
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Birth of the Fifth True Dragon

Charybdis is still attached to Phobios body, If I ended up separating it completely it would flee from here to find another host, thus reviving itself. But with my set of skills, I should be able to prevent just that.

By using the Raphael to seperate Charybdis from Phobio and using [Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony] in order to absorb it thus prevent it from fleeing this place.

It may have taken a while if it was still my unique skills but with these two it made my job a hell of a lot easier. Then Milim who was sitting to my right asked a question.

"How'd it go?"

"Fortunately, it was a success." Thus with this completed, I pulled a full potion out of my stomach and threw it on the unconscious beastman. Who now was not so unconscious. Everyone raised the guard or pointed their weapons at him.

"Ugh..... what... happened?"

"Do you have any memory of what you did?" I asked him. This is my first time meeting him, so I need to put on a threatening face due to his idiocy.

"Who are you?" He questioned, still with his hand grabbing his head.

"I am Rimuru Tempest. The king of the country you attacked." Upon hearing my words, the beastman got on his hands and knees and bowed with his head touching the floor.

"I am so sorry! I know these words cannot make up for all I have done but please don't take my actions are Lord Carrions!" Well that was quick. Instantly he assumed I would take action against his own lord.

"Charybdis seal was in an unknown location, I am having a hard time believing that you just stumbled upon it. How did you find it?" Treyni asked.

"Answer her."

"There were two masked majin who lead me there." When he said that, I believe I saw Benimaru flare up upon hearing that part.

"Masked Majin? Did they look like this?"The one who asked was Gabiru, as he bent down to the ground and drew a face. The face had a wide smile with one eye closed and the other open.

"Gabiru, who is that?" I asked.

"He said he was with lord Gelmud. He called himself Laplace and said he was apart of a group called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance."

"No thats not it. One was a resemblant to that of a child, her mask had a neutral expression with a teardrop under one eye. The second was a heavyset man with an angry expression. They claimed they were apart of a demon lords army." Phobio corrected Gabiru, as I saw another flare up from Benimaru.

{Notice: There is another individual observing what is happening.} Hoh! Someone is observing us.

'Who is it?'

{I estimate that it is Demon Lord Carrion.} Well his Demon Lord is watching us. Cant wait to meet this guy.

"Did these two specifically say their names?"

"Umm..... They said their names were Footman and Tear."

"Footman and Tear. We shall remember those names." Benimaru said.

"Right, brother." Shuna agreed with him.

"Milim do you know anything about them?"

"I don't know why your looking at me. They seem interesting so I would like to meet them one day." Milim denied my suspicions.

"So you know nothing about them?" I asked a final time.

"They might work with Clayman." Who the hell is this?

"Clayman?" I had asked.

"He's one of the newer Demon Lords. He is the scheming type so thats why I thought he might be behind it."

"Is this Clayman guy strong?" Hopefully he can be a good opponent if he is doing all of this.

"Nope. He is just about the weakest of us. Compared to you, you can beat him easy." Well there goes my hopes.

"Well we got all the info we needed, probably even more so you are free to go." I said as I began to turn around to my people.

"Wait..... your just going to let me go? After what I did?"

"Of course, you got a problem with it Milim?"

"Not at all, I was thinking about giving you one hell of a punch, but alas I am far to mature for that." She said. So that means she was thinking about it wasn't she?

"I'm not still mad at you so don't worry about it, were all good. Is that okay with you Demon Lord Carrion?" Almost everyone seemed confused on who Milim was calling out to. But when she called him out, he exited from the tree line. Demon Lord Carrion was a big and well built man with blonde hair and markings under his eyes.

"So you noticed me all along Milim?" Carrion said. His voice was pretty deep, if it was the old me I would feel he is pretty imposing.

"Of course!" She answered puffing out her nonexistent chest.

"Thank you for being so understanding and forgiving my foolish subordinates behavior." Demon Lord Carrion said as he walked up to me. But after finishing his sentence he appeared to be observing me.

"So your person who defeated the orc lord and gelmud and became the newest demon lord, am I right?" He questioned.

"Thats correct. You don't happen to want to avenge Gelmud, do you?" This question caused him to but on a slight confused expression, after which a small smirk crept across his face.

"Of course not. Now you get up."

"Yes sir!" Carrion had walked over to Phobio, I assumed to admonish him for his mistakes, but...


A loud sound rung out through the area. That sound was Phobios head coming into contact with the ground below us. There was blood everywhere.

"Once again I apologize for his misdeeds. I will also owe you a favor for sparing him. So name your price Rimuru." Hm? I think I have an interest in this guy. I guess having an alliance or something of sort would prove beneficial for us.

"How about a non-aggression pact between us?"

"Is that all? Very well I swear on the name Beastmaster Carrion that Eurazania will not bare its fangs towards you or your nation. With that I shall take my leave, I hope to see you again Rimuru." He proceeded to pick up Phobio, who was still profusely bleeding and began to leave. But I can't let him leave just yet.

