
A New Wolf in Twilight

Dying, gaining a few wishes and reincarnating into a world where an Underworld of Vampires pretty much rules the world, watch as Alexander becomes something who makes the Supernatural world know that a single being can become a threat to everything. ( I don't own the cover photo I'm currently using. If the original owner wants me to take it down, then I will. )

CalmBerserker · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

A Day at The Beach

The rest of school had gone by pretty quickly, History being the only lesson where I had even an ounce of fun - and that was obviously because of Edythe who relished in her ability to speak about history from her perspective.

It was wonderful to hear an actual perspective from someone around the time of the events I was learning about.

Anyway, right now I was getting changed into some casual, comfy clothes as I prepared myself for the bike riding with Jacob. I knew Bella was also going to La Push beach but I'd figured I'd give her some space, for now, my earlier stunt probably still fresh in her mind, and I didn't want to make it worse.

I was currently slipping into some running shoes, which were plain white and definitely worn out from use. Looking up at the mirror in my room, I saw myself in a black hoodie with some matching black sweatpants - I looked pretty casual in this get-up and it did its job of hiding my robust body.

Why was I hiding that? Because I didn't want any questions from Jacob. A growth-spurt was something he could probably accept. But putting on dozens of pounds of muscle in a week? No chance he's buying that.

Putting in some earbuds, I put on some upbeat music before I head out. I'd already done half of the errands my dad had given me - I'd washed his car, cleaned the house, taken out the trash, done any dishes next to the sink, and racked the lawn for leaves. All within ten or so minutes. Being a supernatural wolf person had its benefits when it came to household chores, I guess.

Knowing I had more stuff to do once I got home, I just groaned.

You'll be getting food with a childhood friend of yours, so put up with it, Alex.

Thinking this, I was off onto the street and running toward the beach where I'd be meeting Jacob. Sprinting had become a favored past-time for me, the feeling of my feet hitting the ground and the wind blasting my face had become a calming experience that only got better the stronger I became aka the faster I could run the more fun running became.

The road and pavement were pretty wet - as per usual with Forks - but my superb balance made it so I didn't even stumble let alone fall over or slip which was appreciated. If Bella were to run through this, she'd probably end up falling and breaking some...

Smiling despite what happened earlier in the woods, I picked up my speed slightly, wanting to get to the beach quicker.

. . .

Letting out a big breath before sucking one right back in, I smelt the salty sea air and felt as if it cleared my lungs up like it usually did but my animal-like sense of smell only made the feeling even better like I was being purified.

I felt a hand coming at me, but knowing who it was, I let it land on my shoulder, before turning to the owner of the hand.

"Jake, how'd I get here before you, huh? You live pretty near to here," I smirked, seeing my confused best friend. Seeming to agree with what I said, Jacob just looked between me and the truck he'd come over in.

"I...I don't know," he absentmindedly spoke before thinking of something perking up, "Did you get Bella to drop you off early or something? Is she still here?" he looked around like a puppy and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy as I shook my head at what he said.

"Nope. I ran over here. Bella ain't here, buddy," I slapped his shoulder before pointing at the bikes, "Shouldn't we get the bikes down to the beach so we do some riding?"

Brought out of his thinking by what I said, Jacob just nodded while I walked over to his truck and picked one of the bikes off the truck and 'strained' to get it off and onto the floor. Even then, Jacob looked at me with wide-eyes.

"Dude, have you been working out or something? These bikes way a lot," he walked over to the truck and pulled the back down and pulled it out, turning it into a ramp, "I even attached the ramp to the back. See?" he rolled his bike down the ramp and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I'm just excited for the riding and couldn't wait to get the bike off the truck," I nonchalantly said, picking up a helmet from the back of the truck and slipped it on.

Jacob wasn't doing anything at the moment and just stood there, looking at me weirdly.

"Alex, have you had a growth spurt or something? You look taller and wider than you did a week ago. Like, a noticeable amount taller and wider," Jacob furrowed his eyebrows while looking at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders while speaking, "Probably, yeah. I am 16, after all, Jake. We do grow a lot at this age," my voice came out muffled but an uncertain hum of agreement from Jacob told me that he heard me.

