about it, knowing she'd tell me if it were important.

I'd let her take her time - I wasn't going anywhere, after all.

Around 11 pm I called it a night and I said goodnight to Leah who returned the goodbye before flashing off in her wolf form.

It seemed more like the book version of the wolf as it seemed kind of small but it was a beautiful grayish silver wolf and the sight of her running was wonderfully amazing. Like the purest part of nature put into such a simple action.

Anyway, I was looking up the number for the restaurant on the internet at the minute as I was about to book a table for two.

Finally getting the number, I flicked open my phone before dialing the number and pressing the call button.

While I waited for the call to connect, I looked at myself in the mirror noticing a bit of a change.

I was another inch taller and my shoulders were wider, while my muscles had an extra bit of definition to them that made them look like muscles carved from stone or molded from metal. My body wasn't overly bulky, however, and looked more like a gymnast or a swimmer's body: lean and powerfully muscular, with definition, rather than big bulging muscles which looked closer to fat than muscle.

I was definitely more muscular and bigger than Edward and Jasper but I was much leaner than Emmett. That's how I'd describe it.

Knocking me out of my stupor I heard a voice on the other side of the phone and I got about booking a table.

While doing so, I remembered I'd have to call Edythe soon to sort of my lessons. I couldn't wait to learn the piano. Especially from Edythe.

Shaking my head, I concentrated, feeling a bit like a playboy for booking dinner with one girl while thinking about sorting out a lesson with another.

Finishing with the phone call, I threw my phone onto my bed while ruffling my hair up while knocking my head with my fists.

What's happening with me? Am I just a greedy prick in this life?

Sighing, I headed to the bathroom for a shower before I got ready for school.