"Wait a minute, Demon Lord Carrion. Everyone else please leave I have something private I wish to speak with him about." When I said that he turned around seemingly both curious and amused. My people were protesting to leaving my side but I had them leave anyways.

{No one else remains within the vicinity.} Okay, I guess right now it is only Milim, Veldora, Carrion and I.

"Anyways Demon Lord Carrion, your familiar with Clayman, correct?"

"Yeah, though he is an annoyance and suspicious member of the Demon Lords. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just wish for you to pass a message off to him for me." After saying so, I approached Carrion and whispered in his ear what I want him to tell Clayman. For a brief second, what seemed like a look of terror appeared on his face. After a fee seconds I backed away with my message secured.

"If you will, I ask you to please pass this message of to him. But whether you do or don't does not matter." I turned back to Veldora and Milim and they seemed a little bit scared as well, I guess they heard what I said. But was it really all that bad? Whatever anyways.

"Lets head back to town. But first Veldora, I would like to ask you a favor."

"Hm? Kuhahaha! Do tell and this great Storm Dragon will adhere to it!"

"I'll tell you when we get there." We started flying back to Tempest first, because I don't want Milim disturbing me. So after dropping her off and telling her to go grab food from Shuna, Veldora and I proceeded our trip back to a secluded area of the forest.

I ended up choosing an area roughly 400 meters away from Tempest, and upon reaching we finally landed to the ground.

"Alright Veldora, are you ready to hear the favor?"

"Of course! Ask and I will do whatever I can to help!" He seemed really enthusiastic about relying on him for something.

"Okay. Well the favor is for me to evolve into a True Dragon."


Nothing but pure silence enveloped the area. Veldoras expression was unreadable, I couldn't tell if he was suppose to be shocked, ecstatic or what.

"Ahem! How exactly would you go about doing that Rimuru? I would have no problem with it and would be glad if you became one of us. Also why do you want to?" He questioned me.

"The why is simple. It's because of the fight I had with Milim. Judging from the amount of strength Milim has, she is obviously at the upper echelons of strength in this world. My goal is power to protect my people. I don't know who we might face in the future, so strength is a must." He listened intently to what I had to say.

"And how I would go about it is like this. If I analyze you further than from when we were working on the breaking the [Unlimited Imprisonment], I believe I would be able to replicate a True Dragon Factor." Veldora seemed dumbstruck after hearing my explanation.

"You got this info from your partner didn't you?" Veldora asked me with a grin. I was obviously surprised to this.

"How did you know about her?"

"I am the great Storm Dragon, of course I knew!" He boasted.

"Tell me the truth."

"She was very threatening and showed herself to Ifrit and I." Veldora seemed to shudder at the thought.

'Well that was better. But anyways you showed yourself to him?'

{I did it to benefit master. I pushed him to gain an Ultimate Skill, so that he could be useful for master in the future.}

'Thats kinda... bad, I think. But it was for a good reason, so I guess I'll let it slide and say Thank You Partner.'

{Heh.} I think I heard her snicker after that.

'Did you snicker?'

{It was your imagination.} Yeah I guess I'll just go with it.

"Well, Veldora are you willing to let me do this?"

"Of course my sworn brother! Anything for you to become one of us! Kuhahaha! But in the end I guess you'll be my actual brother."


I never thought about that. I heard about how his sisters tortured him, so I don't really think I want to be one of them. But i've already made up my mind for this. Gathering myself finally, I lifted my hand up and uttered a single word.


In a moments a massive black fissure completely enveloped Veldora, absorbing him into me to begin the analysis.

(Veldora, if you hear me the analysis will take roughly 1-2 hours to gather the info for me to evolve.)

(Kuhahaha! It is fine Rimuru, take your time little brother!)

(Little Brother?)

(Hm? After your evolution you will be the fifth true dragon. So that makes you my little brother.)

Damn. He's right about this, isn't he?

'Well, Raphael are you analyzing?'

{Correct, currently in the process of analysis, 2 percent completed.}

Well it really does seem it wont take that long. But I need to make sure this doesn't have any adverse effects on my surroundings. So I raised a barrier I made with the effects of [Beelzebub], it devours the magicules that try to escape and sucks in the outside magicules to empower the target I want on the inside.

"Alright, thats well and done. So now I play the waiting game." Upon saying such, I went to a nearby tree log to sit on and rest until the analysis is complete.


{Notice: Analysis of the individual Veldora Tempest is now complete. Would you like to replicate your own dragon factor based off of Veldora?}

Finally, I have been sitting here in silence for an hour. Is this how Veldora felt after being sealed for 300 years? Damn, I never really thought about how lonely that must have been. Anyways lets just answer the question.


