
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Demon Slime vs Dragonoid

After freeing Veldora, I learned what he has been doing all this time in my stomach. Turns out he was enjoying life in there a bit too much. As he engrossed himself in 'Sacred Texts'. Or to put it simply, Manga. He was engrossed in manga this entire time. As well as the only game him and Ifrit were playing was Shogi. So much so that Veldora won I believe over 150 times, I believe he had to have cheated in some of those but its whatever.

Exiting the cave I saw a beautiful sunset, with the old man to my right.

"Ahh! Feeling the suns rays after so long, feels amazing."

"Also, do you mind cutting back on that Aura of yours? I don't want my people getting hurt now. Like compact it please."

"Oh, you mean like that."

"Like wha-"


Veldora began to imitate a certain 'Saiyan raised on earth' as I saw his hair flare up like he was going 'Super Saiyan'. This idiot is really copying manga techniques. But surprising his power up seemed more like a power down as his energy was getting smaller and smaller.

"Well, that does it. Good job brother."

"Kuhahaha! Thank you, the sacred texts have solutions to many problems!"

'He really did try something from Dragon Ball.'

As much as I wanted to confront him about that, I decided to not focus on it and we both headed down to town. And there was everyone in one place, I don't know why. But Kiyoko and Benimaru both ran up to me.

"Lord Rimuru, thank god your safe!"Kiyoko yelled as well as hugged me.

"Calm down. Did something happen?" I asked confused as to what they were on edge about.

"We sensed the presence of the storm dragon. We figured he returned." Benimaru answered.

"Well he did." I nonchalantly answered.

"Huh." The look of surprise on Benimarus face was hilarious.

"I have someone to introduce Tempest to. This man here is my sworn brother, Veldora Tempest." I said hitting his chest.

"Well said Rimuru! Kuhahaha!"

Everyone did not appear to believe it. Well until Treyni appeared and knelt in front of Veldora.

"Lord Veldora, it is great to see you have returned."

"Oh, a dryad. If I remember your name is Treyni."

"Ara, it makes me glad you remembered my name Veldora-sama."

"Of course. Kuhahaha!"

Seeing how Treyni was kneeling before Veldora and addressing him as such, everyone has come to the realization that this was indeed the storm dragon.

"Well lets not make to big of a deal out of this, wheres Milim? I would like to begin our fight." I guess she heard me because she instantly bolted to the very front, smiling wide with stars in her eyes.

"We will be taking this high in the sky alright."

"Ok!" Milim flew up in the sky fast as hell and all excited. Of course I flew right up behind her, right after telling Veldora I will fight him later as well. Which caused a smirk to appear on his face as well.

Once high enough, we stopped going up any further. From there we just looked at each other. The fight was merely on the horizon.

"Are you ready Milim?"

"Of course bestie!"

Before starting I enhanced myself using [Demon King Physique]. I may be lacking compared to her in base stats but this just might make up for the difference.

"Here I come Rimuru!"

In an instant she disappeared, or thats what the naked eye would see. Me however, I was able to follow her perfectly.

She threw a punch for my face, but I caught it. Sending intense shockwaves all over, powerful enough to destroy mountains easily. I sent a punch to her abdomen in retaliation and she went flying back, There was nothing for her to crash into, so she was going back until she caught herself. Which she did relatively easily.

In that moment we were both speeding all over the place. Everything else except her slowed down from my perspective, and I wasn't even using [Thought Acceleration].

Punches were being thrown left and right. Shockwaves after shockwave. It truly was an impressive battle, so far this is best fight I have ever had. Neither of us were getting hit by the others punches, each fist thrown simply connected with the opposing fist. Until Milim backed up. She began to concentrate large amounts of energy in her hands. I wanted to see what it was so I did nothing.

"[Drago Buster]!" She released the energy at once and what came fourth was multiple beams of energy I did not recognize. [Magic Domination] failed to work, and [Gluttony] would fail just as bad in front of this attack, but I have one more trick to cancel this out.