Not waiting for any more questions, I started the bike and it roared to life, before I took off, kicking up a storm of sand behind me as I blasted off. Pulling the handlebars I did a wheelie before I balanced my weight forward slightly and kept the trick going much longer than I ever could before. I didn't have supernatural-based Balance before though, did I?

Once I got close to the sea, I let the front wheel fall forward before banking hard to the left, skidding and catching a bit of a wave that flowed up onto the beach. My enhanced senses made the bike ride a hundred times more exciting than it had ever been before.

Jacob and I would always come to this beach to test out the bikes and see if they handled well, before taking them to the woods and messing about there with them. Our line of thought was that if we could control them on the sandy beaches, we could control them in the solid woodlands. Though we stayed away from riding anywhere too densely packed with trees.

That'd be us pretty much asking for trouble.

But right now, I felt like I could easily control the bike through a dense forest. My enhanced strength and reflexes allowed for me to control the bike with ease, moving it at the right time and when I needed it to move, while my balance and heightened kinesthesia allowed me to keep my bodyweight spread in such a manner that the bike was always steady - there was no risk of me or the bike getting thrown off into a death roll of some kind, no matter how extreme the turn I made was.

I sped around the beach, keeping the bike as fast as I possibly could and while I knew I'd eventually be able to run much faster than the fastest speed on this bike, it was still a fun hobby. Kinda like how Parkour is more fun than sprinting. It's just more things to think about so it ends up being more fun when you're good at it.

Finally, I came to a stop and took my helmet off before slowly riding over the truck where, as always, there was a cooler in the back of Jacobs truck.

Opening up the cooler, I grabbed a soda before cracking it open and quickly draining it.

Ahh~ Sugar~

Jacob quickly pulled up next to me before practically tearing his helmet off and looking at me incredulously.

"What the hell happened to you over the past week, dude!? You were riding like an actual professional out there...You been holding back on me or something, Alex?" his face was morphed into a smile as he looked at me as if I had to spill every secret I had.

Shrugging, I went to answer but a surprised voice called out a dozen or so meters from us.

"ALEX!" a loud, let melodic voice pretty much screamed out before I heard someone running toward us. Looking toward the source of the voice, I saw Leah but when I did...well, words just escaped me.

She was only wearing a tank-top and some short shorts which barely covered her thick, athletic thighs. Her slim, yet feminine, figure shot towards us and I heard Jacob sigh in frustration and I looked at him like he was crazy - a hot girl comes running at you with barely any clothing and you get frustrated?! I'm shocked and surprised you class yourself as a straight man, Jacob.

From the lack of, a-ahem, bouncing in a certain region, I could tell she was wearing a sports bra or something similar but it didn't take away from her assets effect on me as I could still tell they were definitely big and definitely brilliant.

Her face was lit up and filled with a happy light that made her copper skin look like it was dazzling.

She was such a beautiful girl.

Thinking this, it caused me to once again look at Jacob with utter confusion - How come he never fell for Leah? No offense to my sister but Leah is a definite pick for Jacob, especially after Bella got with Edward in the series.

But weirdly enough, I was kinda glad Jacob didn't like Leah in this universe either. Guess my teenage hormones are messing with me, huh?

Anyway, it didn't take Leah too long to get over to us and before either Jacob or I could say anything, Leah threw herself into my embrace and hugged me tightly. On reflex, I hugged her back and she snuggled in further.

Ignoring the weird look Jacob was giving me, I just concentrated on not popping a boner.

...What? There's an exceedingly hot girl hugging me with extremely thin clothes on, I'm a hormonal teenager, and I have an enhanced sense of touch - what did you think was gonna happen? I'll have you know that I have a very active 'little' brother, thank you very much. Especially after I started the phasing.

Anyway! I tapped Leah's back and she pulled back, but kept her hands on my shoulders, giving them a slight squeeze. Not that I minded.