{Confirmed: Commencing evolution into an (Ultimate Slime)}

The evolution began very quickly. Unlike with my demon lord evolution, I was unconscious however this time I maintained my consciousness. Making it so that know what happens with me during this time. I felt my magical energy increased a significant amount. It would be wrong to compare it as it is now to how it was before.

It felt massive to the point where the barrier didn't maintain its purpose for a spilt-second. So in that split second, a decent amount of my Haki escaped and could be sense. But I doubt anyone did that quickly.

But one more unexpected event happened.


I am naked.

Although there is nothing down there, no pole or hole it still felt rather embarrassing even with no-one around. So what did I do to fix this.

I used [Material Creation] of course.

I cant just go back to Tempest butt naked of course. So I created a new clothing for myself. It looked far better than to what I was previously wearing.

If I had to evaluate it, it appeared to be of the Mythical Class.


'Mythical Class!'

Since when could I create such high grade stuff?! How freaking strong am I now?! Damn, now I gotta fight both Milim and Veldora now.

{Would master like to hear a proposal?}

'Hm? Sure, what is it Raphael?'

{In order for master to gain more strength, a suitable set of skills to integrate with eachother would be [Beelzebub], [Veldora], and [Raphael]. Would you like to integrate?}

Huh? Did she say what I think she said? What would truly happen if I integrated those three? Sure I would gain more strength, but would I lose Raphael?

'What I lose access to you?' I asked hesitantly.

{That is incorrect, I would simply become a sub-skill to that of the newly acquired skill.}

'That is not what I meant. I only came this far thanks to you. Milim as well, but most of my strength has come because I had you by my side, as a partner. What I truly meant was would you be able to speak with me.'


It's as what I thought. I cant lose this skill. Sorry, I can't lose my partner. It wants to be of use to me so badly that it would willing sacrifice itself and say it was  only for master.

I cant accept that.

'Hey, Raphael?'

{Yes, Master?}

'I just realized I haven't given you a name. I think it's about time I should.'


'You have basically been by my side since I was born in this world after all. You were my day one and yet your the oldest person who has been with me and your the only one without a name.'


'Well then, how about "Ciel"?'


'Like I said earlier you have been by my side the longest as well as teaching me so much and strengthening me. So this is my thanks to you for all you have done. It may not be a great name, but just bear with it please.'

Short Third Person Perspective

At that moment, Ciel has just now experienced something a skill is unlikely to feel.


'Ahh. I am now in eternal bliss.'

That is what Ciel thought. At that time of evolution for Ciel, it shed its form as an Ultimate Skill. And from that skill a new being was born, and that was....

Manas: Ciel

{I, I am Ciel. A Manas, the unifier of Skills. I am with the 'soul' of Rimuru-sama (Master), and the one who provides support to my lord. Rimuru-sama, I look forward to working with you from here on.}

Third Person Perspective End:

Well that was dramatic. Another interesting development happened. It seems that with a name Raphael or I guess Ciel now has undergone an evolution as well.

{I once again ask master the same question: Would master like to intergrate [Raphael], [Beelzebub] and [Veldora] to create a new skill?}

'I thought I already gave that answer in the form of a name.'

{It is different now Rimuru-sama. Sacrificing Rapahel now does not matter as I will remain, since I was born from it.}

I think thats okay. I mean, if she doesn't go away with the integration i'm fine with it. Plus, I believe that means that [Raphael] is now not needed.

'I guess thats okay. You can begin the integration.'

{I shall proceed then.}

There was definitely something more there. More....


I honestly don't know. She no longer sounds even a little bit robotic. And she speaks more fluently. She grew more human like. And I have to say, so far I enjoy it.

{The integration has completed, Rimuru-sama. The resulting skill is [Azathoth, God of Void].}


That totally doesn't sound completely threatening. But "God", so far the skills I gained have been lord, but now god. How superior would it be to the lord skills or would there be no difference? I can think about that later though.

'Okay, now that this is done free Veldora from this [Imaginary Space].'


The next moment, another body was created right in front of me once more to which Veldora inhabited it again. And he instantly began shouting.

"Kuhahaha! Rimuru, my brother! Looks like your evolution was successful! Congrats little brother!"

He seemed really eager to call me "brother" after this. Probably excited about not being the youngest in his family any more.

"Well, we should head back now." I said to get this old mans mind off of my evolution.

"Oh yes! We should head back and celebrate on your successful evolution!" He boasted. But I guess a celebration could be nice, I mean we did defeat Charybdis and it would be bad to let all that megalodon meat go to waste.

"Probably, but don't get too excited!"

"No worries, dear brother."

Jeez, he still wont drop it.

(A/N: Little note. Ahem! From this point onwards I can begin making major changes. Such as new characters and new skills as well. Might add a Hajun or Featherine Skill, but who knows for sure🤗. Anyways little not from me, thats all and goodnight from me.)