"[Destroy]" I used my eyes of destruction and to my surprise it worked on canceling and destroying Milims attack. She looked surprised as well but that expression was changed by one of pure excitement.

It was at that moment I saw her begin to glow a purplr hue as armor started to form around her body. What was left after was an astonishing transformation. She was now wearing a dark purple armor set with decently large pair of wings from her back. But now she had one large red horn coming from her forehead.

"Wahahaha! This is the first fight in a while to get me like this, Thank you Rimuru!" She said energetically. With that drastic transformation, I thought she was going to be more berserk or violent but it looks like my worries were unfounded.

'Raphael, is she going all out yet?'

{If my analysis is correct, she is only using slightly more power than earlier}

'Well thats just great. Do you have any solutions that may cause damage?'

{Master can use the subskills of [Anos, Lord of Destruction] and myself to create different kinds of magic to attempt to have an affect}

'Okay, sounds go-.' Before I could finish my thought, Milim already bypassed by senses and uppercutted me, sending me even higher in the sky. I managed to catch myself, just as she made it to me and kicked me in the chest going back to the ground.

If I didn't catch myself there, the impact could have leveled Tempest. She sped down not giving me time to recover, and threw punch after punch forcing me onto defense.

'Raphael are you done with making some magic!?'

{Of course.}


I kept dodging and redirecting her attacks until I could find the opening I needed to back up. Once found I took my chance to get away.

'Okay, lets see what Raphael created.'

"[Demonic Piercer]"

Once used I noticed a multitude of pure black portals open up behind me, they numbered in the 100s. And all at once that fired a completely black beam at Milim, but the surprising thing is they followed her while she was avoiding them. Not breaking off of its designated target.

She turned around ready to take on my attack, I thought it would have an effect on her but...

She destroyed them effortlessly. No matter how many I fired at her, she retaliated by destroying all the beams with a single punch. If I keep using this now I'll just be wasting energy.

"Wahahaha! Rimuru why did you stop?" You know exactly why I stopped.

"That was no use, how were you destroying them so casually?"

"Hm? Like you Rimuru, I have a subskill that is similar to your attack that canceled out [Drago-Nova]. Except I can coat it around my body."

I saw it, after saying that I saw her body glow a mix of light blue and purple. I guess that is what she coated herself with.

"Alright! Lets continue Rimu-" Before she could finish I managed to catch her off guard and kick her to the ground. Luckily our fight went a from being over Tempest, so the damage wasn't bad for us but still bad for the forest.

Not letting this go by I used [Explosion] from my [Eyes of Destruction] on her, it caused extensive damage to the forest. Trees getting destroyed as well as making a deeper and deeper crater. She hasn't moved so I guess she was pinned do-.

{Notice: Attack headed in masters direction}

I heard Raphael warn me, but it came to late. I received multiple attacks, in the form of punches each one felt immensely painful, as if my very soul was being destroyed. Next thing I knew I was on the ground writhing in pain. Milim descended down with a worried and apologetic look on her face.

"Rimuru! Rimuru are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, just hurts is all." She heaved a heavy sigh upon hearing this as if a huge burden was just lifted off her shoulders.

"What was that attack you used on me?" I asked curious. She could have ended me in an instant with that attack just from sheer pain alone. She appeared hesitant to say it though.

"It was a subskill to my Ultimate Skill, it allows me to connect my attacks such as punches to do spiritual damage, doubling the pain with each attack. I thought I went overboard when I saw your state." She awkwardly scratched her head, while letting out small chuckles as if to tame the mood or something. Well it's my loss anyways I may be stronger now but I still cant win against her.

"Well I lost. So lets head back now I need to hear Benimarus report."

"Report?" She tilted her head to what I said.

"Yeah. What happened while I was asleep. Do you know what happened?" Her mood instantly went back to nervous after this. Did she do something?

"Milim?" I pressured her further, by showing a not-so-friendly smile and ever so slightly leaning closer to her. She began to sweat even more. One more push and I have one.