"I didn't think you'd be down here today. I'd have come down earlier if I knew," she looked down at the bike I was on before raising her eyebrows and looking back up at me, "So you're also like Jake over there; obsessed with bikes?"

Raising my hands, I smiled charmingly at her, "Guilty as charged, officer," winking at her, I smirked as I carried on, "But I know of something a bit more fun," laughing, it took a a second or two for Leah to catch on and start laughing cheerily with me - I was talking about running at a supernatural speed. Something me and Leah had done.

Jacob, obviously confused, coughed, bringing my attention to him, "What are you talking about, Alex? I'm not sure if you've done anything more fun than this yet," he scoffed and I realized he'd caught the wrong end of the stick. Him being the slight idiot he was, thought I was talking about sex or something.

But knowing this could be more fun, I shared a look with Leah who also realized Jacob had come to misunderstanding, and we both smiled at one another.

"Ah, something you haven't done yet, Jacob," I laughed before carrying on, "And I assure you, I have done it, and it's more fun than this," Leah broke into laughter at this point, doubling over and resting a hand on my leg for support. I joined her and started laughing as well.

Before Jacob could get a word in, Leah spoke in between laughter, "And with your attitude, I bet it won't be happening anytime soon either, Jacob," Leah teased, knowing that I would play along. However, Jacob just scowled before looking at Leah with a glare.

"Why don't you go bug someone else, Leah?" he motioned between the two of us on the bikes before carrying on, "We're trying to hang out, and as you can see, there are only two bikes," he smiled but it felt inherently hostile and I had to wonder - what was Jacob's problem with Leah?

Figuring I'd find out some day in the future, I furrowed my brows at him, "Hold up, Jake. She's my friend, even if she isn't yours, so please have a bit of respect, okay? Plus, I could have her ride around with me on my bike," I looked him in the eyes, squinting my own, "That should be fine, right?" I put emphasis on the 'right' and Jacob just rolled his eyes and scoffed before riding off.

Looking over at Leah who had a flustered and blushing face, I apologetically smiled at her, "Sorry about that, Leah. I genuinely don't have a clue what his problem is--!" before I could finish, a peck on my cheek stopped me from speaking, freezing me up.

A very flustered Leah looked up at me, biting one of her lips, "Thanks for that, Alex..." her shy appearance right now made my brain feel like it had been fried - the contrast between her shy actions and her athletic, amazon princess-looking body was simply divine. The way she looked up at me with her brown doe-eyes really had my heart beating and if it went for the sound of Jake's bike revving in my ear, I'd have simply sat there frozen.

"Ah...Oh! Wow," freaking out as my senses came back to me, I composed myself with a cough before looking at the known smiling Leah, who was obviously enjoying my flustered behavior, "I mean, it wasn't that big a deal, right? I was sticking up for a friend...yeah, I was just doing what friends do for one another, Leah," I nervously laughed, "There was no need to...to, ya know, repay me that graciously," I brought my hand up to the back of my hand and scratched away in embarrassment, hoping to scratch my brain back into working order.

Chuckling huskily, Leah looked up at me with slightly squinted eyes, "You helped me deal with a guy who's been excluding me from everything I've ever tried to do, that he's done as well - so it was a big deal to me," she hugged me again, seemingly trying to push her head into my chest, "So, I'll reward you however I see fit, Alex."

Before I could reply she separated from me before hopping on the back of my bike and grabbing my helmet from me and putting it on. It seemed a bit loose but it'd do seeing as it didn't wobble at all really.

Throwing her arms around my waist and squeezing tight, bring herself right up behind me and pressing her body against me, she whispered up into my ears, my hearing being able to pick it up through the helmet.

"Hurry up and take me for a ride, biker boy~" her whisper sounded oddly hot and I didn't wait for her to ask twice and we shot off.

I knew it was the hormones telling me to do it, and maybe even my instincts, but I knew I had to show off to her, so I went as fast as I could. Even if it was to get her to hold on to me just a little bit tighter or to breath a bit quicker in excitement.

I wonder what this girl was making me feel?