"Fine. If you don't want to tell me, no more honey or sweets from me for a week." All sweat evaporated from her face as if it was never there as she started flailing her arms every which way in a panic.


She started spilling the beans about what happened while I was out. Firstly a beastman by the name of Phobio with a party of other beastmen appeared in Tempest and began to cause a ruckus. Apparently they wanted us to become subordinates to this Demon Lord Carrion and submit to him, what a load of bs. I just became a demon lord, as if I was just gonna submit to another one. Milim seemed to sense my mood change and began to speak.

"Don't worry Rimuru! I know Carrion and as you are now he stands no chance against you." Well this seemed to brighten my mood a bit. Well anyways Milim carried on with the retelling.

Supposably, Rigurd was in the crowd and he was the person Phobio was speaking to. Rigurd was assuming this guy was just making an unfunny joke. Unfortunately he voiced this aloud, and this guy didn't take that lightly. He punched Rigurd in the face, it wasn't strong enough to take his head off but enough to burn off half his face. Milim was nearby and saw this go down. I guess since I am her bestie she took this as an insult towards me. So what does she do? She punches this guy out for what he did! But I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed. It was another demon lords subordinate, and I don't want problems with one. But on the other hand she did defend both Rigurd and I so I am happy for that. Well whatever, if this leads to more problems then I will choose how to feel after that.

"Is that all, Milim?"

"Yes! But after this Benimaru guy dealt with him." I shuddered at this information. Benimaru is kinda a hothead, please tell me he didn't kill him.

"Milim, Benimaru didn't kill him did he?" I asked worriedly.

"No, he let him go but warned him. That's all." Phew! If I had a heart I would have been having a heart attack right now. Before we head back, I need to notify Benimaru that there is no longer a need for the report.

(Benimaru, there is no longer the need for the report. Milim has already told me.)

(I see. Lord Rimuru? Souei, Sakame and I were planning on getting together if you want to join us.)

'Hoh! A guys night out? Don't mind if I do'

(Yeah, I'll join. But I have something to do first.)

(No problem. I'll notify you went we get to it.) After this I cut the [Thought Communication].

"Well then, Milim lets head back. For telling me what happened I'll give you some treats." She brightened up when she heard what I said. We began to fly back to Tempest and once we returned we landed down at the water fountain. Since I promised her I'll give her some right now. I took 2 jars of honey out of my stomach and gave it to her as she jumped around in happiness just like a child.

"Go talk to Shuna about more treats, alright? I have some business to do right now." Hearing what I said she nodded and started running off everywhere looking for Shuna. Taking a break, I sat down on the edge of the fountain and got to business.

'Raphael, are we able to upgrade any of my current skills?'

{It's is possible. But knowing what skill you may get out of it is not possible.}

'Is that so? Well am I able to replicate any of my subskills?'

{Yes, what subskill does master wish to replicate?}

This question filled my head with thought. I want to do something with [Gluttony], but even so I don't know what would improve it.

'Can I replicate the [Source] subskill from [Anos, Lord of Destruction]? If so replicate that.'

{Yes. Replication of Subskill [Source].... Successful. What would master like to integrate it into?}

'Firstly, what exactly does [Source] do?' I asked. If I wanted to upgrade [Gluttony] with this then I would need something that would improve it for the better instead of no changes.

{The subskill [Source] allows master to revive himself even if his soul is destroyed. To put it simpler, it can be described as a type of soul manipulation on yourself.} Soul Manipulation huh?

'Is it possible to combine that with another subskill if I replicate another subskill?'

{That method is applicable. What subskill do you have in mind?}

'I would like to replicate [Law Manipulation] and integrate it with [Source].' Law Manipulation should let me interfere with the very laws of this world. If I am capable would that let me interfere with the laws surrounding souls.

{Acknowledged. Beginning replication of [Law Manipulation]... Replication successful.

Integrating subskill [Law Manipulation] with subskill [Source]... Integration successful.

The result from integration is the Unique Skill [Soul Snatch].

Unique Skill [Soul Snatch]. To take the souls of those weaker than the user. Whether the target is struck with fear or opposes the user does not matter in the face of this skill.}

Hoh! Something interesting really came from this. That may prove to be useful but whatever, it's going into [Gluttony] anyways.

'Okay, Raphael integrate [Soul Snatch] with [Gluttony].' Lets pray something good results from this.

{Acknowledged. Beginning integration of Unique Skill [Soul Snatch] into Unique Skill [Gluttony]..... Successful.

The result from integration is the Ultimate Skill [Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony]}

(A/N: Yes, Merciless is suppose to go into Gluttony to make this. But I have other plans for merciless.)

'Ha....Ha...Hahahahaha! I was correct to take all of these precautions! And it resulted in an Ultimate Skill named after a demon. Thank you god if there is one!'

'Well then Raphael, What are the subskills of [Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony]?"

'[Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony] subskills are as follows

-Predation - Absorbs the target into the user's body. The chance of success is lowered if the target has a consciousness of any kind.

-Stomach - Stores the predated target. It can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in the user's stomach are unaffected by time. Its space is roughly 10x that of Gluttony's.

-Mimicry - Allows Rimuru to reproduce the form and Skills of absorbed targets. Only available once the target has been fully Analyzed.

-Isolation - Stores harmful effects that are incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magicules.

-Rot - Inflicts "Rot" on the target, decomposing it if it is organic. Monster corpses partially absorbed in this manner will reward the user with part of the monster's skills. This effect is imbued into Predation.

-Soul Consume - The ability to seize the souls of anyone begging for their lives, seeking help from the user, retreating, or running away. Once the condition is met, the soul can be seized at any time afterward, from virtually any distance instantly. The user can be informed about any malicious thoughts by the target immediately. The souls of the recently killed can also be seized.

-Food Chain - Derived from "Receive" and "Provide". An ability that allows the user's subordinates to provide their strength to increase their own. They may also divert some of their strength down to them. "Food Chain" also grants access to the skills of those connected to the user.

That is all, Master.}

'Haha! I really did it. Well it was mostly Raphael, after all she does integrate all my skills. I should be more thankful.' As I was finishing up my inner monologue, I noticed something unusual. I saw three familiar faces along with one unfamiliar one. It was the idiot trio and someone else. They were at one of the food stalls ordering.

"Oi, what are you three doing back? And who is this guy?"

"Ahhh! Rimuru-san, we came back to show for business." Said Eren a.k.a idiot one.

"That is correct the guildmaster, Fuze wished to know more about this place and you." Said Kabal a.k.a idiot two.

"But currently you see, we got caught up in the delicious smelling food." Said Gido a.k.a idiot three.

"How come I wasn't aware of this?"

"Huh? Didn't Benimaru tell you?" So it appears Milim didn't tell me everything she probably could not be bothered with things like this. Well I can't fully blame her.

"I assume Benimaru handled your welcoming?"

"That is correct Demon Lord Rimuru. From the hospitality of your people I was able to determine that had to be due to your influence. So I deemed you a non hostile existence." There was one thing that caught me off guard in what this Fuze guy said.

"You know I am a Demon Lord?"

"I am sure that the whole world knows. I was terrified to be honest when I heard it but these three kept trying to assure me. But there was also another group of people who came here with us."

"Really? Who were they?"

"From what their leader Youm said they were a group of mercenaries sent out to investigate an orc lord."

"Where are they now?"

"Last I saw they were training with an old looking ogre." Well nothing I can do for those poor souls now. But wait why are they training with Hakarou?

"Why are they training exactly?"

"From what went down in the meeting room, it seemed that Benimaru guy gave him an offer about taking the place as the person who slayed the orc lord." Oh! Thank you Beni. You did thing like how I would have! I have to shower that Oni with praise until he is annoyed of me.

"Did he now. Well he is just doing things as I told him. I have great subordinates you see!" I said as I stuck my chest out while wearing a proud smile.